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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Fear not. I have reported your post and the VT Thought Police will deal with you accordingly.
  2. If you can't bare to stand by your opinion then you're right, your run is up. There's not a single man, woman nor beast attempting to stop you from holding court, you're choosing to walk away. People have a right to disagree with you. People have the choice whether to listen to you at all and when they do, whether to like you or not. So stop talking shite. Who said I was walking away? I merely decided to allow the emotion to die down, to avoid the accusation that I am deliberately winding people up. I haven't changed my mind but neither has anyone else, so it is best left. But it does seem that I do excite disproportionate outrage, so I think I probably need to select my opinions more carefully. Girls please? We are now arguing about an argument? MMV your views were just plain wrong. There argument settled. Can we now just get back to the history now?
  3. Cant agree with that at all I'm afraid. Pulis would absolutely be a better manager and is gettable. History dictates the next manager will be a guy at the peak of his powers (however high that is) who we will then ruin over a period of 18 months 2 years, he will then leave us and then disappear into the ether. Left field suggestion - what about Hope Powell? I wonder what Make Mine Vanilla has to say about this suggestion Another attempt by the vile matriarchy to infiltrate one of the few pleasure left available to the working man?
  4. Cant agree with that at all I'm afraid. Pulis would absolutely be a better manager and is gettable. History dictates the next manager will be a guy at the peak of his powers (however high that is) who we will then ruin over a period of 18 months 2 years, he will then leave us and then disappear into the ether. Left field suggestion - what about Hope Powell?
  5. Eames

    General Chat

    Agree 100%. Small, pert and tight please. You rang? I'm bored of yours now. I don't like looking at scratch marks and bleeding sphincters.
  6. I have no idea how "near" to the station you mean, but if you can see it, or the track and you don't have a The_Rev level train fetish avoid like the plague.
  7. **** off. Just **** off. No....further. Over there. Thats right....keep **** off. Now. Sit in that corner and think about how silly you have just been.
  8. Eames

    General Chat

    Agree 100%. Small, pert and tight please.
  9. Eames

    General Chat

    She is completely unattractive and devoid of sex appeal. So obviously fake both via surgery and photoshop. A living Barbie doll for a brainless generation. I would be gutted if my daughters identified with anyone like her as a role model of either female beauty or lifestyle choice.
  10. Huh? At risk of post on poster this reads like that episode of friends where Joey discovers how a Thesaurus works.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmJcwSIsoWs Not my favourite video to this song...... if you know. You know.
  12. [.] [.] oo oo oo Apologies Stevo. Please accept this well toned chest and rippling six pack as a homoerotic token gesture.
  13. Yep corrupt organisation accused of corruption corruptly investigates self before completing an anti-corruption report clearing the corrupt organisation of corruption. I'm shocked.
  14. Wallets stuffed full of Qatari Oil and Russian Gas money, the FIFA in their infinite wisdom have found someone to blame and Apparently FA are at fault :crylaugh: The FA really should just withdraw from the whole **** shambles. What's the point.
  15. That's twice now (that I've seen at least )where you've gone off on a bit of a rant against posters on here and then deleted the post If you are going to slag members off maybe give them the courtesy of leaving the posts so they can see it and answer the charges you levy at them .. ( . ) ( . )( . ) BEWBS!!
  16. Gogglebox. A TV show about people watching TV shows. **** off.
  17. Because the CC companies know that people aren't very disciplined and will run up bills that will eventually result in interest being charged.... and people are too lazy to move once the promo has finished. Its a loss leader.... if they didn't make ££ as a result, they wouldn't do it.
  18. Especially the ones that are so huge that they look like over inflated balloons or those are like a proper circle. Much prefer natural. Although I had an ex with fake tits and I'd never have known if it weren't for the small scars. Perky and delicious they were....but not the ridiculous Pamela Anderson jobs.
  19. Credit cards are brilliant but like everything you have to respect them and exploit them to your own advantage. I've got about £6k on a credit card at the moment, but its at 0% on everything so it is basically free money and what I repay every month clears the debt. (I also overpay on the minimum) - when my 0% deal ends I either get a new one move on and close the old account or call them chuck a hissy fit and get the rate restored. The repayments on a bank loan for £6k would be about double what I currently pay and most of if is interest anyway. I also get 3% cash back on purchases so I end up getting given money for stuff I would have done anyway. Better than a bank account when used properly.
  20. Ed is awkward and funny looking but I can't recall him being criticised on the basis that he isn't sexually attractive. (At least, not by anyone worth taking seriously) There is much to criticise Cooper for, but how many beers you would need to consider shagging her is not one of them IMO.
  21. well said that man I am both alarmed and grateful.
  22. Come on chaps we're better than that aren't we surely?
  23. I know exactly what you mean - I don't have that critical response to art either. I can see the talent that went into its creation but I never think "wow thats incredible" The only thing that has ever had that utterly speechless effect on me was standing outside the Great Pyramid at Giza. Just the sheer scale and effort to build the damn thing was breathtaking.
  24. Eames

    General Chat

    Not the most helpful advice given that Ghoti is pronounced "fish"
  25. That was an absolute farce yesterday - utterly ridiculous. The Tories are doomed at the next election, not through Ed Miliband's genius, but Farage's rabble rousing and Cameron's inability to deal with it. There can be no sensible objection to the EAW so long as they are applied correctly. Ashya King's parents should never have been subjected to the EAW, that was a gross abuse of power, so I understand the need for safeguards, but beyond that the EAW, like most of the rest of Europe is universally a good thing.
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