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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I'm surprised that he has gone to prison in all honestly. I thought they'd go for a whacking fine with community service and house arrest. His athletics career is over then. Wonder what he will do when he gets out.
  2. Last night I medically needed a drink. I mean NEEDED a drink. No beer or wine in the house so to the cocktail cabinet I went - the only thing left in it? Archers. So I had an Archers and lemonade. I now know what being a 15 year old girl feels like.
  3. That is essentially the selection criteria in a nutshell.
  4. Dahn Sahf, we have had about 50,000 new homes chucked up in the last 10 years in my town. You couldn't pay me to live in any of them. At least 20% over priced as new, they quickly degenerate into the new sink estates they were trying to replace. Add the issued of shoddy construction, over density, poor access and parking etc etc. Avoid.
  5. Eames

    Doctor Who

    Capaldi just gets better and better and is starting to lose some of the Tuckerisms that bothered me in the first few episodes. Clara is stunning and I'm ok with a totally helpless companion given that the Dr has always had a variety of companions, be it kick arse, useless, ballsy or whatever. I don't think she's the idea fit for Capaldi but very good. Amy Pond was a brilliant companion for the first series up to an including the Pandorica - but it really should have ended there.
  6. I used to play mostly arena, but I've lapsed back into constructed of late. I still maintain people who play zoo or miracle are just talentless fuckbags. My non buzzard non uth Hunter is going very well at the moment though and my absolutely disgusting priest deck.
  7. Godfather Shawshank Redemption Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Mallrats Transformers: The Movie (1986) Aliens Tora! Tora! Tora! Pulp Fiction The Dark Knight Jurassic Park Again, not in order but probably my Top 10. Let it go. Its really really good, its not in my Top 10, but I genuinely like it.
  8. OMG its CRABZILLA 50ft crustacean, dubbed Crabzilla, photographed lurking beneath the waters in Whitstable Aerial images of what is said to be a giant sea creature have appeared on supernatural website Weird Whitstable set up by Station Road artist Quinton Winter. But it has left doubters racking their brains as to how the image might have been created - and how likely such a huge shellfish is in our waters. The shadowy figure has been estimated to be 50ft long as it dwarfs fishing boats resting on the pier. According to the website, the discovery was made in July last year in a popular crabbing spot by two young boys. The website reads: "This shocking image of a giant crab under a popular crabbing spot in Whitstable was taken last weekend. "The boys were unaware of the danger, but as several passersby shouted to them, the crab slipped silently away under the water, into the dark, sideways." The website is described as an exhibition of phantoms, mysteries, tall tales and artefacts.
  9. I thought the most graceful he looked was doing the Carlton. The rest of it looked bloody awful.
  10. Here it is Ah, Dune. Contender for the worst film ever. Not even "so bad it's almost good", just plain... bad. Walked out of the cinema. It's such a good story though. It's crying out for a remake.
  11. To be fair to her she is right. As interesting and titillating as it may be, she didn't choose to share said pictures with the world. What she did/does in the privacy of her home is her business and she has absolute choice over who should be granted access to it. Its no different to someone taking pictures in the girls changing rooms.
  12. ****. Horrific crash. He's lucky simply to be alive. However short of covering the jcbs in tyres or some such i can't see how you prevent that in future unless you safety car every time there is a recovery needed.
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    Hope all is ok Meath. The silly word removed was discharged today and referred to a renal unit. Seems his kidneys are ok without dialysis but he needs some chunky doses of iron tablets and intensive addiction counselling. Thanks for all your good wishes chaps.
  14. Is it worth mentioning that as fun as GPs in the wet are;holding F1 races at the tail end of typhoon season is a monumentally shit idea. Instead of booking races in perma dry desert nations why aren't we doing Japan in march?
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    Thanks all. Kidneys recover quite well apparently so he's having blood transfusions and they're trying to assess the damage. His haemoglobin level is ridiculously low. They wont let him walk anywhere and he looks almost see through. They think he's bleeding internally but dont know where. my guess its his stomach given the massive quantities of ibuprofen hes been taking to get his codeine fixes. We'll know more on monday when the tests come back. Stupid word removed.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    Congratulations btw Ingram. In keeping with the tone of the rest of the thread my little brother 29 is in hospital with kidney failure as a result of a 5 year codeine addiction. Stupid word removed. Drugs are bad. M'kay kids.
  17. According to twitter someone has checked the vehicle and the plate was legit. Its a Porsche 982 so not beyond the realms of possibility thay someone plumped for H982 FLK as a plate number. I can well imagine that the Argentinian government are making more of this than there actually is. Non story.
  18. With tablets and mp3s yes. But there really is no need to say iPhone when you're talking about your own phone.
  19. If he's found guilty of racist language I want him recalled from loan and sacked. No excuses. He's not the worst player ever to play for us but I can't see him having a future here either.
  20. A well trodden path I know but people who say "I just checked my iphone" or "call my iphone" etc etc. Its a phone you dribbling fucktards. There is no need to advertise the fact that spent more money than you should have on some shiny hardware with obsolete software. Its a **** phone. "Call my mobile" or "let me check my phone" are perfectly sentences that convey your meaning without advertising fruit based rip off merchants in the process. Noone has every said "Call my Galaxy Nexus" or "Just let me check my G3) because they'd sound like utter words removed. As do you with your "iphone" like the silly bitch sat opposite me. [/rant]
  21. Impressive interview with an impressive guy.
  22. They get about the same amount of time off a year for starters.......
  23. 5 pints of lager followed by 2.5 litres of gin inside of 3 hours. Followed by the stomach pump.
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