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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    Missing planes

    Given the pressure the Chinese are under to prove their place in the world and their prestige in the search op it wouldn't surprise me if they have dragged a couple of scrap wings out there themselves.
  2. There are no national budgets for libraries. They are set and maintained by Local Authorities, if LA's have cut library spending that is a decision that they have made to spend on services elsewhere. Kick the government around as much as you like, there is plenty of ammo available, just make sure you pick the right stuff.
  3. Based upon the flimsy article that you quoted, I have no view on that particular subject. The article states that there is a ban on *sending* books to prisoners, and appears to have been sensationalised into making the reader believe that it is a total ban. The writer then picks up on some project in Sao Paulo (Brazil is run on a state by state model), in a patronising effort to put forward, in his mind, 'some third world country' as somehow being better than the UK on the subject of prisoner welfare. I would be more interested in reading an article about why the ban on sending is taking place, if it is, rather than some commentator twisting things up to accommodate his beliefs, and the beliefs of his target audience. Maybe they can get their books from a prison library. What's this governments record when it comes to the availability of libraries outside of prison? What is to be achieved by making books harder to get hold of? I think we should definitely take a lesson from Brazil on this and actively encourage reading in prisons. I cannot think of a reason not to allow books in, can you? I think you will find that libraries are a local not national government responsibility.
  4. Eames

    Joe Lolley

    Give the kid a break! He's gone up 9 divisions in 9 months. Conference to Championship is a huge leap. It will take time for him to break into the team.
  5. My sister in law has learning disabilities and can't say my name properly so calls me Eames. Everyone now calls me Eames.
  6. you mean to say you would not invite the villa talk gang Whats the difference though? You've been together 4 years, you've got 2 kids, you live together. You are already married. You just don't have the bit of paper to prove it. I can't see what the additional commitment is that you are so opposed to?
  7. Less of a joke, more a statement of fact! But don't tell them that what they are doing is utterly pointless unless they start posting links to advice as well as selfies. That didn't go down to well.
  8. I can't think of a single reason why I would by a Chromecast at present.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP8nGNbk7oQ because you need 12" platform boots and a tin foil onepiece thong
  10. I'm not saying he fired the shot that missed her first, just that she was hit by 3 bullets and he fired 4 shots. The issue of the warning shot is irrelevent since he can't argue his life was in danger behind a locked bathroom door can he? Witness evidence would indicate there were 4 "bangs" followed by further "bangs" Oscar says gunfirst then bat. Prosecution says bat first then gun. My own view is that he knew it was her and he shot her during an arguement. Murder yes, premeditated, possibly . Are the prosecution able to prove either of those things? IMO no.
  11. Big day tomorrow. Ballistics will make or break Oscar's story. Of the bullet holes in the door, 3 are below 100cm one slightly over. Oscar's shoulder height, assuming he had the gun at shoulder lever with legs on was 156cm, without legs 123cm. It would IMO appear to show he was not wearing his legs when he fired a 60 cm (2ft) arc in that space seems unlikely. 30cms seems more reasonable.
  12. The only rules in F1 should be Fixed budget that is the same for all teams Cars should have 4 weels, be no greater than x long, x wide and x high. Cars fully fuelled + driver should be no heavier than x. Aerodynamics should be neutral (eg. no designing clever diffusers to adversly effect the performance of the bloke behind.) No traction control, steering assist or DRS. Driver safety rules as per now. No races to be held at whatshisface Tilke designed circuits. Thats it. Beyond that do what you want, test what you want and when you want, but spending no more than set out in rule 1.
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    I see Other way round. Bottom falls out of the market, hey presto, owners torch their mills for the insurance money (allegedly. It was an accident, guv). Or they used to, there isn't really any woollen industry in Bradford any more. Still quite a few mill buildings though - some converted for other uses (flats, galleries, etc.), some standing empty. The ones that aren't making any money still burn down a suspiciously regular basis. This stuff IS rock'n'roll to me! Didn't think it made sense as I was reading it. That is exactly whats happened here. Slightly fake breakin a week or so before.... magic fire today.
  14. That was so ghey. Sounded like Touring Cars or a bunch of knobblers in Novas on a Friday night. The mid 90s Ferrari V12s were just magnificent.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    So if I've read that right.... lots of fires wool gets cheaper? Its all rock and roll at Chez Mooney isn't it.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    Major fire in the derelict listed pub that has recently been bought by a new owner who want to turn it into a convenience shop but can't get planning. Obvious insurance scam is obvious.
  17. IMO MMA has a bit of an image problem which I've raised before. Boxing absolutely has its issues with judging but you tend to get a contest between two boxers who should be reasonably well matched. When the ref says stop the fight stops and refs on the whole stop fights at the right time. From what I have seen of UFC blokes are knocked clean out cold (and obviously so) and the winner still gets the opportunity to get a few cheap blows to the head off on the ground before the refs step in. UFC also has the issue of blokes writhing around on the ground looking for technical superiority. Whilst I can see the specialist appeal to someone who knows what is going on it isn't always the most exciting watch as fighters spend minutes on end grappling without the fight really progressing. For me, a totally casual observer of both, if they are both on, I'm watching the boxing. and don't even get me started on the number of rocket polishers in the street you see wearing "TAPOUT" T-shirts.
  18. I had thought the law over there said you have to fire a warning shot first and if the burglar doesn't leave then you are able to shoot them and have it count as 'self defense'. From what i'd heard this leads to people shooting the burglar then firing the 'warning shot' into the wall to avoid prosecution. I am not a criminal lawyer in SA though so could be BS but if true he would be guilty of not firing the warning to let the burglar escape. Except he fired 4 shots and only 3 hit Ms Steenkamp so he's even got an out there.
  19. For the 3rd consecutive time my fountain pen has required a new ink cartridge on a Friday.
  20. SLine trim is nicer and the 1.4 TFSI in our A1 goes like a stabbed rat. The 1.8 must be like a go kart, and they're planning a 2litre RS1. Weclome to the Club. Please make sure you read the pamphlet about fast lane tailgaiting. Its compulsory.
  21. ^^ If its your first Jimzk5 I understand your anxiety. I'm on number 2 due on the 9th April and rapidly came to the conclusion they haven't got a **** clue what they're on about. We had a growth scan at 32 weeks where they said Princess E 2.0 was about 4lbs 8oz. I asked what they thought the final birth weight would be and got told: "We don't make predictions, but the baby will put on about 1lb in weight every fortnight from this point." Ok, said I, that makes it about 8 1/2 ibs at term. What the margin for error "About 20%". Great, so said baby could be anywhere between 6 and 10lbs. I could have **** told you that without the scan.
  22. Very nice Stevo. I demand details. Engine size etc etc. I can see its an S-Line did you get the flappy paddle option?
  23. If I recall from another thread quite a lot of VT'ers have cricket bats / baseball bats etc by the bed with the view that they will batter anyone that breaks into their house... The logic was they would protect their family, possibly you'd check but that hesitation may be the difference between you surprisingly the intruder or not .. Add in some fear factor , the make up of the person and so on and it's plausible that you might just react..... And then In SA many appear to use guns instead of bats An example of SA is that at most Gvmt and official buildings there are signs about handing in firearms while in the building. There is a very large gun (protection) business here and again people are judging what they are hearing in the trial against what happens in the UK for example Reading this mornings paper is interesting as the locals now are starting to blame the inept initial police evidence gathering for the uncertainty of the trial. That for me is why he will be found not guilty. The evidence trail is a shambles. Theft from his house, mishandled/ evidence will all add up to an acquittal on technicalities. Does SA have a Double Jeopardy law? Anyone know?
  24. that's pretty much the million Rand question imo ... anything to prove she was actually on the toilet probably gets him off as someone posted earlier , all they seem to be saying is her bladder was empty Which is consistent with her having a wee very shortly before she was killed.
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