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Everything posted by Eames

  1. So....I've got a new job which will involve a commute by train. We will therefore only need to be a one car family. The plan is both the Freelander (lovely car but expensive and gassy as ****) and the A1 (wonderful wonderful little car but too **** small for a family of four) will both be going. That leaves me with about £25k to play with... I will never own a people carrier but I'd like the suggestions from the VT community. Its got to be reasonably efficient and ideally an estate... GO!!
  2. Just do what everyone else does the first time they see it....slow to a crawl on the a303 and hang out the window taking pictures.
  3. Your new job will be subject to a probationary period. Take a day off from your current post on the day your supposed to start....walk into your new job call the first three people you see words removed and walk out. Then phone your new boss and tell him you and tell him you havent stayed as your off to balance your nuts on his wifes nose. Jobs a good un.
  4. Im 32. Help me lapal fan. You're my only hope.
  5. No one has ever made me cum via blow job. I like it....just haven't come across anyone who has managed it.
  6. Given that Cameron has told the EU he won't be paying BBC it won't make much of a difference unless she actually does pay. He sounded like a prime minister unleashed; by turns scornful and furious, lectern thumping, downright angry. It seemed he was doing exactly what UKIP leader Nigel Farage demanded - refusing the European Commission any money at all. But David Cameron was well in control. He said he would not pay on 1 December, but did not rule out paying later. He accepted the principle of a fluctuating EU budget that meant bills went up as well as down. After that performance he cannot, and surely will not, pay what the Commission demands. But by how far can he negotiate down the bill? Half of £1.7bn, a quarter, a third; all represent big money. Were he to refuse to pay whatever the Commission finally demands, could he still persuade EU leaders in vital, future negotiations? For a party leader battling Mr Farage, the pictures on the TV news tonight will be perfect. If his diplomats can't do a decent deal, they will come back to haunt him.
  7. Eames


    Holds more than Chelsea. Whatever you say about Liverpool they are the most successful club in the history of British football. And don't they just love to remind everyone.
  8. Depends as to whether or not you mind her going in dry.
  9. I'd be interested (briefly) in the stats behind that........ if Android has 4 time the users that iOS has I could well imagine that to be the case but the reality is then that the spend would be the same.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    His actual name is Chedwyn IIRC
  11. because Ubi and Microsoft have a joint advertising/marketing agreement over Xmas, so they are hardly going to be pushing the higher res version onto a competitors console are they?
  12. Spot on. Sugar: "Margin is King on this task its all about profit" PM: "We retail the candles at £25" clearing in the woods: "2 for £10 Madam?" rocket polishers.
  13. They shouldn't in 99% percent of cases. Where they do the individuals concerned deserve a life of solitude and masturbation.
  14. Are you worried you'll be bussed back home you foreign devil? Honestly over here tekkin' our jobs. And watches.
  15. Did you stop at "The Game" or did you read the sequel too? The Game is quite an interesting read. The whole concept of the 'manosphere' seems to have gone from simply bettering yourself by dressing smarter, working out and getting more confidence with the female sex, which can only be a good thing, to basically hating on women and treating them like shit. Its an interesting book. But I suspect a lot of it is bollocks. All this "alpha" "beta" stuff and "career women are the worst" goes totally over my head tbh. Some simple suggestions for interacting with the opposite sex in any context: 1) Be yourself 2) Don't a dick 3) Be nice 4) Be honest 5) Listen 6) Pay attention It really is that simple IMO.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    I always keep red wine in the fridge for people that come around I only do it to annoy the snobby wine drinkers ... Are you now telling me I've been enhancing it for them I have no idea, I'm probably destroying the ancient secret distilling process and dismantling the deliciously delicate boutique but I couldn't give two **** as to my layman's taste buds its an improvement IIRC from my Supermarket wine training....red wine is ideally served cool. Traditionally red wine was served "a chambre" ie room temperature, which pre central heating etc was significantly colder that what we would expect today. I have been to a do where some great knob wanted to serve his wine "a chambre" and put it in front of the fire. EDIT. Is this the most middle class post on VT.
  17. I never really played with Buzzard/UTH anyway. I find UTH way to situational to be useful unless you had the wombo combo of buzzard, hyena and hounds all available. There is so much more direct grunt in the Hunter deck to make it viable without the ridiculous card draw combo stuff. Its a quality straight aggro deck. I've also kept up with my Priest and Pally decks but still don't have all the cards I'd want to play control Warrior or to be any good as a Druid. I've made it up to R14 again this season though which is nice. Trying to push higher tends to pit you against Miracle Rouge and Zoolock decks which just make me sad.
  18. Been playing a lot of Hunter recently. Webspinner is an absolutely insane card, the number of times (50%) in recent games that someone has killed it and I've ended up with King Krush is ridiculous. The burst potential in Hunter is huge, Double Kill Command, Hero ability, Arcane Shot + King Krush is a massive finisher. I love it.
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