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Everything posted by Eames

  1. ^^Its slightly counter-factual because no dealer would ever say that but yes.... I would probably think again. Mrs E would be out of the door faster than you could say crash test dummy.
  2. I don't think I ever have either. When we wanted a big family tank thing we bought a 4x4 on the logic it will smash all the smaller stuff out the way and the odds of getting side on'd by another vehicle of equivilent size were pretty small. Even then, there were several things on the list above NCAP rating which made me decide on the purchase.
  3. I would imagine there are higher motivating factors when buying an R8 than it's safety rating but I accept it may put people off. That argument becomes more relevant in reference to the A5 or A6 models. Sports car being less safe than a fiesta isn't really a surprise to me.
  4. So the story here is "car dealers tell lies to sell cars?" Not much of a story is it. Also noone buying an R8 gives a shit about the safety rating.
  5. he he ... I fear you will have one of the anti brigade (incorrectly) telling you how we are all French now as a result of 1066 though I'd be happy to hand out a history lesson in that eventuality.
  6. I am "proud" to be British.... not because I think we are particularly fantastic but because were it not for the grace of McGrath I could have been French, and there is no pride to be had in that at all.
  7. Eames

    Luke Shaw

    Crazy. The best RB in league (Zabaletta) cost £ity £7.6m. Is Luke Shaw £20m better than Zabaletta? No. And we wonder why clubs buy foreign over "young English talent"
  8. EDIT wrote a massive reply. Gareth sums it up just as well.
  9. A1s are in no way girly and to prove it I am going to simultaneously wrestle a bear, spit, fart and Do IngramUTWU.
  10. Fair enough Randy. Thanks for what you have done. Lets get the new owners in and we move on.
  11. **** Lambert, the first lot out the door need to be the Web Team.
  12. 5 mins late no statement. This is awkward.......
  13. Quite superb..... sounds like the DOOM soundtrack.
  14. You'd want to be a professional cyclist before you would have to worry about that if at all. For the amateur cyclist its a non-issue. No problems to report here and during my er... formative years 14-17 I was averaging 150-200 miles a week on the bike. Now 31 two kids and able to perform on demand wherever and whenever.
  15. Kent. When you start hill climbing you will know.
  16. Not at the moment. I've had an er.... break recently. Need to get back out there. Trying to find one thats not chock full of pretentious bellends in Team Sky kit. Much more of distance club run on a Sunday type of guy these days followed by a hard earned recovery ale.
  17. That IMO is utter bollocks. It really depends on what you want to do as to what you should spend. I'd go with what you want to spend at present. Buy the best frameset you can afford (even if it means compramising on the quality of the group set a bit) because at least that gives you the scope to upgrade bits as you get better. Talk to a local independent bike shop and develop a relationship with them.... they will give you good advice as they will want to keep you. Join a local cycling club as well, some the best cycling advice I ever received came from wizened old gits in woollen jerseys on Sunday Club runs.
  18. 1. Agree 2. Of course we'd keep the name Aston Villa. Thats the brand, and a reasonably recognisable one both nationally and globally. 3. Yes and no. 4. Its not just about the "ground" anymore though. Its the hotels/hospitality/resturant opportunities that a new stadium complex provides. All potential money earners for the club. I would be heartbroken if we left Villa Park, it is an absolute gem of a stadium, but I can see that commercially, if the "new owner" owns the land already to build a purpose built enormo-bowl as part of his existing entertainment complex I can see it happening.
  19. Therefore Lambert = McLeish in terms of overall performance. Well no not at all. We win more, lose more and draw a lot less than under McLeish. So clearly Lambert doesn't equal McLeish. McLeish set the team up not to get beaten and on the whole had "better" (more expensive higher paid) players at his disposal than Lambert. Lambert sets the team up to try and win but is less effective at shutting other teams down than McLeish was.
  20. If I showed you an Emile Heskey goal compilation and the goal highlights of Gary Lineker you couldn't tell me which one was the natural finisher? They're all goals, right? By definition, a goal is scored, therefore the move was "finished" the scorer a "finisher," possibly "natural." No, it's not just the fact a goal was scored that makes a finisher. You can tell even from the bloopers showreel which one is which. It's how the goal is scored (and how often in a season). Was the goal scored using classic strikers technique? Did the goal require anticipation, great positioning and great movement? Does the player have a perfect first touch? I'd argue that James Wilson's goal compilations, and number of goals he has scored, show he has these marks of a natural finisher. Another clue he is a great player already is he scored two goals on his debut appearance for the first team which is impressive in itself. It was a big game for him. Shows he's got the big game mentality. Utter bollocks.
  21. I've watched his selection of goals on youtube and the Man Utd site but I've not seen him play a game so I can't judge his pace, dribbling or tackling. So actually you know **** all about him. What you know is what someone cut and shut together on YouTube. Unless there is a "James Wilson glaring misses gag reel of shame" what you have seen are his greatest hits. You can't comment on his finishing ability at all other than to say that the finishes you have seen were finished well.
  22. It's the slippery slope of getting the unemployed back into work. So in a given week, they might not get any work at all, and would therefore retain their benefits. If they do get some work, they get paid for it. Everyone's a winner. When I was unemployed, I'd have loved that opportunity. Employers are the winner if this situation becomes the norm. Who is the winner if unemployed people stay unemployed? [Tory] Super strength lager brewers BSkyB Sportswear manufacturers Elizabeth Duke at Argos Flat Screen TV sellers The criminal underclass [/tory]
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