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Everything posted by Eames

  1. cranberry is ridiculous do these people put jam on their sausage the rest of the year? I presume there's at least one person on this forum that has done that...... The shite sweet shop bought stuff is like jam, but you can get decent ones that are sharp and cut through the slightly fatty flavour of turkey.
  2. Cooked properly its nice....dry and stringy its **** awful. I would imagine most people's distaste for turkey comes from several shit childhood christmas dinners.
  3. 4 Rib of Beef, a side of smoked salmon and a big 'ol bird.
  4. Yep. Talented shitbags are still talented.... and lets face it, with the Ched Evans stuff this is the perfect time for Malky to come back to employment. Depressing but not surprising.... well surprising that its taken less than 12 weeks.
  5. Having a beard is different. unless you look like Robinson Crusoe, but I would not recruit someone at interview who had "messy hair" because if you can't be arsed to tidy it for an interview, I'm wondering what else you can't be arsed to do either.
  6. No no.... I was being intentionally misogynistic. I hate all women particularly Baselayers whose like I took to be acceptance of her inferior status as the driver of a uterus.
  7. You just know that FIFAs "Criminal Complaint" will be about someone at the FA.
  8. No no that should piss you off. Royally. The same applies to trains and car parks.
  9. Continuing my decline towards the status of massive bastard.... Minutes silences/applause for football fans. Great. You have a company money in exchange for entertainment for 10 years prior to your horrible death at the hands of group of customers from another company. If Im horribly murdered in an Egyptian supermarket can I expect Waitrose stores across the country to fall silent....or scan bleep their barcode scanners for minute? Will my grieving family be given a memorial bag for life? Or have the toothpaste aisle named after me. I understand collective remembrance for Armistice day, or for players and managers who have died, but outside of that context i find this growing fashion of mawkish public displays of "respect" enormously insincere.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    I dig up the horseradish that infests my garden every year at Christmas and make horseradish cream and horseradish sauce. I spend the next 2 hours drinking brandy and feeling like I've been tear gassed
  11. Annoying West Country accent. 2/10. WOULD NOT BANG
  12. Exactly, but so many Marvel film try to be serious, trying to be edgy like the Dark Knight etc.. which makes them total fails. If they try to be serious at all, they fall flat on their face. I would remove Nolan's Batman trilogy from the wider criticism of Marvel. I think he did something interesting with the character......and I wouldn't class Batman as a Superhero. Just a rich vigilante. A higher rent version of the Punisher.
  13. I regularly talk on the phone whilst driving. Voice activated bluetooth FTW
  14. Superhero movies ARE all shit, but seriously no one goes to see them for a life changing deeply existential cinematic experience? Its like going to watch Jurassic Park and then disputing the science. STFU and watch the dinosaurs eating people.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    Would you rather have a gun or sword? I remember when I first saw that film.... i absolutely lol'd for 20 minutes or so.
  16. Yep, although I'm still not convinced it wasn't, at least partly, an act. In a similar vein to Joey Essex - I concede he's probably simple but there's no way he's that simple. It was an act. He's "killed off" Dapper Laughs as a result of the rape joke stuff. I like the notion that he has "killed off" the character. The one his entire "act" and "fame" were based on. Soon to be found stacking shelves in Asda doing "Dapper" on demand for spotty teenages in the crisps aisle.
  17. To answer my own post Given the article was 3 years old I presume the Beeb thought about it and changed their minds.
  18. So when the roads are clear you read/nap/play a game and you only concentrate when the road is busy?
  19. Eames

    General Chat

    And there is my new sig.
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    Perhaps they will swap job roles.....the wife goes out the fields and the effeminate Westerner prepares and receives the Polish sausage?
  21. I'm a bastard. (See this mornings effort in the TTPYOTS thread.
  22. A couple of things.... 1) Dartford is a **** hole. Avoid at all costs. 2) Business insurance is the same as non-business insurance, just shop about a bit. So, the lower paid job is less secure than the higher paid job and involves more travel (including visiting Dartford on a regular basis. Why are you even confused about this.....take the money. Even if you hate it, stick it for a year or two and move on.
  23. You're right Eames, that shouldn't piss you off. At all. Down with charity!! If you didn't give money to charity when the problem first started, don't try and give money now!! I dont wish to appear down with charity....thats not the point Im making....its the gross cynical commercialisation of the whole issue. The response is late since the infection rate iirc is already declining and will no doubt claim all the credit for solving the problem because you know, some singers sang a bad song badly. Im not saying dont donate...but why do people need Geldof to motivate them to support and issue that's been a rolling news item for 6 weeks.
  24. Band Aid 30, Bob Geldof and every free publicity seeking clearing in the woods celebrity who took part. Congratulations you waited what 8 weeks to get your fingers out for your PR/ego trip. Equally....everyone who buys it. If you really gave a toss about Ebola yiud have donated weeks ago. Not waited for a collection of bellends to record a shitter version of a shit song with some horribly cheesy rewritten lyrics. Words removed.
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