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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I'm pretty certain that a million people from the UK haven't moved over to live in Poland and Bulgaria. "People are individuals and trying to group them based on their nationality is racist." Of course it isn't, that's ridiculous. Agreed. Wrong -ism there. National identity does not equate to race. "English" is not race, neither is "Scottish" "Irish" or "Welsh"
  2. Eames

    Mobile networks

    o2 are very impressive both in terms of coverage and customer service. Their live text chat thing online is superb. I'll still be leaving as soon as my contract ends but can't really rate them highly enough.
  3. Eames

    National Anthem

    Bruce Dickinson had a half decent stab as well.
  4. Wow. 3 things that stood out from that utter abortion of a comment. "Liberal Democracy" and Israel are not two words I expected to see together. Try "Fundamentalist Theocracy" although I'm not sure that really covers it. Nothing like carpet bombing the schools and hospitals full of homeless people to re-enforce "freedom of speech and the rule of law" You criticise Hamas and the Palestinians for believing in a "pathetic non-existant God" wholly free of the irony that the beardy chap the Isrealis go nuts for is the same bloke with a different PR agent. The state of Israel is a 20th Centry construction designed to soften the horror of the Holocaust. Pre 1948 it had not existed for over 1500 years.
  5. He should have avoided the civilian casualty at all costs - or at very least used a method of intervention that was not guaranteed to cause the civilian enormous suffering. The Israeli's could put boots on the ground and go after Hamas street by street. They won't because the risk to their own soldiers would be deemed too high for public opinion to stomach. Far easier to use tank fire and fighter bombers.
  6. I don't feel sorry for them. Other clubs have been through the same thing. It all started, imo, when they let Pochettino go to Spurs. Had they told him that he's under contract and they want him to see it out, he could have put a brave face on and brought in some new players, meaning some of the other players might have stayed too (even if Pochettino only stayed for another season). The way it's happened, it's seemed like "He's leaving? I'll leave too". (Though very simplistic). The fans more than the club. It is pretty heartbreaking watching your crown jewels sold off to "bigger" clubs safe in the knowledge you wont seen anything like the £100m you've recieved in transfers spent on replacements. Southampton are shafted this season.
  7. many of whom had their heads put on spikes and on display as a warning meanwhile everyone just wonders who will get evicted from the Big Brother house What can anyone do? 1. Freeze ALL of Asad's international assests and issue an International warrant for his arrest should he try to leave Syria. 2. Do the same for all Syrian and opposition leading figures. 3. Deploy an international Peacekeeping force to prevent both sides fighting and stabilise the situation 4. Deploy a full scale humanitarian intervention to provide urgent assistance where required 5. Immidiate short term import/export ban on all good and services. would all be good starts.
  8. Depends on which spells youre using....the more powerful the spell the quicker you'll level. (I think)
  9. OT but Newcastle doesn't really make money for Ashley. What it does do is provide a massive free advertising vehicle for Sports Direct
  10. I'm about 35 hours in to a new play through. I've gone female Nord one handed tank this time round. Its amazing the amount of content I missed in my first 100hour playthrough without going near the DLC missions. I'm only 1/3 through the main quest line and have finished the Comapanions and am currently tooling around doing Daedric Quests and helping out randoms I meet from place to place.
  11. Can't really argue with any of that can you?
  12. Eames

    National Anthem

    Thats why my vote was I Vow to Thee My Country. The least tosh of whats available.
  13. Feel really sorry for Southampton. It goes to show there is no point developing a team to break the Top 4. As soon as you get too close for their comfort they will just rip the guts out of your team. They are nailed on relegation candidates for me now.
  14. I moved to Kent from Northampton in the mid 90s and get called everything from "Brummie" to "Posh".....mind you, they all sound like Mockney wanna be's or pikeys down here so....
  15. Inspired by discussion in the Commonwealth Games thread. Should God Save the Queen be replaced as the National Anthem? What should it be replaced with?
  16. Just catching up with this thread. 1) GSTQ is a horrible dirge and does nothing to stir patrioric feelings. Once HMtheQ pops her clogs it should be immidiately replaced because noone will want to sing GSTK for Charlie-Boy. 2) Cycling has been good because its a World Class field. The athletics hasn't been great and the gymnastics has been shocking. 3) Adlington then and now....yes. All day long. Gets massive stick totally unjustified IMO.
  17. Eames

    General Chat

    Fortunately, Ebola does appear to transmit that easily. Avoid contact with sufferers bodily fluids and you'll probably be ok. The nightmare scenario is a disease with the incubation period of HIV/AIDS with the potency of Ebola and the transmission of flu. We could all already have it and all alrady be ****.
  18. Don't expect any action against Israel. It won't happen. The have US sponsored carte blanche to do whatever the **** they like. This is not an action motivated by self defence, this is a 21st century pogrom. The situation in my eyes is comparible with Northern Ireland, imagine that the British Government responded to the Manchester bombings or Enniskillen but having the RAF carpet bomb the Bog Side. Thats what happening here. An absolute disgrace and a travesty that the UN is doing nothing about it.
  19. Slightly slow morning at work. So currently "enjoying" Mauritius vs Vanatu at table tennis.
  20. I use Mupen64 and am playing Mario Kart and Zelda OOT which translate quite well.
  21. Haven't tried - I will have a go this evening when I get in. I assumed day one would be a total fiasco and didn't bother so was watching Day9 play it on YouTube and winning at Skyrim instead.
  22. Eames

    Murdoch Scum

    fixed the last bit for you not really followed the story but it sounds like she bragged about her ability to get drugs and then after the trial collpased denied she ever used or had access to them the Sun guy may have been a liar but possibly he isn't the only one in this instance The fact that her co-defendent pleaded guilty at the first opportunity implies she had "access" to drugs but its harldy "beyond all resaonable doubt"
  23. Some quality sucking in of the beer gut going on there Stevo.
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