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Everything posted by OnlyOne

  1. Unbelieveable, Villas Boas' Porto side have remained undefeated in Superliga. He's bound to win the Europa League as well. Everyone should be after him. Flores would be a good option for us. He has underachived in La Liga, but he has managed to win the Europa League and Super Cup. Let's be honest, I think we should aim for respectable silverware over top 4 and I reckon he'll be a good prospect for us in that department. He can adapt to different leagues well, so I doubt we'll struggle relegation under him.
  2. I wouldn't worry about Bob Bradley. We have much better options to choose from now. But I remember there were a few fans who were interested in him if it meant getting Michael Bradley. But he ends up here anyway.
  3. Major League asshole, though, and I think Randy prefers more cerebral, less abrasive personalities. That's why Fat Sam or Martin Jol won't get the job either. It'll be someone like Klinnsman or Rijkaard. Van Gaal would be quality. If what you say is true about Randy then I doubt Rafael Benitez would get the job as well.
  4. By your posts i get the impression you not really a fan of anything currently at Villa however.... I'm hoping that you do realise that people make mistakes? I think you'll struggle to find any club that has done things perfectly every time. Sometimes it pays off other times it doesn't, its realising your mistake and moving on which makes all the difference. It's not just a mistake. It's not just hiring Houllier although that's partly the reason. I mean when they hired Houllier, they said Premier League experience was required, but his been out of touch with it for 6 years. Why didn't they also ask him if he had a definite number 2 in place? That's just as important as hiring the manager. When more than 3 of his choices (he really should have had a definite choice) theyturned him down and went with Gary Mac (panic much?) who we know isn't really good enough for this level of football. Why would you appoint someone as manager who couldn't even make it to the first game because they still had some work to do in a different country. It seemed too messy and unprepared. There's also times where they could have sacked him and I'm sure anyone good enough would easily gotten us out of this mess with this group of players. Before then, Randy allowed MON to run our club leading us to announce a major loss this year. Poor judgement on his part. So instead of rectifying the mistake by hiring a person with good financial skills AND football knowledge, he hires his friend (Paul Faulkner) who doesn't appear to have any qualifications as a CEO who hasn't shown any signs of pushing our club forward at this current time. But still, it seems some are happy with the board that they've splashed out money despite the fact we've announced a massive loss this year, we're going backwards to the point of relegation contenders and also appear to be unsure on what to do next. Is GH staying or not? If it's not announced once this season is over, then they're just delaying the inevitable and I don't see why anyone would be happy with that. Err yes i'm aware of all that. But people make mistakes yes? Like i originally asked. They haven't fix one yet. If they can hire a manager who's a total success then good. If not, then how long is your piece of string? Oh, and we've fallen down so many steps that mid-table next season does seem like an improvement.
  5. By your posts i get the impression you not really a fan of anything currently at Villa however.... I'm hoping that you do realise that people make mistakes? I think you'll struggle to find any club that has done things perfectly every time. Sometimes it pays off other times it doesn't, its realising your mistake and moving on which makes all the difference. It's not just a mistake. It's not just hiring Houllier although that's partly the reason. I mean when they hired Houllier, they said Premier League experience was required, but his been out of touch with it for 6 years. Why didn't they also ask him if he had a definite number 2 in place? That's just as important as hiring the manager. When more than 3 of his choices (he really should have had a definite choice) theyturned him down and went with Gary Mac (panic much?) who we know isn't really good enough for this level of football. Why would you appoint someone as manager who couldn't even make it to the first game because they still had some work to do in a different country. It seemed too messy and unprepared. There's also times where they could have sacked him and I'm sure anyone good enough would easily gotten us out of this mess with this group of players. Before then, Randy allowed MON to run our club leading us to announce a major loss this year. Poor judgement on his part. So instead of rectifying the mistake by hiring a person with good financial skills AND football knowledge, he hires his friend (Paul Faulkner) who doesn't appear to have any qualifications as a CEO who hasn't shown any signs of pushing our club forward at this current time. But still, it seems some are happy with the board that they've splashed out money despite the fact we've announced a massive loss this year, we're going backwards to the point of relegation contenders and also appear to be unsure on what to do next. Is GH staying or not? If it's not announced once this season is over, then they're just delaying the inevitable and I don't see why anyone would be happy with that.
  6. I normally also type OF instead of should HAVE and WHICH instead of THAT even though I know they're wrong. I shouldn't have to care on a football forum. I've seen loads of fair share spelling/grammar mistakes in this thread alone, but I don't give a toss to make a big deal out of it. And Brumerican, believe what you want. Next you'll be thinking Gary Mac will us the last two games due to his masterful tactics. First off you try and take the piss out of somebody because of their geographical knowledge (or lack thereof) even though you have the grammatical skills of a borderline idiot. Then you pull a completely irrelevant strawman argument about Gary MacAllister out of the hat to try and prove some ridiculous point about something I have never once mentioned . I wouldn't have pulled you up in the first place as my own grammatical skills are not the greatest, but then again I don't go around slagging off others for their shortcomings . If you're going to try and take the piss on here then it would be easier if you got your own shit in order first . You could start by not pointing out peoples weakness and concentrate on sorting out your own . It wouldn't hurt if you stopped being such a big headed git either . You keep trying to palm off your opinion as if it were fact and your general tone is just very unlikeable . I wasn't even pisstaking the anonymous person. I actually tried to help at the time and not once did I insult or laugh back then. I was speaking generally that it wouldn't surprise me that the geographically knowledge has gone down when I discovered something like it on the board. You however brought up something that happened about a month ago that wasn't even that big of a deal. But still, it gave you fuel for the sake of this pointless argument. Overall, I haven't really been anywhere close to insulting and I don't see how my general tone is very unlikeable just because I may express myself differently. Oh, and before you rage over the picture, it was light-hearted. Don't take it seriously. :shock: As for the GMac remark, it was tongue-in-cheek. If you really believe my grammar on a football forum is the same everywhere else, then I can make stuff up about you as well. Anyway, I'm off to bed. :yawn:
  7. I would agree if he just came out of Barcelona, bu he did extremely poor at Galatasaray who doesn't appear to be as good with less quality players and we can safely say most of our players are average. Which players would he able to attract over here? :?
  8. I normally also type OF instead of should HAVE and WHICH instead of THAT even though I know they're wrong. I shouldn't have to care on a football forum. I've seen loads of fair share spelling/grammar mistakes in this thread alone, but I don't give a toss to make a big deal out of it. And Brumerican, believe what you want. Next you'll be thinking Gary Mac will us the last two games due to his masterful tactics.
  9. KMAC was a solution at the time, who else was there? GMAC is the assistant manager of course he will now take over. Why should they say whats going on? I cant believe we all think we should know the ins and outs of GH's health. If his position is time sensitive then there has already been the hints of a decision come June. Perhaps they want to keep GH but cant make a decison because of other factors. Perhaps they are trying to sort out a compensation package with GH but cant announce anything till its signed. Also its not really gonna make a blind bit of difference if they wait till June. What if they are looking for a new manager and come out and say it and it scuppers any deal for this new manager. As for waking up, perhaps you should take your own advice as just because this season is poor it doesnt mean they are incompetent but what a typical overreaction from the modern day football fan. The usual, theyre brilliant theyre shit syndrome, everyone is far too quick to judge when really they know **** all whats going on. And no it wasnt me funny man. If the board was competent enough, we wouldn't be in this situation. It seems like you're trying to counter-attack everything for the sake of it. They haven't done a good job at all and appear to be out of their depth since they took full control at August. Even the general has said it wasn't what they were expecting this season. Says the guy who doesn't know the difference between he's and his . :? I do know the difference, I just prefer saying his over he's continously like some prefer saying your over you're. I don't give a toss if my English is poor on a football forum, I'm aware where it really matters.
  10. Read the first 12 words of my post. The post wasn't even directed at you. I was speaking generally.
  11. And this was his and his idea alone? And now the board is incompetent because GH hasnt worked out how we all wanted therefore all their previous good work and money spent is ignored and they are incompetent, what a lovely simple view. I wouldnt hold your breath, actually on second thoughts. Yeah, the board have really shown their competence since they took full control by spending a fee of 28.1m to AVOID relegation, having two different poor caretakers in the same season, while they've kept us in the dark to see if the manager who's been inconsistent this season will be with us next season. We've really marched on from the previous seasons haven't we? Wake up. Oh, and seeing as someone on here didn't even know what Britain was, I wouldn't put it past the modern era to know the basics of Geography. It wasn't you was it?
  12. And how do you come to this conclusion? What is it you know about Paul Faulkner to suggest he would look in a one-dimensional manner and scupper a deal for someone like Flores? I came to this conclusion because his statement back in September said Premier League experience is required and I sincerely doubt his changed his mind over it since. The one-dimensional search would be someone with Premier League experience making Flores a non-entity. The interview was just a pisstake on the incompetence of the board. That is totally unfounded and ridiculous to say the least. Take a chill pill. It's not like what I said was the most offensive thing in the world. And who knows, I could be right.
  13. I don't see how anyone would be fine with GH having another season when his inconsistent of getting the right results, his health being an issue and the possiblity of sticking with Gary Mac. What happens if after 5 games with bad results he has another relapse making Gary Mac as the manager AGAIN until the end of the season? We'll get relegated for sure. It's too much of a high risk for so little.
  14. Has the board got the guts to bring him in? http://www.talksport.co.uk/sports-news/football/premier-league/7310/4/atletico-madrid-manager-flores-aston-villas-shortlist? This is how I picture the interview: Quique Sanchez Flores: That is why I reckon I'll be a success at Aston Villa. Randy Lerner: Thanks, I've heard enough. You seem to be ideal candidate to bring on board. *Paul Faulkner interrupts* Paul Faulkner: Mr Lerner, aren't you forgetting we're after a man who must have Premier League experience to guarantee us a safe pair of hands? Randy Lerner: Oh yeah. Alan Curbishley it is then. I can honestly see Paul Faulkner being the main culprit of being one-dimensional in our search for a new manager. I bet the only different country his been to is Wales and doesn't even know where Spain is on the map. It's hard enough to even suggest they would interview a manager like Quique Sanchez Flores, nevermind hire him.
  15. You honestly think a player who's been in our reserves and wants out of Villa will be playing next season? I doubt even the board will be so naive to allow that to happen. He'll be gone. As I said it was just an initial example. Do the board pick the team? The board have shown in the past they've interfered and they obviously want massive drains like Warnock gone.
  16. How would that be an advantage exactly?, he was playing awful long before Houllier turned up Sorry Ulver looking back it does look incoherent. What I meant was imagine 2 situations 1) GH stays - Warnock gets sold or 2) GH goes, New manager wants to give Warnock another chance. The advantage therefore of GH staying is that Warnock wouldn't get that chance with us. So whats the advantage to Aston Villa ? Would you rather Warnock stay and play in the first team? Warnock was just an initial example. I don't think NRC would stay if GH went - GH gave him his chance and I think NRC would sign on if GH were to stay. What i foresee: GH stays - fringe/unwanted players go - new players come in/youth players step up. GH goes - a couple of players join. Fringe/unwanted stay with their huge wages, bad attitudes and lack of fight. You honestly think a player who's been in our reserves and wants out of Villa will be playing next season? I doubt even the board will be so naive to allow that to happen. He'll be gone.
  17. He ain't that good. Pep has made Barca way better since he left and he did poorly at Galatasaray who's meant to be one of the best in their respective league.
  18. Wouldn't want him. Did poor at Galatasaray.
  19. IMO we played a lot of shite hoof football, smash it up to Carew or Heskey, we would have never won much with an English only attitude. MON 06/07 - 43 goals for, 41 goals against GD +2 07/08 - 71 goals for, 51 goals against GD +20 08/09 - 54 goals for, 48 goals against GD +6 09/10 - 52 goals for, 39 goals against GD +13 KMac, GH & GMac 10/11 - 45 goals for, 58 goals against GD -13 Shite hoof football please And blow millions and millions every year! Please.................... We could manage a football team like this. Have millions to spend and keep spending it until finally it runs out and you have no plan B of how to stay top six with out it!!!! Houllier has already spent 30 million and we've managed to pull from 18th to 14th. Go Houllier! No he hasn't! How much then oh wise one? 18m for Bent. 4.1m for Makoun. 22.1m for the pair. Walker and Bradley are loanees so there's likely not a fee just the wages. That's almost 30% less than the figure always bandied about. "oh wise one" You do realise Bent has actually cost up to 24m (which I was refering to). So overall that would be 28.1m that would still make me wrong, but a hell of a lot closer than your total.
  20. IMO we played a lot of shite hoof football, smash it up to Carew or Heskey, we would have never won much with an English only attitude. MON 06/07 - 43 goals for, 41 goals against GD +2 07/08 - 71 goals for, 51 goals against GD +20 08/09 - 54 goals for, 48 goals against GD +6 09/10 - 52 goals for, 39 goals against GD +13 KMac, GH & GMac 10/11 - 45 goals for, 58 goals against GD -13 Shite hoof football please And blow millions and millions every year! Please.................... We could manage a football team like this. Have millions to spend and keep spending it until finally it runs out and you have no plan B of how to stay top six with out it!!!! Houllier has already spent 30 million and we've managed to pull from 18th to 14th. Go Houllier! No he hasn't! How much then oh wise one?
  21. There's also the fact we've tried being a "British team" and they've let us down. They're proven losers. Get rid.
  22. IMO we played a lot of shite hoof football, smash it up to Carew or Heskey, we would have never won much with an English only attitude. MON 06/07 - 43 goals for, 41 goals against GD +2 07/08 - 71 goals for, 51 goals against GD +20 08/09 - 54 goals for, 48 goals against GD +6 09/10 - 52 goals for, 39 goals against GD +13 KMac, GH & GMac 10/11 - 45 goals for, 58 goals against GD -13 Shite hoof football please And blow millions and millions every year! Please.................... We could manage a football team like this. Have millions to spend and keep spending it until finally it runs out and you have no plan B of how to stay top six with out it!!!! Houllier has already spent 30 million and we've managed to pull from 18th to 14th. Go Houllier!
  23. Do you think people want another St.Martin? :shock: A worryingly high amount of people still seem to think highly of him so yeah, I would imagine a few do. There is a difference between thinking highly of him and thinking that he did a decent job, especially in comparison to what we've been served this season. I think he's a total arsehole but I still regret him leaving, same with Jimmy Mil. Just to clarify (should probably have made myself a bit clearer), when Oneill came along, he was pretty much the top rated British manager around (with the obvious exception). He was unanimously greeted by all Villa fans, and we all knew we were lucky to have him. I'm not really talking about what he did, or didnt do, after that, but the amount of expectation and kudos that he brought with him. It'll be a while before we get another manager that instills so much hope and unanity into the club. Yeah I must admit it was the best moment of my football life when MON became our manager with a billionaire chairman on board. I was too young when I watched us win the Carling Cup (coca-cola in that time I think) to really appreciate the club. But when MON wasted money on Harewood and Davies, I didn't think we would mount up to anything with him.
  24. What criteria is that great mate? Making more use of our foundation, trimming wage bill down and having a good transfer record. Rafa seems to need millions spend to compete and lately spends it on crap. How much did have to rely on Gerrard and Torres in his final time at Liverpool?
  25. I can't believe some think Rafa Benitez will be a great manager for us. How does he even fit into our criteria?
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