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Everything posted by Eames

  1. And I'm sure if I could be arsed I could find another YouTube clip of a doctor agreeing with the government. I have no idea of what the government or doing is a good thing or not. But before one makes that decision it is important to understand exactly what is going on rather than swallowing either parties spin on what is happenening.
  2. And yet they aren't actually selling it are they? What they are doing (rightly or wrongly) is paying private entities to provide services but this is not "selling" the NHS.
  3. Now wait...because its important I get this right... Commissioning of services is the same as privatisation in the same way that reduction in benefit is the same as a tax. To summarise...two totally different things are totally different but are deliberately confused because politicians need a simple way of explaining those concepts to people who are too thick to understand the diffrrence?
  4. That's commissioning. (Might want to look it up?)
  5. Which is clearly not privatisation now is it? Nepotism. Cronyism? Yes. But not privatisation.
  6. Which bits of the NHS have been "sold" though? Don't recall that bit. Royal Mail was flogged off cheap and without going all Ah but Labour on you no government will ever get market value on any sale of anything. Trouble is...if you as a politician say your going to sell something you have to sell it. Buyers know this and under bid accordingly. Politically the damage of failing to sell is far greater than selling cheaply. UKIP has overtaken them because there is a gap in the market for a protest party now the Lib Dems are governemt . In 12 months time on election day if the Tories have cut taxes and the economy continues to improve Farage will win **** all. They will win seats as MEPs literally no one cares enough to vote seriously.
  7. The other problem with politics is that everyone is convinced they're right. Particularly about subjects they have little or no knowledge of.
  8. The yellow party is for fence sitters and yes men. Which of course is a terrible thing because consensus politics and working in the interests of the majority without the objectionable self interests is so wrong.
  9. Both parties **** things up in different ways. Labour **** up the economy, the Tories **** up society. Both are equally useless for different reasons. So when Labour get in the **** up the economy by mending society and the the Tories get in and mend the economy by **** up society. Rinse and repeat. The big joke is that the yellow team would probably find a happy balance between the two but no one gives enough of a shit to elect them because the arent nasty enough to and about the others to get elected. And then you get rocket polishers on both sides who resort to calling each other scum because they can't make a better coherent argument.
  10. Last but one word, there's a typo - you misspelled "alleged". Actually no. He has been arrested but not charged and certainly not convicted. We also don't know (since he hasn't been charged - yet) what the offence is. Surprised this comment has survived since it is potentially libellous.
  11. You're doing it wrong. It's stories OUT of context.
  12. LIstening to the trial live. Seriously impressed with Oscar's brief.
  13. See you're doing it wrong. Any sensible boss will immidetely review your target to 13. Stick to 9-10 a day in future. Above target but not worth revising it.
  14. I once handed in some biology homework prefaced with a note "Poke my intestines with your creamy dripping phallus"
  15. I will happily suffer constriction between your man thighs. Xenia Onatopp stylee.
  16. I have just replaced the replacement ink cartridge in my pen. So the answer is 15 days. I shall develop this research further by documenting the number of words written per cartridge.
  17. An excellent and inventive suggestion, Sir, with just two minor drawbacks... A - We don't have any jet-powered rocket pants and B - There's no such thing as jet-powered rocket pants outside the fictional serial "Robbie Rocketpants"
  18. See that causes me a problem. I don't think the Bank Holiday should be named Margaret Thatcher Day, but I won't sign the petition based on the reasoning given. :/
  19. You would appear to be conflating a whole load of things throughout your posts but I'll take this one sentence - the inference I have drawn is that ANYONE (your emphasis) of any political persuasion has no place 'moaning' (that's such a pejorative way to describe people expressing an opinion but that's by the by) about the goings on of tabloids (perhaps specifically Murdoch's ones) because politicians on both (or all) sides have at one time or another gained from this undesirable approach to journalism. That may be incorrect and it may be that your implication refers, solely, to politicians (or perhaps people specifically supporting a party at one time or any other). If so then you have a point, if not then you spectacularly miss the possibility (often repeated until people are either red/blue in the face - whichever is their wont) that being largely either 'left' or 'right' does not automatically make one a supporter of whichever party is supposed to be, generally, representing that 'wing' or those that happen to be leading whichever party (or perhaps more accurately using said party as a vehicle for their own advancement). I wasn't clear but by "both sides of the political divide" I did mean "politicians"
  20. They are handled in that way because that is Murdoch's will. He wants his current crop of pet politicians to remain in power so he's doing them a favour. Just like he did favours for Bliar and co in 1997. Again, for those on the left to condemn such behaviour is hypocrisy on a gargantuan scale. I fully accept its a wholly undesirable approach to journalism and politics but ever it was and shall it be so. Both sides of the political divide have benefitted and suffered as a result of such tactics for for ANYONE to moan about them is ridiculous. You'd think they'd learn not to rely on him really wouldn't you?
  21. It's everyone's mission in life to avoid tax ... Be it those nasty rich people to those honest hard working class tradesman who will always work for cash sorry Tony but that is complete and utter nonsense. For you maybe its a priority to avoid tax but for many it certainly is not. What an utter load of lefty utopian bollocks. I'm yet to meet a tradesman of any persuasion who will not do work cash in hand with no questions asked. It is endemic but of course.... because they don't do it in a suit for Citi Group (other nasty tax dodging financial institutions are available) it is ok. Of course, no politician will ever dare criticise poor old Bob the Builder because he comes from a "hardworking family" suffering in the midst of the "cost of living crisis" A whole army of Blue Collar Robin Hoods in Transit Vans. I would imagine the scale of tax not paid through "aggressive avoidance" and "cash in hand" would be broadly similar given the differening numbers of those involved.
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