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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Cant see them changing the result over that.
  2. Where the **** did he come from. What a run Lord Windemere
  3. Eames

    Missing planes

    Yes, sort of, but why? Malaysia is a fellow Islamic country. The aircraft was en route to Beijing, with a high proportion of Chinese nationals on board. Iran enjoys very good relations with China Fuel wise, more than likely enough to reach Tehran. Of course, to hijack an aircraft you need access to the flight deck, which isn't easy. Unless you're flying on a plane where the Captain, allegedly, used to invite all sorts onto the flight deck with him. Is it not a different captain ? Yes....Google says thst was the co-pilots MO.
  4. Eames

    Missing planes

    Yes, sort of, but why? Malaysia is a fellow Islamic country. The aircraft was en route to Beijing, with a high proportion of Chinese nationals on board. Iran enjoys very good relations with China Fuel wise, more than likely enough to reach Tehran. Of course, to hijack an aircraft you need access to the flight deck, which isn't easy. Unless you're flying on a plane where the Captain, allegedly, used to invite all sorts onto the flight deck with him.
  5. Eames

    Missing planes

    Pot-ay-toh, por-art-toh. Its a big **** off flyie thing.
  6. Eames

    Missing planes

    Unlikely. It wouldn't have had enough fuel on board to make the extra distance. I think someone is trying to make a really shit version of "Moonraker" and is nicking Jumbos.
  7. Whether he woke up when she did is irrelevent. The issue is when HE woke up, he would have know she was not there. If you thought someone had broken into your house, prior to confronting them you check that your loved one is safe. You don't get up and start arbitrarily blasting away at closed doors. The other problem with Oscar's account is if you get up in the night to go to the loo you wouldn't lock the door if it was just you and your partner in the house. Exactly His ex-girlfriend who gave evidence even said that in the past he heard a noise thinking there was an intruder in the house but on that occasion he woke her before he went to investigate Why did he follow common sense on that occasion and not this one? It just doesn't add up Because he's human? I'm not saying I believe him, on the contrary I think he's guilty. *Think* isn't enough though is it. All this talk of trainers, maybe she went for a bit if fresh air first, knocked over a pan or something on the way back in then went for a shit. It's not enough to convict a man. Totally agree. My personal belief based on what I've seen heard of the trial is that he prosecution are correct in that he murdered her. I also think he battered the door first with the bat and then shot her. Trouble is, as you correctly say, is because of the horlicks the authorities have made over the investigation and their failure to maintain of the integrity of the evidence means there is enough "reasonable doubt" for it to be virtually impossible for the premeditated murder charge to stick. Strange they didn't punt for the SA equivilent of manslaughter instead.
  8. Whether he woke up when she did is irrelevent. The issue is when HE woke up, he would have know she was not there. If you thought someone had broken into your house, prior to confronting them you check that your loved one is safe. You don't get up and start arbitrarily blasting away at closed doors. The other problem with Oscar's account is if you get up in the night to go to the loo you wouldn't lock the door if it was just you and your partner in the house.
  9. Roux doing a marvellous job of duffing up the prosecution witnesses, forcing them to accept inconsistences/inaccuracies in their statements. The whole investigation was a shambles.
  10. RIP. A rapidly dying breed. A politician motivated by a desire for change for the benefit of all. Obsessed with neither opinion polls or media perception. He said and did what he believed was right. His Benn Tapes are a fascinating listen.
  11. Where'd you live? We just had a handmade solid oak kitchen built and fitted last year. The guy came in £2000 cheaper than benchmarx for their mdf tat.
  12. It is totally possible, not sure how likely it is given that she then got up again 2 hours later and went (presumably) for a post snack poo (in her laced up trainers) She might have done. Is that enough "reasonable doubt?" I'm not sure. The defence will have better luck pulling the forensics and the quality of the investigation to pieces rather than the pathology stuff. Oscar's testimony is key. How convincing will he be defending his own story.
  13. I hope your girlfriend doesn't read this forum, Boy unfortunately, I was from a boringly stable family background with the added complication of a small house and a dad that worked odd shifts, I had to get a job so I could buy a Morris Marina cassette player masses of space vinyl seats I went from zero to sex hero in approximately 3 days when I bought that car I concur. The most popular girl at school was the one with the Volvo estate as her first car.
  14. Early impressions of cyanogenmod are extremely positive. Runs smooth as anything and really quick. The OS is so much better than Touchwiz. I do have so complaints though. Only 2 "home screens" I like wigets everywhere so its hard cutting back what I have to just 2 screens worth. The lack of support for the Barclays Banking app. The **** "monile broadcasts" telling me what area code i'm in/around. That have no way of being disabled. (That I can work out) The lack of support for the phones FM radio tuner. I don't want an internet stream, I want a good old fashioned FM radio. Other than those minor annoyances its bloody lovely and I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner.
  15. 1st post from a recently cyanogen modded s3. No Barclays banking app is a sack of bullshit but I will post further opinions once i have lived with it for a bit.
  16. Yeah...*shifts weight nervously* about that.... (No one does it though do they - normal peoe I mean?)
  17. Oh right....if that's the case he'll walk. Too much "reasonable doubt" already for a safe conviction. The prosecution and the police have ballsed this up from the start....
  18. Far more damaging to the prosecution case though was the Dr's testimony that he heard a series of bangs, a scream, and then another series of bangs - backs up Oscar's story 100%. The evidence about legs or not is questionable... will be interesting to see if Pistorius himself shows how he hit the door and whether that tallies or not. Is it? Roux is certainly very good but that doesn't mean he didn't intentionally kill her. It was damming for the defence that his ex girlfriend said he had on two occasions woken her when he thought there was a burglar in the house. also the security guard ringing Pistorius after the shooting and he said everything was fine. There's other things like firing a gun in the restaurant and through the sunroof of a car. Ok Roux is doing his best at discrediting all the witnesses, but all these things are beginning to add up to a guilty verdict. not a chance in hell. He will be found not guilty of premeditated murder...there is evidence of enough doubt of that...but he get 10yeats for culpable homicide.
  19. Hahahaha whoops. Fair enough then.
  20. A company employs 500 staff on the NMW. So an increase of 19p an hour for one hour costs the company £95. Assume a standard 37 hour working week for all employees thats an extra £351,500 on the weekly wage bill. Across 52 weeks a year increases that companies wage bill by £18,278,000. That I would argue is not an irrelevant increase. not sure on the maths there That right there is how the right screw up the economy. Can't tell the difference between pennies and pounds. maths was never my strong point so if you'd point out where I went wrong that would be good.
  21. Very good practice. Helps prevent witnesses getting wound up by barristers. Always address the bench...never the brief.
  22. In short I said October's rise is so small it's irrelevant. It won't effect employers. A rise to the living wage level of I think around £7.75 would have an effect on small businesses which could be absorbed by reduced rates. The NHS is an interesting example. The problems the NHS are facing and are going to face are those created by Labour and now the Tories through these crazy PFI schemes not the cleaners at the bottom. And right there folks is how the left **** up the economy. As demonstrated above a rise of 19p per hour on an individual level is derisory, but scaled across a company it quickly becomes a massive expense. It will absolutely affect employers because it will reduce their willingness to recuit additional staff at best and at worst lead to redundancies as the wage costs rise to unsustainable leves. The NHS PFI schemes were crazy and shit deals for the tax payer... but you will do more economic damage to NHS trusts compounding that with a massive increase in wages than you will benefit individual workers with your "derisory" increase.
  23. Oh he's guilty as sin. You know as soon as you wake up whether you are alone in bed or not, and in the even of a break in, you check your girlfriend is ok before you do anything else. What you don't do is make a bee-line for the en suite and start blasting. Its more the legal process I'm interested in - how his brief gets him off. The prosecution is a shambles.
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