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Everything posted by Eames

  1. may as well chuck the middle east in there too. Sky sources understand it you throw enough shit some of it sticks.
  2. You make it sound like lerners made no mistakes and nothing is his fault. I would say successful wealthy men could probably see how its gone wrong and feel pretty confident they could do better. Which part of "driven it like he stole it" did you misinterpret as " 1careful owner?!" Lerner is 100% at fault for our current situation. Don't matter who is driving (Lambert) If its a shit car....its a shit car.
  3. I've not read the statement but I would seriously question any new buyers motives. Imagine if you will a lovely claret and blue Rover car. HDE bought said car, only serviced it when he absolutely needed too just to prevent it from grinding to a halt altogether. Randy comes along and buys said car. Spends a shit tonne of cash on it, full service and valet, new engine, etc etc and spends 3 years driving it like he stole it. He then works out he can't keep it on the road by throwing money he hasn't got at top parts and performance upgrades....so he literally just puts in fuel and nothing else. I ask you ladies and gents....would you buy that car?
  4. Second poll? Wasnt that the same reaction another poster said didn't happen? Wasn't there....can't comment.
  5. I agree it can't be solely blamed on Lambert but he has to take ultimate responsibility for a team. When you're paying a manager approx. £2m a year and his team can't get one shot on target for 60 minutes of football (after 4 defeats on the bounce) you have to question his ability. 86% of Villa fans agree it's time for him to go. His salary is about on par with the rest of the league....shots on target are not solely his responsibility if the strikers can't hit a barn door that's not ultimately his fault at all. You mean 86% of people on one villa internet forum with less than 500 responses want Lambert out. Its already been explained why that poll is meaniness.
  6. If you press high up the pitch and close people down naturally you have more men forward and you're closer to the opposition goal to get shots in. 60 minutes played zero shots on target yesterday. Just not good enough. You also leave massive gaping holes behind your midfield for the infinitely better opponents to run in behind you and rape your defence. No shots on target can't solely be blamed on Lambert can it? Gabby and Weimann had that job.....
  7. And then you'd have been moaning that the defence had no cover when Saints ripped us apart 4-0. The team had no confidence on the back of 5 straight defeats...some cavalier change to a style we haven't used all season was never going to work was it? Not losing yesterday is absolutely fine in my eyes. Correction - we'd actually lost 4 on the bounce not 5. Would there not have been a possibility we could have scored in the opening half hour if we got the tactics right from the start? Pot-ay-toh. Pot-ar-toh. No. We create **** all not because we weren't higher up the pitch but because we have no creativity in the side. By all means beat Lambert up about his failure to address that but not over a 0-0 draw with a better team than us.
  8. And then you'd have been moaning that the defence had no cover when Saints ripped us apart 4-0. The team had no confidence on the back of 5 straight defeats...some cavalier change to a style we haven't used all season was never going to work was it? Not losing yesterday is absolutely fine in my eyes.
  9. More to come on this unfortunately Oh god that's going to be us isn't it? Charlie in the changing rooms.....bye bye take over.
  10. That's bloody shocking treatment. There should be regular contact with any player on loan to see how they are doing, give advice etc. Just sending a lad off and not giving much of a **** is no way to be bringing through youth players. Its not like he's been released into the wild to fend for himself like an injured chimp though is it. He's gone to another club with professional management, coaching and support all in place who probably would rightly object to Villa poking their noses in and "giving advice"
  11. Of course it isn't. What a ridiculous thing to say. You have no idea of Gabby's frame of mind, level of confidence, whatever. If you genuinely believe he is talking to anyone else apart from his players in those press conferences there is no helping you. Every single manager in the league does it. Mourinho spouts bollocks every time he opens his mouth and is generally regarded and am excellent man manager. Why? Because it takes attention off the squad and their performance. Its quite simple really.
  12. Eames


    I use YouTube a lot and that is great.... But not sure beyond that why then?
  13. Eames


    My neighbour lent me his...and its very good. Can't see that I'd buy one because all I really need it for is to stream YouTube thus circumventing the horrible TiVo app. It's much better than watching vids on my N7, but I'm not convinced it's £30 better.
  14. Yeah, Saurez, Sturridge, coutinho Mignolet all came for next to next nothing - Ive heard that Gerrard and Suurez are 10k per week - what is it that compels people to say things which blatantly aren't true about Liverpool ? They haven't spent Chelsea/City amounts of money is the point. 'Obscene' being the key word you obviously failed to register. I think you'll find they have. Their "1st XI" is about the same value as Chelsea's. City are a league above again but the notion that this Liverpool team has been built on the cheap is laughable.
  15. Lambert should be given decent ££ and another season. *dons tin hat.... Leaves thread.
  16. Certainly won't be crying but like many would like change for the better. 45,000 would be beyond the VP capacity so doesn't seem a sensible suggestion. I agree about not booing during the game but see no problem voicing an opinion after the game particularly if after say 5 defeats on the bounce! Also not a sulker but not a mute with no fight or no desire either. ignoring the pathetic smug quip about me rounding up the stadium capacity. What do you think booing at the end of the game achieves? Even after 5 straight defeats? Do you think players don't realise? Do you believe several thousand people telling you how shit you are is an effective motivational tool? Why would it help? Football is a confidence game and I will never understand anyone who argues that undermining that confidence will yield improvements. I've not read the last few pages - who has said that a Villa defeat leads them to 'smack the missus'? Or has no one said that? hyperbole for impact....If you have a different opinion you obviously hit your missus. Totally logical! are you autistic? Genuine question. Wow. Are you that blind to your own hypocrisy, you go on about black and white mentality yet write as if anyone who dares take issue with Lambert on a forum obviously goes to every game just to boo him then goes home to beat their missus as their so depressed about the Villa. Then complain about a pathetic quip and write that in response. See my edit. Statement retracted.
  17. I've not read the last few pages - who has said that a Villa defeat leads them to 'smack the missus'? Or has no one said that? hyperbole for impact....Really? Really? You think it's okay to chuck in that kind of comment? Piss poor, Eames. Piss poor. I feel bad now Snowy. Respect your opinion. Got carried away.
  18. Certainly won't be crying but like many would like change for the better. 45,000 would be beyond the VP capacity so doesn't seem a sensible suggestion. I agree about not booing during the game but see no problem voicing an opinion after the game particularly if after say 5 defeats on the bounce! Also not a sulker but not a mute with no fight or no desire either. ignoring the pathetic smug quip about me rounding up the stadium capacity. What do you think booing at the end of the game achieves? Even after 5 straight defeats? Do you think players don't realise? Do you believe several thousand people telling you how shit you are is an effective motivational tool? Why would it help? Football is a confidence game and I will never understand anyone who argues that undermining that confidence will yield improvements. I've not read the last few pages - who has said that a Villa defeat leads them to 'smack the missus'? Or has no one said that? hyperbole for impact.... If you have a different opinion you obviously hit your missus. Totally logical! edit. Probably offensive.
  19. I've not read the last few pages - who has said that a Villa defeat leads them to 'smack the missus'? Or has no one said that? hyperbole for impact....
  20. This is the typically moronic response I have seen from those unable to distinguish life beyond black/white good/shit happy/sad. I've dealt with 5 year olds with greater capacity for nuance and emotional complexity. I'm yet to see a single person actually say they want villa to bop along in a perma relegation fight. If you have please point them out and I'll happily call them a moron as well. If a Villa defeat on a Saturday ruins your week...means you go home and smack the missus about or whatever else you feel you need to do then I actually feel sorry for you. I care if we win, I care if we lose, but I don't act like a petulant shit whose just has his sweeties taken away. If you're happy to sit there and accept mediocrity then that is your entitlement. On the flip side there is other people who expect more and demand more and fair play to those people I say! not sure which part of my post lead you to the suggestion I am happy with our current situation. I was simply pointing out that crying about it won't change it. Ultimately we're all supporters and rather than bitching on the internet or booing maybe just maybe packing VP with 45,000 naked and fanatical SUPPORTERS would be more useful than the booing or tweeting Joe Bennett to tell him how shit he is. Still...if you want to spend your life sulking crack on chief....I expect supporting Villa to hurt makes the disappointment easier to handle.
  21. This is the typically moronic response I have seen from those unable to distinguish life beyond black/white good/shit happy/sad. I've dealt with 5 year olds with greater capacity for nuance and emotional complexity. I'm yet to see a single person actually say they want villa to bop along in a perma relegation fight. If you have please point them out and I'll happily call them a moron as well. If a Villa defeat on a Saturday ruins your week...means you go home and smack the missus about or whatever else you feel you need to do then I actually feel sorry for you. I care if we win, I care if we lose, but I don't act like a petulant shit whose just has his sweeties taken away.
  22. That's exactly when you should cheer them (the team and the manager, anyway). Fair weather fans FTL. Totally agree Moonman. Booing a losing team and manager is idiotic IMO.
  23. Seriously Mods cant we lock this shit? Lambert is in the job with no sign of leaving. All this conjecture is based on unverified reports that maybe there is a takeover if we stay up. Pointless threads are pointless.
  24. It's a real shame you ruined a potentially solid and well-reasoned argument with the childish bolded words. I'd also contest your statement that the majority of fans want Lambert out. Where is your evidence for this? This is certainly not my experience. http://www.heroesandvillains.info/forumv3/index.php?topic=51442.4710 Graph at top of page. We should do a poll here as well. The vast majority of Villa fans do not post on message boards so any poll can hardly be considered to represent the fan base. That poll has 363 votes. If you had a poll on here and on TBAR and added them to the H&V poll you'd still be looking at less than a 1,000 people. Saved me the bother thanks. Its hardly a neutral question either is it?
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