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Everything posted by Eames

  1. It's a real shame you ruined a potentially solid and well-reasoned argument with the childish bolded words. I'd also contest your statement that the majority of fans want Lambert out. Where is your evidence for this? This is certainly not my experience.
  2. Eames

    General Chat

    it so is a spoiler. His mother loved/loves/will love him. Tenses have been confused to prevent spoiling this crucial plot point. O_o
  3. Eames

    General Chat

    I know right. Can't believe anybody would actually like Joffrey. I'll stop now. If this is a spoiler then you are bang out of order and should be banned. Excuse me this is OFF topic. I think you'll find hystrionics, faux outrage, dogmatism and generally twattishness belong in the VillaTalk section. Failing that stop bleating about spoilers in source material that's 15 years old.
  4. That a threat or a promise? Take your pick bitch Can "Anderson rukajarvi" be our safe words?
  5. Sure, I accept the logistics of the number of offences times the max fine but the point that I make is that for his offences (okay they aren't offences as he hasn't been found guilty of them) he has repaid a sum of the amount that the train company missed out on and avoided a criminal record and also the public naming and shaming (I'm not an advocate of this but it's relevant to the level playing field discussion). When you then compare that to matey boy who has evaded the fare between New St and Barnt Green (I have intentionally selected a midland journey that I have never undertaken!) and his subsequent fines and punishment then it would suggest that we are geared towards a situation where, if one can buy oneself out of a criminal situation (fare dodging is a criminal matter, no?), then you can do so at cost - if you don't have the means, however, you are prohibitively punished in financial terms and also handed a criminal sentence. It may not be 'government' who is directing it but it is society that is allowing it. There is a problem with both (there always has been; let's hope there won't always be). Edit: Apologies for the sly maths dig. Anyone can do the buying out though....its just the level of £ required that's different. Be it £4.50 or £45k the opportunities to pay up and avoid prosecution are extended to all. I dont accept this argument that his wealth has meant he "got off"...its just more shocking because of the amount. No worries about the dig. I can take. Just don't pretend it was sly.
  6. He dodged the fare each day that he travelled, didn't he? It wasn't one single, continuous offence, was it? So wouldn't that be five years of journeys (generously giving him 12 weeks of holiday per year would suggest 1,000 dodges) multiplied by £1000 of fines? I'll leave the rest of the back of a fag packet maths up to others. Agree with that yes Snowy (especially the maths) but no bench of magistrates will consider 1000 offences nor will they fine the maximum for each offence. Assume he would have pleaded guilty that's 33% discount before his lawyers have even got near mitigation.
  7. A bit of Guardian desperation really. Evading justice isn't the preserve of the rich. Plenty of violent offenders, rich and poor, are put back on the streets immediately. Fairness and justice? Not in Britain in this millennium. Too much leniency in general. People do realise that this is not a matter for the CPS, Police or the Government don't they? Yes the guys a prize arsehole but in his case the penalty for fare dodging (maximum £1000 per offence) plus standard costs of £125 mean this is the most efficient way of Southeastern seeing the money again and it is solely their decision on how to deal with it. They generally offer such settlements to everyone and those who end up in court are often those who ignore the situation or still refuse to pay when challenged. Its not just however that dodging a £2.10 fare ends up in Court with the final bill being nearly £500 in fines, compensation and costs but that is the way of the world.
  8. Thanks mate. **** perfect though isn't she?!
  9. Welcome to fatherhood !!!!! Its the second time around. Trouble is that number 1 was over 3 years ago and I'd forgotten!!
  10. 1. Cheesy as **** Mars bar once every two year England football adverts. 2. Watching Mrs E use a breast pump. 3. The fact there are never and nice women on One Born. 4. Not having slept for over 2 hours in a single block for over 3 days now. 5. Aston Villa 6. On Topic 7. Babies that will not sleep. 8. The fact there is no beer in the fridge. 9. The fact that I'm **** shattered. 10. The fact that Mrs E has just poured tit milk all over the iPad. 11. I'm tired.
  11. also confirmed that I absolutely would now in the same post so chin up Jones. That's way more special than some 2nd losers prize.
  12. That's why I can't believe the TV won't catch the books. I think certain plot lines will be dramatically different because whilst they are compelling reads they could be covered in one scene.
  13. Your "baselayers at 20" pic confirms that to be the case.
  14. Congratulations Jon...this is number 2...and doing totally the opposite to what number 1 did. Keeping us on out toes anyway. Just so tired.
  15. OK don't bring it. Bring ear defenders and a duvet. Zzzzzzzzzz
  16. 2 things. The other bloke staying on the maternity ward who is a 22 carat arsehole. And the fact that I just had a McDonalds which was good. Got an instant win on their monopoly thing.... Which was nice. It was a **** fruit bag.
  17. Cheers all you wonderful people. Mum and baby are doing fine except for the cockface in the bay next to them who keeps shutting the **** door to the really hot room.
  18. This with so many bells on. Still convinced he will not be convicted of premeditated murder. It will be culpable homicide.
  19. Princess Eames v2.0 (Zara) born at 9.30 this morning. Chuffed to bits.
  20. It will grind to a halt. Book 6 wont be out until 2015 so it's safe to assume that the show will be up to S5 as far as the TV is concerned. I'm more worried about Martin dying before he finished the saga. Book 7 ain't going to be brief and he is very clear none is going to be allowed to finish it for him.
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