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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Yes it is. It's how they say it, and why they say it that's important though. I mean, you could get some smackhead taking a dump in the M&S changing rooms, and then stealing a suit for a court appearance. You wouldn't expect M&S to then write to all of their customers thus: "M&S customers SHALL NOT crimp off a length in the Alderley Edge chnaging rooms" "M&S customers SHALL not steal items from the shirt and tie department". You would expect all supporters' club chairmen to follow the rules set out in the communication from the club, but it was badly written, heavy handed, and didn't leave the volunteers doing something for the club feeling valued. At a time when all supporters have had to put up with rubbish football, and rubbish results, you'd think that a charm offensive might have been more beneficial. If one or two individuals had caused problems, they should have been dealt with individually. A lot of fuss about mostly nothing, but just another example of the poor PR from the club, at a time when it needs all the positive support it can get. Does it not have to be worded in terms of absolutes though? Anything less implies its open to interpretation and therefore arguement.
  2. Ok **frightfully middle class post alert** I won't go in the local ASDA (mostly due full of swap donkeys but also due to the fact they gave me funny looks when Mrs E sent me in their to pick up the manual breast pump she'd ordered in my name) Tesco's makes me sad. Morrisons is too northern for my tastes Sainsbury's is ok. M&S is good for Sarnies but nowt else. Never been in Lidl's or Aldi. Waitrose give me a free coffee and a paper plus a natty little scanner thing... and its simply the only place to get the organic moroccan hummus that Tarquin adores with his olives. New Tesco's are good, I've been in the older stores, and they're pants. I've been in new and old Sainsbury's (Redditch = old, Blackheath = new(ish) and it's overpriced and poor quality. Seriously, the worst supermarket in my opinion. Aldi is good, it's much cheaper and the quality is still pretty high, imo. Some of their meats are brilliant. Fruit and Veg is a must, they last longer than anywhere else. Morrisons - near Rubery is ok. pants layout, some of the booze is well priced and their veg/salad is very decent, but everyday shopping is expensive. Waitrose - good ready meals, some quite rare things are gettable there, but everything is over priced. In some cases, literally double Aldi prices, for worse quality stuff. Lidl - some good offers, but the quality of the food is no frills, it's basic but you wouldn't give other people that food they came to your house Eames - what next, you're going to tell me you have a Range Rover for your horse boxes!? Not quite. Freelander - but looking at upgrading to a Disco.
  3. We're ****. Going down with Southampton.
  4. The thing to remember for me is that those men left the trenches KNOWING they would be walking into a hail of machine gun fire and certin death - and they did it anyway. Bravery the like of which we will never see again. Such enormous courage in the face of such obvious tactical stupidity.
  5. Ok **frightfully middle class post alert** I won't go in the local ASDA (mostly due full of swap donkeys but also due to the fact they gave me funny looks when Mrs E sent me in their to pick up the manual breast pump she'd ordered in my name) Tesco's makes me sad. Morrisons is too northern for my tastes Sainsbury's is ok. M&S is good for Sarnies but nowt else. Never been in Lidl's or Aldi. Waitrose give me a free coffee and a paper plus a natty little scanner thing... and its simply the only place to get the organic moroccan hummus that Tarquin adores with his olives.
  6. Sad it 18 months ago but the point still stands. and even when allegedly certain English players, get *sniff* allegedly caught by their *sniff* club they allegedly *sniff* get injured for a few *sniff* weeks so it can *sniff* allegedly clear their *sniff* system. Don't mind that....thats just talc.
  7. Its works for me, I'm forever going in for "free" coffee and then drop £30 on booze/cakes/artisan breadsticks. There is a very high standard of clunge in my local one too.
  8. The fuss over this is absolutely ridiculous. It is perfectly reasonable for any organisation to ask those who wish to affiliate themselves with said organisation to behave in a certain way. You wouldn't join a golf club and then act surprised when the other members have a problem with you screaming "word removed" at people of the 5th tee. Its the same thing. The club aren't saying "you can't criticise us" - but they are asking people who want to associate themselves formally with the club not to do it publically and certainly not to do it in an abusive manner. I've seen such hilarious reaction like "its curtailing the fans freedom of speech" - well, no, it isn't. YOU CHOOSE to affiliate yourself officially with the club, their brand, their company, their rules. Don't like it? Don't affiliate. This whole situation smacks of a group of people pissed off that the club whose association benefits their supporters club or supporter trust (and how they can moan at all having seen the attitude of the knob that posted on here after their "super secret" EGM meeting, is beyond me) ask them not to act like dicks on twitter. Its extraordinairily simple for me. Here's the rules. Get on with it, or lose the "official" status.
  9. I had one of those dirty sessions last night..... 2.30am and I'm still going finishing Boethia's Calling. Worth it for the Ebony Mail though.
  10. They say the secret to comedy is timing. A month ago this would have been golden.
  11. Grabbing the morning free Waitrose coffee with Vic Reeves.
  12. Hamas are a bunch of fundmentalist nutters. FWIW so is the Isreali government but Israel in this situation is like pitting a 6ft 18stone prop forward against a 12 year old from the First Year 1st XI. Its not a fair fight. If you want Hamas to stop you have to make them irrelevent by dealing with the moderates, pulling out of the land that isn't yours, demolishing settlements and talking. You don't make Hamas irrelevent by blowing up hospitals and schools and doing their recruitment for them. Again using the Northern Ireland comparison, you don't beat the IRA by carpet bombing the Bog Side. You do it by talking to Sinn Fein, negotiating and giving ground where you have to. Israel is just as much a terrorist state as Palestine. EDIT - I would also argue the majority view on this site is not the result of a misguided handwringing bleeding hearted western liberalism. More of a totally moral repugnance at the notion that one of the most advanced military nations in the world seems to have absolutely no problem with the repeated, deliberate murder of innocent civilians.
  13. This could easily be applied to Israel.
  14. Its a hard thing to explain unless you have kids but my 16week old daughter makes me as proud as my nearly 4 year old does - its just a different set of expectations. Number 1 writing her own name or spelling stuff makes me proud. Number 2 holding her head up for the first time or laughing makes me proud. It won't do in 4 months or so but the criteria constantly change. If any of that makes sense. 26 year old daughter, I appreciate parental pride but should we have it for mundane things? Well I think so.... but I wouldn't plaster it all over FB either.
  15. I have a fair few of these in my friends list. They're also newly obsessed with wine so there's usually an update or two every day with some munter staring at me with a glass of wine in their hand. WINNNNEEEEEEEE I DRINK WIINNEEEE Thats because Asda now sell it in a 1.5 litre plastic bottle.
  16. No, it is certainly not genocide... but genocide is the stated aim of Hamas as written in their own charter. Your finger is pointing in the wrong direction. I also object to your use of the word 'deliberate'. How can you know that? Hamas are not the issue here. As stated above Hamas is the problem of Isreal's own making. If Israel had bothered to work with the PLO and Arafat they would not now be in the situation they're in. How can I know such attacks are deliberate - simple. The Israeli Army is one of the best equipped, best trained and best organised military's in the world. They would certainly hand HM's own armed forces their arses to them. Such a military operation cannot possibly be so utterly inept as to launch mortars, shells and air to surface missles into civilian areas "by accident". I would also stronly aruge they are fully aware of the basic fact that the best way to kill a Hamas militant in a cellar without killing everyone else in the building is to put a bloke in the same building with a gun. Flattening the building with an F16 or long range tank shell whilst undeniably effective is morally repugnant. The Israeli's are fully aware civilians will die, and they simply don't care.
  17. I agree with this very reasonable and sensible post... but it still leaves the question of how to proceed. In fairness, I think you would have to grant that previous attempts to reason with any kind of fundamentalists, inside and outside the near east, have been doomed. One problem Israel faces is that when they cut any kind of deal with the Arabs, they can hold up their end of the agreement because the Israeli government is in control of Israeli policy. The Arabs, on the other hand, include numerous disparate groupings, so you make peace with one lot and suddenly some new organisation... Black September, Hezbollah, the PLO, the Alternative PLO or the Provisional Alternative PLO start shooting again. Try finding a solution to that problem! We managed in Northern Ireland - a situation with broadly similar issues. It took time and it wasn't easy but it worked. The solution is you work with the reasonable moderates and create a climate where the situation for EVERYONE can improve, by doing so you a) cut off the recruiting process for further militants and make the nutters far more conspicuous. Along side this you also use targetted military intervention on the ground to round up the loonies. What you don't do is respond to every cheap home made bottle rocket with a full scale military intervention.
  18. Its a hard thing to explain unless you have kids but my 16week old daughter makes me as proud as my nearly 4 year old does - its just a different set of expectations. Number 1 writing her own name or spelling stuff makes me proud. Number 2 holding her head up for the first time or laughing makes me proud. It won't do in 4 months or so but the criteria constantly change. If any of that makes sense.
  19. Sanity? The deliberate shelling of schools and hospitals that the Israeli's KNOW are packed with women and children is not sanity. Its genocide.
  20. Nicky Marker was born to defend really wasn't he!
  21. Cairn Bloodhoof says "Garrosh, you are not fit to rule the Horde" when used vs Warriors.
  22. I gather the abusive behaviour relates to an incident on the Kings Road. There is no connection between that and her posting the picture. Similarly, when she was raided by a drug squad with a battering ram last year (and nothing was found), there was no connection with her having said she would publish new revelations about Osborne. And the drug squad officers who asked her during the raid about the contents of her forthcoming memoirs were just making conversation, as you do. 2 possible explainations for Osbourne not suing her. 1) its true or 2) the Streisand Effect. She can be managed as a nutter on Twitter (and she clearly is as mad as a badger) or you sue her and draw more attention to this.
  23. The missus sent me what must the worst piece of corp-speak I've encountered in all my life, as heard from the lips of one of the never-ending stream of arseholes who apparently have congregated to work for a certain Berkshire-based telecommunications firm. The word? "Solutioneering". There are not enough bullets in the world with which to fill these people. I have been asked to "Consider the impact of the multi agency dive down with reference to the cross phase elements of our change journey" I have no clue what it meant.
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