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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Paulo "The Roman Legion" DiCanio vs Martin "The Kilrea Krippler" O'Neill would be bloody fantastic. MMA rules no holds barred.
  2. CV Byrne and Electric Avenue were slowing coming round to the idea that it aint that easy to "Beat the Bookie"
  3. Seconded. The "Irreverantad Relationship Thread" needs to happen.
  4. ££ already donated to the DEC
  5. EDIT. Note to self. Don't argue with idiots and don't feed the trolls.
  6. Eames

    General Chat

    Shillz mate that is beautiful. If you don't write already you really should.
  7. Tommy Simpson. "put me back on the bloody bike" (as he lay dying on the slopes of Mont Ventoux) and that gentlemen I believe is the [/thread]
  8. Children in Need. A worthy cause and I'd happily support it on the understanding that they never ever ever show that ridiculous shit **** telethon bollocks ever again. I don't need half arsed comedy minisodes of popular TV programs to convince me the children need support.
  9. So I've got a couple of grand that I really don't know what yo do with,,,,, to iMac or not to iMac?
  10. Not off the top of my head to be fair..... the only example that I can recall now is the surprise at Nick Cleggs apology over tuition fees.
  11. This sort of tactic has gone on for years..... try and hide/back away from old promises and polices that might contradict the new message. Every party does it, has done it and will do it. This is particularly cack-handed example however.
  12. So after 2 attempts the scores are in: Bookies 2 CV Byrne 0 You've even managed to talk the bloke out of backing the winner!! How to beat the Bookie. Long term you won't. Don't bother. Its a mugs game. Bet with what you can afford to lose and when you win walk away THATS the only way you come out on top.
  13. Eames

    Doctor Who

    Ooooooohhhhh appetite fully whetted.
  14. I'd have no problem with a takeover by red bull on the following conditions. 1. The name is not altered in any way. We are "Aston Villa Football Club" 2. The name of the stadium is not altered in any way. We play at "Villa Park" 3. The clubs colours are claret and blue. Beyond that they could do what they want.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    aaand BOF, like a VT Nostradamus is proved right.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    Its all too easy, especially if the bus is turning left and hasn't seen the cyclist on the inside of them. Same applies to HGVs. The width of roads has an impact as well..... its really easy to get sucked towards HGVs and buses as they go past you if there isn't a lot of room. I would call myself and experienced cyclist and very sensible on the road.....but there is simply no way I'd cycle in Central London. Fair enough, so it's not actually a case of cyclists having to share space with buses etc? Some and some. The BBC did an really good documentary called "the war on the road" a year or so ago. Noone came out of it very well.
  17. Eames

    General Chat

    Its all too easy, especially if the bus is turning left and hasn't seen the cyclist on the inside of them. Same applies to HGVs. The width of roads has an impact as well..... its really easy to get sucked towards HGVs and buses as they go past you if there isn't a lot of room. I would call myself and experienced cyclist and very sensible on the road.....but there is simply no way I'd cycle in Central London.
  18. But they don't have English names so they shouldn't be in the squad. I always thought Fabian was French... Yep my rule eliminates our only real candidates. So be it, I want Arthur Williams and Henry Smith up front. Williams is Welsh......
  19. Eames

    General Chat

    Im not sure that a licencing system for cyclists is the way forward - but, the cycling profficiency test should be compulsory to all school children as a bare minimum.
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    Because the ****** path is for pedestrians. It is against the law to cycle on the pavement. End of. Cyclists should be on the road, they should cycling in accordance with the laws with full consideration to other road users. The same applies to every other road user, be it horse, car, van, lorry, motorbike or whatever. Agreed BOF, which is why I stand by the above, as a motorist and a cyclist.
  21. Eames

    General Chat

    Cycling on the footway (pavement) is an offence under Section 72 of the Highways Act 1835 as amended by Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1888. Those pavements with designated cycle lanes are a different matter (they tend to be two tone black and red) - but for your bog standard pavement yes.... its illegal to cycle on them. I didn't claim you were wrong so you didn't need to include the bold part. My point is it is a ridiculous law. Sorry that was cut and pasted from a website and I couldn't be arsed to reformat it. I agree its a bit daft and basically unenforceable but there we have it.
  22. Eames

    General Chat

    Because the ****** path is for pedestrians. It is against the law to cycle on the pavement. End of. Cyclists should be on the road, they should cycling in accordance with the laws with full consideration to other road users. The same applies to every other road user, be it horse, car, van, lorry, motorbike or whatever. Hmm. This is no law I was aware of until now and it's ridiculous. In my local area the paths are being widened (I have assumed for cyclists) but there are no markings or indications that they are for cyclists, so it is illegal to use these paths yes? Ridiculous. Cycling on the footway (pavement) is an offence under Section 72 of the Highways Act 1835 as amended by Section 85 (1) of the Local Government Act 1888. Those pavements with designated cycle lanes are a different matter (they tend to be two tone black and red) - but for your bog standard pavement yes.... its illegal to cycle on them.
  23. Eames

    General Chat

    Because the ****** path is for pedestrians. It is against the law to cycle on the pavement. End of. Cyclists should be on the road, they should cycling in accordance with the laws with full consideration to other road users. The same applies to every other road user, be it horse, car, van, lorry, motorbike or whatever.
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