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Everything posted by Eames

  1. It implies that he's the 5th longest serving manager in the league. The point is he hasn't just been here a few months.And neither has been given sufficient time nor money to produce a squad capable of better. Why has he not bought world class players? Because he doesn't have world class money. He has spent c. £40m in 4 transfer windows....so £10m a window on average. That doesn't even buy James Milner. Villa are 4th from bottom in the league in terms of gross spend on transfers this season. Only WBA, Stoke and Newcastle have spent less. Fact of the matter is this....Lambert is doing crap because he hasn't been given the resources to do better. It hasn't helped and I think Lerner is the major issue. Unlike most I've thought it for years. But thats not the only reason. His own limitations, poor coaching, managerial skills and decision making has played a big part in his abysmal 2 year period. Lerner and the lack of ££ isnt the biggest factor for me in our current situation. That's the lack of a decent footballing brain on the board. The club has no direction no identity. Just the mindless proud (irrelevant) history nonsense. Lambert has made mistakes yes...but so have the players. I believe they've already checked into their holidays on their own heads. The players signed by Lambert on the whole have struggled at PL level because they haven't played there. Sylla came from Ligue2 and looks like a dog chasing a tennis ball. Lambert's failure for signing him Randy's for not allowing Lambert to sign better. I've never expected anyone to agree with me...just tried to construct a debate that acknowledges there are other issues and doesn't rely on "Lambert you're a useless word removed" level arguements.
  2. Don't matter. The investigation and prosecution have been a shambles. They can't prove anything so lying or not Oscar walks.
  3. It implies that he's the 5th longest serving manager in the league. The point is he hasn't just been here a few months. And neither has been given sufficient time nor money to produce a squad capable of better. Why has he not bought world class players? Because he doesn't have world class money. He has spent c. £40m in 4 transfer windows....so £10m a window on average. That doesn't even buy James Milner. Villa are 4th from bottom in the league in terms of gross spend on transfers this season. Only WBA, Stoke and Newcastle have spent less. Fact of the matter is this....Lambert is doing crap because he hasn't been given the resources to do better.
  4. If it was all his fault I would agree, but of course it isn't.thank you. What I have tried to say in many many words.
  5. Maybe my comprehension skills need brushing up but saying no other manager can do better is *exactly* the same as saying he is the best man for the job. For example, if I hired an specific artist to draw my portrait and declared no other artist could do it any better, then I am effectively claiming that the said artist is the best man for the job. In fact, basic cognative ability would tell you that if nobody else can do a particular job better than a certain individual then that individual must ergo be the best man for the said task, or joint-best at least. An argument so indeterminate, it can be universally applied to every team in the world. I must have been posting on a different forum in an alternate universe then. As there are many posters here who completely negate any sort of reponsibility for what has been an unmistakably embarrassing, retrograde and unprogressive reign in my opinion and thus that renders such posters as apologists in my eyes. For crying out loud! The sensitivity levels of some on here border on the absurd at times. Labelling compulsive defenders of every aspect of the manager's reign as 'apologists' isn't an insult, let alone a 'cheap' one. I am often tagged with being a member of the 'Lambert out brigade'. Not a label I would use personally but you won't catch me going around trying my best to take offense from it either. I notice that the 'point scoring' accusation is starting to be thrown around a lot now. Remind me what actually constitutes this though in your definition? Disagreeing with certain viewpoints? Challenging and refuting the said viewpoints? Holding the authors of them to account and weighing them up against previous posts to gauge the consistancy and thus the credibility of such authors? All seems to be a bit one-way and smacks of hypocrisy to me. As for the last line, criticising the manager and players, no matter how harshly, doesn't equate to abuse. So stop with the sensationalism please. I like the post by accident....can unlike it on mobile for some reason. Suggesting that the statements "he is the right man for the job" and "no other manager could so better" mean the same thing is utterly ridiculous. Like "I'm deliberately misunderstanding this for no other reason than being an arse" ridiculous. There are very clearly shit tons of managers that could do it better... I certainly haven't said otherwise. What I have said it that whilst Lambert has the job he should be backed because his own failings are not the sole reason for the appalling form. That is not acting as an apologist...that is understanding there is a deeper argument to be had beyond "he's **** shit get rid" Every manager sacking since the first has not solely down to the managers failure. Its easier to sack the one than sack a whole team not performing for example. Again, nothing particularly challenging or controversial there. I have not seen a single poster NOT ONE who has said that Lambert is completely free from all blame. You appear to confuse people trying to balance a one sided, reactionary, often hysterical argument that just because of x, y or z he has to go. Labeling a group, any group is against the forum rules and I would recommend you stop that. Again, I am yet to see an "apologist" I have seen people attempt to mop up some of the hysterical bed wetting that takes places. To try at least find some positives in the current cesspool that is this season. Criticising anyone using the words "word removed" for example clearly equates to abuse.
  6. Fitter with the English accent but still a bit too thin to be on the Champions League of Fapability with Maergery and Danaerys
  7. Didn't in read somewhere that the actress was getting the hump with the boobs out stuff and wanted it cut out?
  8. Eames

    Joe Bennett

    So the club shouldn't try to connect its players with (often young) fans because a bunch of knuckle dragging rocket polishers think its acceptable to abuse people they've never met through the safety of the internet? Nonsense. The problem lies with those who have responded in that way ...not the idea. You don't shut pubs because people get drunk.
  9. Well because you made the unequivocal claim that fans aren't saying that Lambart is the best man for the job. The Mourinho one was a particular example but it ultimately derives from the openly stated sentiment of nearly all of the manager's apologists on here that no other manager could have managed better than Lambert. Thats because they're not. I'm not sure any sane rational Villa fan can say hand on heart Lambert is the BEST man for the job. What he is, is the current man WITH the job and given sacking him will mean 4 managers in 4 years I am yet to be convinced sacking him is the correct course of action. I believe he has done as well as fortune and finance have allowed him to do. I also believe the players have let him down. ..not through lack of ability but lack of concentration and experience, only one of those Lambert has any direct influence over. I think you have misunderstood my original comment or failing that o have been insufficiently clear...which I hope I have now remedied. Its also massively unhelpful labelling other fans as "apologists" again I've not seen anyone apologising on Lambert's behalf for the situation more that they can see that not all the fault lies with him, that 2 years given the financial constraints is not enough time for him to build the squad he wants and that what the club needs is the fans support, a packed VP with an atmosphere to encourage the players and to abandon this rotten sense of entitlement that is a blight on this football club. I won't have changed your mind, I don't expect to...you won't change mine....but at least maybe this can be discussed without the cheap insults, I'm a better fan than you point scoring and the pathetic abused dished out to manager and players alike via the internet.
  10. Still not clear why that therefore means I agree with the ridiculous Mourinho comment.
  11. I accept it is slightly counterfactual....but that is my opinion. I'm not clear where I've mentioned Mourinho. Plenty of managers COULD have done better...but that is annequally counterfactual arguement.
  12. I don't hate Sansa....... and I have a hunch she will be one of the few left standing at the end of the story. Too inoffensive to kill, too valuable alive as heiress to Winterfell and the North. Book Spoiler
  13. I don't think fans are saying that Lamber is the BEST manager for Villa at the present time. The arguement is more nuanced...... Lambert is on par with his likely replacement and therefore why bother changing would be better.
  14. Why? Isn't that blatantly obvious ? No. It isn't. Please explain. If you PAY to go and watch this heap of shit, you are clearly going to suffer more than those that don't. Did that really need pointing out ? If you sit at home and listen to the match on radio/TV you aren't going to feel the full force anguish and shitstorm as you are at the ground obviously. So paying makes you a better/more knowledgable fan?
  15. Why? Isn't that blatantly obvious ? No. It isn't. Please explain.
  16. Its simple really. Nike failed us miserably two seasons running with the lateness of the kit because they were too busy servicing their big clients like Man Utd and Arsenal. IIRC we basically paid Nike for using their brand. Macron pay us, we are probably their highest profile PL client. It suits both us and them.
  17. Not ignorant no. Short sighted, reactionary, counter productive and unnecesary. Yes. Short sighted?? Ha! Have you any pride in the club left?? Whats pride got to do with it and how can you tell I don't have any?
  18. Not ignorant no. Short sighted, reactionary, counter productive and unnecesary. Yes. For fans like yourself who have extremely low expectations maybe. Fans like me? Please explain.....
  19. Not ignorant no. Short sighted, reactionary, counter productive and unnecesary. Yes.
  20. Its a bigger job than the one he had at the time and he probably thought he couldn't make us any worse! I think given time and some decent ££ he will sort it out. His tactics have been suspect on a few occasions but with 11 of the first team squad injured and Fulham fighting for their lives under a bloke who makes the SAS attutidue to physical training seem lazy, they were always going to beat us. I don't think that was 100% his fault, especially when more than 3 of the team didn't look like they gave a toss either way.
  21. Is that why the dog in your avi is licking its lips?
  22. Look at lower in the table than us with a good chance of being relegated Swansea? Chronic underspend? Nicola Cortese who left Southampton with 27m in unpaid transfer fees? Sod that. I think your view is particularly one-eyed. Swansea are lower in the table but yes.... and the man responsible for that has been sacked - Laudrup. What Swansea have achieved in previous seasons, with Sousa, Martinez and Rodgers has been a development on the "right" style of play, with those principles being part of the club as a whole and not just an incoming manager. Swansea will play the same way whenever the new man starts and it is hard to dispute that the approach has been anything but a roaring success. Not sure why you question the chronic underspend. Lambert has had the resources to deliver the results and the position we find ourselves in. He has maintained PL status and I believe that is his sole success criteria from the club. Unpaid as in "outstanding" or unpaid as in "in default with other clubs asking for transfer bans etc until they are paid" I suspect the former rather than the latter - again you can't deny Southampton's success from L1 upwards and that it has been achieved in the right way.
  23. The loss of a mother of two young children is a tragedy...but that happens daily and never gets attention. The loss of someone famous for being the daughter of someone famous is not.
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