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Everything posted by Eames

  1. You seem to be suggesting that arguing for the reduction of the age of consent and child rape are equivalent. There's a perfectly good argument that children aged 14 are unlikely to be mature enough to give real consent and are open to manipulation by older people who engineer a situation of apparent consent, and that the 1976 NCCL line would have given rise to a lot of exploitation, if implemented. I would agree with that view. But putting forward a line of argument that most of us would disagree with, and raping children, are two entirely different things, no? I'm not conflating the two arguements at all. Child Rape and a discussion about the age of consent are not the same. The subject of the disagreement in this situation is irrelevent however. The Sun have found a stick to beat Labour with as is their want. The fact they are able to link it (how ever tenously) to something as morally abhorrant as paedophillia for them is a bonus. It is strange that some regular posters in this thread appear to regard this approach to journalism with a sort of horror that was not evident when another equally insubstantiated story about politicians of a different colour and paedophilla was reported. I would go so far to say as that those posters appeared to revel in the fact that a Tory ex-minister was linked to such behaviour. Granted one accusation is far more serious than the other however, the real thrust of my arguement was that when a party with whom certain posters have more of an affiliation are involved in such a distasteful story they, in the words of Cpl Jones "Don't like it up 'em" and then agree with such tactics when it suits their agenda. Edited to remove the most heinous of homophone crimes.
  2. The stuff about Labour in the Sun is just Murdoch ensuring his horse wins the next election. Press Barons have manipulated the news agenda to defend their interests for as long as there have been newspapers. Ever was and will be so its what Newspapers are for. To hear those of a leftist persuasion bemoaning the fact that the paper that got Bliar elected in 1997 is now kicking Labour around at will looks for all the world like a jilted lover bitching about the new girlfriend. There weren't too many complaints about the treatment of politicians and potential libel claims when the press runs stories about paedo ex Tory ministers, in fact, several posters on here seemed to positively relish the attention the story was getting. To bemoan the Suns treatment of Harman, Dromy and Hewitt is hypocrisy of the highest order.
  3. FOI requests. **** you and your attempts at public scrutiny.
  4. Margaery Tyrell pleases me no end.
  5. Holy **** who is the blond on Super Marc's shoulders....... Blonde, surely? indeed yes. Birching commenced.
  6. Holy **** who is the blond on Super Marc's shoulders.......
  7. I admitted it on national TV, Clearly it happened!! I don't watch TV. Send me a recording. She's extreme. She's had it. I TOLD YOU ALL. 2 1/2 years ago. I demand a Mods title "Mystic Eames"
  8. Yeah again, if I had a wife and a couple of kids I'd be more than happy with that. But for now, I want something a bit more fun. You wouldn't be happy. You'd spend your days cruising around looking jealously at all the A4s and A5s you wished youd bought.
  9. What I want to know is what were the two words you redacted?!
  10. So one of the girls who works for me has been seeing some random new bloke for about 5 minutes. This morning he left roses on her doorstep, roses on her car, and a bunch has also just turned up at the office. She is now warbling about how amazing he is..... well, she was, until I helpfully pointed out that if he was that desperate for a shag, he could have spent the money on a professional and had a much better time. Apparently this was not the right thing to say?!
  11. The CPS are supposed to have a better than 50% chance of convicition before going ahead with a trial. There are several issues at play here..... the CPS ****ed up massively over Savile and as a result are deserate to show they can "get" some convictions. Any conviction will do they are, in my opinion running with evidence that is fatally flawed. In one of the charges against Bill Roach the "victim" couldn't even remember the incident. How the hell did that make it to Court? Trouble is, the evidence is very much "he said/she said" quality. If there is any reasonable doubt the juries have to acquit and in light of a total absence of DNA evidence proving these assault cases are totally impossible. Any half decent barrister is going to fillet some of these witnesses if there recall of the events aren't 100% accurate and 100% consistant.
  12. We could but I'm not sure what benefit this would be to Lizzie Yarnold who is the Olympic Skeletonist.
  13. **** me I actually read this and thought "oh, that'll be interesting" Having checked I can confirm I've used 7.5mm of ink already. I'm worried that this is now becoming too exciting for the Boring Thread.
  14. The ink cartridge in my fountain pen needed changing this afternoon. So I changed it. I have no idea how long they last me so I noted it on my calendar and will confirm how long one lasts in a future post.
  15. Dave Lee Travis cleared of all charges.
  16. Flowers ordered ready for delivery (5min call to local florist). Will chuck a token card at her tomorrow morning which I will purchase later today during my lunch hour. Jobs a good un. Its not really much effort but hey ho....she's 7 months up the spout so there will be zero chance of anything getting jiggy.
  17. Eames

    General Chat

    I had one about a week ago whilst in the shower. It was a remake of Psycho. Scared the crap out of Mrs E.
  18. Eames

    General Chat

    Am I alone in imagining you sat there with a look of frustration on your face making the rocket polishing gesture?
  19. Eames

    General Chat

    Yep uninstall the app and re-install. You may also find if you've used it for 12months you need to pay for the app so that could also be a factor?
  20. He's tweeted me twice and I have a framed photograph of him on my bedside table. I think we should have a Rock appreciation evening. We'll get some beers in, popcorn, get into our pyjamas and watch some of his films, epic WWF/WWE matches and only be allowed to speak in Rock'isms. What a guy. Yeah I'm pretty sure that would be the gheyest night ever. FXD
  21. I'm sorry to hear that George but youve made the right choice. Only one thing can make you feel better now. Please submit bikini and lingerie photos to VT for objectification approval ogling pervery confidence building purposes.
  22. Most of my family are in the Daventry/Rugby area... its all "Mi Duck" in that neck o the woods.
  23. Leemond on Crimewatch? I've never been caught so it can't be me Point of Order. That's why you're on Crimewatch....they WANT to catch you.
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