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Everything posted by Eames

  1. In response to the OP.... More points gained than the same point last year. Victories over Man City and Arsenal Something is going right. I personally couldn't give two shits if the football is dire.... I don't care if we spend 90 minutes hoofing the ball up to Benteke or Kozak.... in fact **** it...lets play a 6-0-4 formation and just hump the ball over the midfield to Benteke, Gabby, Weimann and Kozak. Its a results business... you get **** all for pretty football.
  2. Another vote for the "Can't see what the new Nuke Power Plant fuss is all about" Party. My only concern is the fixed rate price per megawat being roughly double what the current wholesale price is.
  3. You lot scare the **** out of me.
  4. All the fuss about "legal highs" in the news at the moment. Clicky If you are that much of a clearing in the woods that you smoke a product that is clearly labelled "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION" that is your problem. There are no noises to ban meths because people drink it..... I can't see the difference.
  5. what is this ? An Irish expression. My grandmother was from Tyrone.
  6. Eames

    General Chat

    All 3 is by far the most erotic......
  7. Eames

    General Chat

    When he saw "Little Stefan" last night he was surprised you're not still wearing trainers with flashy lights when you walk.
  8. The difficulty is where phrases that had a clear racist/sexist/homophobic connotation when they first entered in use are used freely in modern society where that connotation is not associated in common parlance.
  9. I've always thought "Bike Think!" would have been a better start with that....... perhaps the subheading of "Don't ride like a total word removed" You should complain even more. You're getting bummed on Income Tax for the privilege.
  10. Toothless Penis Biter Jailed The trial judge told Jason Martin, 41, he had carried out the attack to humiliate his former pal Richard Henderson who had accused him of “being back on the drugs”. The father-of-one had told a jury: “I didn’t do that..I am not a gay man in any way. "The thought of putting a man’s penis in my mouth..well it’s not for me. Not in a million years would I do it!” But he was found guilty of wounding with intent to cause serious injury by grabbing Mr Henderson’s penis and testicles during the bust-up near their homes in Folkestone Road, Dover. Judge Adele Williams said his victim said he had “never felt such excruciating pain like that before in his life”. She added: “These were horrendous injuries but you have shown not one flicker of remorse... in fact, you regard yourself as the victim. “I have no doubt that when you lost your temper on this occasion you were determined to inflict as much pain and injury upon your victim as possible. “You also set out to humiliate him by taking hold of his penis and testicles and gnawing at them.” The prosecution at Canterbury Crown Court had told how Martin attacked his neighbour, who was dressed in his pyjamas and no shoes, after receiving a text to turn down his music. As the two argued, Mr Henderson made a jibe about Martin’s alleged drug abuse and a fight broke out. Heroin-addict Martin, who had denied the offence, claimed he was punched first and then held in a headlock before being kicked. “You also set out to humiliate him by taking hold of his penis and testicles and gnawing at them..." - Judge Adele Williams Mr Henderson, who was covered in blood from the alleged attack, was taken to hospital where surgeons had to stitch his penis. He told the jury that his penis had been bitten “like it was a sandwich”, causing him “excruciating pain.” He was asked what it was like and replied: “My willy was not attached to the rest of my body...I have never experienced that kind of pain to this day and I don’t want to experience it ever again.” Photographs of the injury were later shown to the six man-six woman jury panel after being told “they don’t make pleasant viewing!” The court heard that when police officers interviewed Martin after the bust-up he still had blood around his mouth. Martin claimed that was from a “fat lip” he received from a punch and not from biting the penis, telling the jury: “I have only got a couple of teeth in the lower part of my mouth...I can’t even bite into a hard-boiled egg!” He was asked to show the jury his lack of teeth, saying he had dentures but only used them "for cosmetic reasons". He added: “I accept that I did grab his testicles, not maliciously or to hurt him badly.” Martin said that he had had a text from Mr Henderson’s partner, Michelle Hilton, about how loud the music was on his XBox. He said he went to the neighbour’s flat because he thought the complaint was unfair and was grabbed by Mr Henderson who then tried to “ram my head into a metal staircase”. Martin broke down in the witness box during his trial and wept after admitting he had told police officers “I have not done anything to him” He said: “I had just grabbed around him (Mr Henderson), I didn’t realise at the time that I had done anything to him. It was just a rat bite. I just grabbed into an area, I didn’t realise at the time it was his testicles.” Judge Williams asked: “You must have felt his penis and testicles in your hand?” Martin replied: “I didn’t know if it was his penis or his testicles or his upper leg or arm. I didn’t know what it was. I was just getting beaten up and I was scared.” After being arrested for the assault he was released on bail and was stopped again by police driving dangerously through the town – while children were on their way home from school. He was jailed for seven years for the wounding and the judge added another year for the dangerous driving. Martin, who also admitted a string of other driving offences –has a criminal record which included six offences of driving while disqualified, four for drink driving and seven for driving without insurance. He was also banned from driving for five years.
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    Hahahahaha.... miserable bastard. Why does he bother to do them.
  12. I saw that too.... absolutely shocking. Sprawled out on the track legs twisted all over the place still strapped to his seat....crazy.
  13. I have the same problem......the temptation to say "Whats going on here its like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Word Removed?" when walking into meeting rooms is massive.
  14. 58 Landy Freelander HSE 06 Golf SDI for the next 7 weeks and then.... Brand new (63?) Audi A1 SLine.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    I'm in bits reading that Mumsnet post..... absolutely superb work.
  16. Eames


    The only sort of acceptable hat in my non-football sport of choice.
  17. Its quite simple really - more pay=less profit. Less profit=less investment in growing the company less investment in growing the company = fewer new stores built/suppliers getting a poorer deal fewer new stores built/suppliers getting a poorer deal= less profit in the construction industry/less profit for suppliers less profit in the construction industry/less profit for suppliers = less investment in those sectors=higher unemployment/greater benefit dependancy. I'm making no moral judgements here
  18. Don't think I've ever experienced villa park like that moment since. Sat in the office grinning like a clearing in the woods with goosebumps......awesome
  19. I can only assume people don't realise her husband is also a VTer?!
  20. Trolololololololololololololololololoololol
  21. As the use of the phrase "on paper" when discussing footballers.
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