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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Kagawa has been criminally mis-used at Manyoo. Janujaz isn't even close to being a decent player as yesterday proved. Im not saying he never will be, but he isn't the finished article by any stretch of the imagination. He is on a par with what Ashley Young was at his age.
  2. Yes you will. Any paid apps you have will be available for free download but it won't save level progress etc.... it is a clean slate unless there is some magic way of doing it I don't know about.
  3. Now in open Beta for anyone interested. Ridiculously addictive and very good fun. Now I can play it, its going to steal my life.
  4. Eames

    Coffee or Tea

    4 coffees in the morning 4 teas in the afternoon When at work. A lot less at the weekend.
  5. So if he was more overtly Socialist (i.e. more than he is currently being, which is rather a lot imo) then everything would be okay because...what? He'd never get elected? I don't think the current government is any good at all, but I do think that either Cameron or - god forbid - Clegg as PM is infinitely preferable to that ludicrous little rocket polisher Ed and his team of proven numpties - who all lacked a big enough set to have Gordon Brown committed when it mattered. What is obvious is that there are no good options in 2015, just a choice between those likely to do the least damage. Miliband's expressions of admiration for Francois Hollande (currently using Socialism to bludgeon the French economy into a bloody pulp) should be warning enough where he'd take the UK, should the electorate be retarded enough to give him and his pals the keys again. If we take the proportion of a country's GDP which the government takes as tax, as a measure of socialism, which I think is fair, France (44.6%) emerges as being a far more socialist country than the UK (39%) and the election of Hollande (2012) has not changed that significantly. And by that measure Germany (40.6%) is a more socialist country than the UK too. I am not sure that a case can be made that socialism has damaged France economically because their GDP is larger than the UK, and the socialism hasn't done Germany much harm either. If socialism can't be shown to have damaged France and Germany then I think that you have to conclude that the aim of the Tories to match the American tax-take (26.9%), is almost certainly ideological. The prurient obsession with the Hollande scandal has been used by the media to conflate his character weakness with France's historical preference for socialism and to promote the right-wing ideology of the Tories/Republicans. There are no current examples of countries being bludgeoned into a pulp by socialism, only examples of countries where huge debts have been accrued to finance property bubbles (Spain, Ireland, Korea) and which were privatised. Socialism had nothing to do with it. Except that France's economy (75% tax rate for the highest earners) simply isn't growing, whereas the UKs (40/45% or something) is. Granted this is again growth based on debt but it is growth. Hollande is rowing back from some of his more "socialist" policies because they aren't working. (I'm not judging whether the cause of this is too much socialism or not enough) I haven't got the impression from anywhere that Hollande's private life is being conflated with socialism. What I have got is the impression that it was another problem he didn't need. Knowing the French, Hollande screwing an actress on the side will probably do wonders for his career.
  6. I know what you mean. Its a good phone and it does the job but I don't love it like I loved the HTC Desire of even my old Nokia 5800 XpressMusic MIght give the N5 the time of day or even a Note 3.
  7. Anyone from 9th down at the moment is a relegation candidate.
  8. In context re: Churchill's opinions on Hitler in 1937. Had Hitler died in '37 he would have been remembered by many people as a great statesman who restored the pride of a nation shattered by the Treaty of Versailles.
  9. Its a valid opinion but I'd argue that Holt is a much more reliable goal scorer than Gabby, and that Gabby out wide is a bigger threat to Gabby through the middle or Albrighton out wide. I'd be tempted (on current form) to drop Weimann and play Albrighton RF
  10. It would appear that you are pressing the point.
  11. /\ /\ Long term thinking /\ /\ /\ /\ Short term thinking /\ /\ Thanks for that incredible insight. Tell me how, has Lamberts poor tactics come to be placed in your well respected bracket of "short term thinking?" Exactly. Its all very well to bang on about a project and a long term plan, but you also have to deliver results in the short term and progress towards the long term aim. The facts are these: Lambert has had 3 transfer windows and is into his 4th, Benteke and Vlaar aside the squad is not better than the squad he inherited. We are consistantly out played and out thought by teams at home. The quality of football is horrible. He has failed to instill confidence in the players he has got. There is no evidence to support the arguement there is a change in "culture / philosophy / style / mentality / progression" or even an aspiration to that - the football is no different to that under McLeish or O'Neil - its dull, predictable counter-attacking nonsense and we have been sussed out. The bigger teams are too clever and out play us. The "lesser" teams pack the midfield and prevent us from breaking quickly. Moreover, Lambert seems incapable of finding an alternative to a one-dimensional plan. The fact he stuck our best CM on the LW last night to persit with his "plan" is all the evidence you will need. I don't expect league titles, european football or even trophies. But I do expect Aston Villa to compete with any team that comes to VP and I expect them to get a game. Far far too often under Lambert is has looked like an attack vs defence training session. What is worse is that I'm not convinced sacking him is in the best interests of the club either because the Ownerships record of appointments stinks.
  12. Worth noting that we put 22 crosses in last night And how many of those had a Villa player on the end of it? 1? Whats the point spamming crosses in when there was no support play. How many times were Benteke and Gabby outnumbered 2/3 to 1?
  13. At present in terms of strikers we've only got Gabby and Benteke at the club. Kozak injured, Weimann's form equates to an injury he's been that bad. Helenius either isn't ready or is not a striker Bowery hasn't impressed for whatever reason. Holt makes sense an experienced head, a proven goal scorer (* yes I know we have a certain Mr Bent on loan at present) who has worked with the manager before and who is clearly trusted to do the job. I'm neither excited nor horrified by his loan deal - its a pragmatic solution to a particular problem. Nothing more.
  14. Not a chance of finishing higher than last season. Absolute rubbish......could easily finish higher than last season We could but only because there are more teams in the league that are worse than us....we have not progressed at all. In fact - there is a strong arguement that we have gone backwards. Thank McGrath that Fulham, Sunderland, Cardiff and West Ham are in a worse place than us.
  15. "Lambert, following a serious injury from LiborKozak , decided to assault groped Miroslav Klose" Lambert IN. To Court and then Prison There is no chance of this happening. Literally none and even if it does.....its a stupid signing because Klose rely's on crosses and WE DONT PLAY WITH WINGERS.
  16. BOOOOO! Stefan. How dare you come here with your logic and sensible thinking.
  17. I like Sherlock. A lot but this has been the most disappointing series for me. Good but compared to the excellent S1 and outstanding s2 it was a let down. Agree with the post in mykeyb's post. Get back to clever and intricate crimes, turn down the jokes ( I laughed but i shouldn't have). The 3rd episode saved the series for me but the whole thing rand as hollow as the Dr Who Christmas specials do IMO. Moffat and Gatiss can do better but they are victims of their own success. You can't expect them to knock out episodes of Dr Who and Sherlock in the volumes required within a sensible time scale and not sacrifice the quality. That said, I was impressed by the way they handled Sherlock's drug use in this one.
  18. Eames

    General Chat

    Exactly. I thought it was really interesting how many assumptions we make in maths problems when trying to put things in a real world context (eg the very reason we use word problems). For example, another question that I found interesting was: A boat holds 6 people. There are 74 people. How many boats do you need? This is an attempt to put a division/multiple question in context to show there can't always be a remainder. However, how real is it really? Are all people the same size? Are those 74 people all adults? Disability? Interested me anyway :-) 1) the bloke sailing the boat reduces the capacity to 5 so you'd need 15 boats/trips to transport 74 people. EDIT. Clearly I'm a word removed. 1 boat maximise the profit 1 boat, get them half way across the Med get another boat repeat Thats wonderful. You bastard
  19. Dont know if its been mentioned already but Frozen is utterly utterly fantastic. A wonderful wonderful effort from Disney that had all 3 members of the Eames family in floods within 10 minutes.
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    Exactly. I thought it was really interesting how many assumptions we make in maths problems when trying to put things in a real world context (eg the very reason we use word problems). For example, another question that I found interesting was: A boat holds 6 people. There are 74 people. How many boats do you need? This is an attempt to put a division/multiple question in context to show there can't always be a remainder. However, how real is it really? Are all people the same size? Are those 74 people all adults? Disability? Interested me anyway :-) 1) the bloke sailing the boat reduces the capacity to 5 so you'd need 15 boats/trips to transport 74 people. EDIT. Clearly I'm a word removed.
  21. Eames

    Joe Lolley

    Disallowed goal but what a finish this is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8olUita23FM
  22. Eames

    General Chat

    In that case 8x1m lenghts
  23. Eames

    General Chat

    1 x 4m 1x 2m 2 x 1m So 4 pieces?
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