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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I think MMV takes it to the extreme but there are some circumstances where gender equality is clearly not being observed. Case in point being the new Harpic TV advert with the fireman and the bloke in a shiny white suit. Reverse the gender roles there and it would be banned on the grounds it is clearly staggeringly sexist. Ditto for all of diet cokes advertising pretty much ever. All the while two differering sets of standards are applied to the genders there will never be equality. That said on a tangent "equality" for both genders will never be achieveable. Its impossibe.Equality of opportunity is the key in circumstances where gender equality is appropriate. Poor example but building sites attact more males than females because of the nature of the work. If a woman wants to work there, they should be able to do so and should recieve equal consideration for jobs.
  2. Report said club to Trading Standards in the Local Authority area the club was based. Even if it comes to nothing you can be satisfied that you'll have caused a far amount of irritation and inconvenience all round.
  3. That is the worst thing in the world and for that reason I keep a book in the toilet and the bathroom as well. How about at work? I've never yet forgotten my phone in the office when I take a poo. That is nearly always a 20 minute fully planned activity.
  4. That is the worst thing in the world and for that reason I keep a book in the toilet and the bathroom as well.
  5. There is a traditional gender role type thing at work here granted - but you can have gender equality whilst also giving the woman/man you love some sparkly jewellry and a nice party. I know of couple of couples where the women proposed - the opposite is more usual but it does happen.
  6. Allegations and asks for privacy for family....thatll be **** rent boys then. Reckless has a shout at being the first UKIP MP in Rochester/ Strood. Oh ****. Imagine how smug Farage would be ...
  7. What is the battery like in the real world? My iPhone 5 was terrible, done by 3pm. Nexus 5 not great either though it would stretch an extra hour or two. My Moto G is great to be fair, often goes all day until bed time. As it's for business use i'm a fairly heavy user, so it's relatively important to me that it's a good-un. That said, the LG battery is removable isn't it? Have you bought a case for it yet too? Mine is very new...came off charge at 7.30 this morning,now at 48%. Screen is gorgeous UI seems good....it's magnificent. Feels great in hand, rear buttons are already natural. I'm a very happy chap so far.
  8. Impossibly fit women at baby swim classes. I've been up to me ears in yummy mummys. I'm also pretty sure that if you wear a Leonard print bikini to a baby swim class you are a massive massive slut. And on a totally unrelated and non sex offenderish way flimsy shower curtains behind which impossibly fit women change.
  9. Mrs E hasn't noticed any chance on her 5c, but then I wouldn't say that indicates a positive or a negative.
  10. Ah Jenny, many a mid 90s cap was had to her.....
  11. Its here....its sexy....its the best phone ive owned. Although sadly that was also true of my S3. So I'll. Live with it a while before passing full judgement.
  12. Why not? Jerusalem should be England's official anthem. As I said in another thread, great tune. But no way am I singing those batshit crazy words about Jesus visiting England. Agree 100%. I Vow To Thee My Country (1st verse anyway) is far far more appropriate.
  13. Eames

    Doctor Who

    Capaldi is great but the writers need a kick up the arse. If you wanted Malcom Tucker put it on post 9pm and let his do it properly....to write lines like "Stupidy stupid" for THAT actor given the ghost of Tucker is stalking the character is unforgivable. It really jarred with me and took me out of what was up to that point a really good episode and series. A poor riff on "Fuckity bye" from TTOI. That aside Capaldi is the best Dr since Tom Baker and the things I would do to Jenna Coleman are....well....you know.
  14. Oh.....er....still. Its better than an iPhone. And its newer than I thought.....so....bonus.
  15. Eames


    I would dispute that. The Crystal Palace was dismantled from its original location in Hyde Park and moved to Penge prior to it burning down - therefore for a period of time "Crystal Palace" was a place in South East London.
  16. YouTube is now blocked at work but if none of you have said Boom Shake the Room! You all need to take a long hard look at yourselves. I'd also vote for Bryan Adams Everything I Do (I Do It For You) during the inevitable slow dance...... Ah..... Kirstin Saunders..... you were mine for that oh so fleeting moment.
  17. I honestly can't remember! I beat most of Naxx with the same Paladin deck that I adapted as I went. The only exception was Patchwerk who I used a basic mill deck on. My Pally ended up something like 1x Leper Gnome 2x Avenge 2x Echoing Ooze 2x Sludge Belcher 2x Argent Protector 1x Defender of Argus 2x Haunted Creeper 1x Aldor Peacekeeper 1x Cairne Bloodhoof 2x Guardian of Kings 1x Blessing of Kings 2x Truesilver Champion 1x Sword of Justice 1x Avenging Wrath 1x Sunwalker 1x Knife Juggler 1x Argent Squire 2x Consecration 1x Stormwind Champion 1x Equality 1x Loatheb 1x Deathlord Thats off the top of my head and it isn't great but the concept was "stuff that does stuff or buffs other stuff" Echoing Ooze/Blessing of Kings is incredible as a combo. Two 5/6 minions for 6 manna, chuck in an Argus and its 2 x 6/7s with Taunt and if you can pull that off with the Sword of Justice they just scale and scale.
  18. I like the way you were concerned we wouldn't be able to tell how excited by your new tattoo you were - so you've included a little bit of baby gravy dribbling down your leg
  19. What is this "Mort-gage" of which you speak? I know not of such things.
  20. Nothing makes me happier than the Priest Grommash whirlwind finisher..... I'm interested to see how the Leeroy and Buzzard nerf affects the ladder - Reckless Rocketeer to make a dramatic comeback.
  21. Yup, the Tories hold some decent cards here in that they can look for consitutional change they've wanted for decades. Greater devolution and, at last, fairness for English people will be a big vote puller if it's battled out at the next election, unless the three parties can come to an agreement before then. Labour will be a bit more reluctant to lose the advantage that devolution bought them. I disagree that Labour would be buggered. Already in this thread it has shown that Scottish MPs have only impacted once on a GE result in 70 odd years. The West Lothian question will be interesting but it wouldn't surprise me to see the Tories, spurred on by the rabid back benchers start to punish the Scots a bit. That Clyde shipyard contract we gave you pre-referendum? Yeah, thats moving to Plymouth/Portsmouth.
  22. Record high rank this season (12) thanks to an absolutely disgusting Priest deck. All shall fear the Kel'Thuzad, Baron Rivendare, Cairne Bloodhoolf, Sludge Belcher combo - if on T8 I can get that lot on the board and keep them alive for a turn most people just conceed at that point. Infinite minions. Auchenai Soulpriest, Circle of Healing + Zombie Chow is pretty devestating as well - good trades with the added 5 damage to the face. I had been running two Deathlords but they were evicted for constantly shafting me "random enemy minion" my **** arse - Turn 3 Rag? Yeah have that Eames you shite. T5 Leeroy without the battlecry. Yep go suck it. They have only ever summoned ridiculous minions or Lengendaries for me. Gone.
  23. LG G3 ordered and dispatched today. Very excited. A 12 month old phone that does more than the brand new iPhone 6 does with a better screen. Happy happy.
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