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Everything posted by Eames

  1. As nice as that Mondeo is, it's a proper family car. If you had a wife and 2 kids then it would be great. But I wouldn't be able to take a single bloke in his 20's seriously if he drove one of those. Agree. There is no reason to buy one of those unless your name is Keith, you work as a sales rep for a drug company and need to to drive to badminton on a tuesday night.
  2. I have no idea on how the offer was framed but if she made the offer and you seriously think that you're the first you're off your top. However.....my advice. Go. For. It.....in fact why are you wasting valuable time of VT?
  3. Facesitting as "life threatening?" REALLY?! Fisting I can possibly see if shit gets punctured....but yeah, as others have said....most of what is now a no-no is not really my cup of tea anyway so.....meh.
  4. That really surprises me.....a cheap iphone should have been (and afai knew - was) a market changer.
  5. Thats not my experience at all. Most people I know/see around have got 5cs rather than 5s'. Its got to be a 5:1 ration.
  6. People are buying it for what reason then? Because they are cretins with inferior palates. Edit: People are buying it for what reason then? I refer the honorable gentleman to the answer stewfano gave moments ago.
  7. Carling DOES taste like piss......and just because something is popular - doesn't make it nice. It's cheap, well advertised piss...but it's still piss. See also "Budweiser"
  8. "Politician fails to guess price of bread correctly" stories have to be the worst form of political criticism going. I don't know how much a loaf of bread costs. Does that make me ill equipped to do my job? In fact, I'd far rather my politicians were remembering useful information like the nuclear launch codes, how much debt the country is in etc etc than how much they're going to have to spend on a loaf of hovis. Yes the Queen stuff was a breach of protocol, but every politician nay every person would do the same thing, its just that Cameron got caught. The fact that his twitter account (managed by someone else) tweets a picture of a reindeer when he is talking about Mandela's death is hardly his fault is it? I'm not saying he's not a clearing in the woods (i'm 99%) sure he is...... but equally, there are far more relevant, incisive and damaging criticisms to be made than "he was asleep whilst his sister took a selfie" EDIT - this will read like a dig at you Drat and FWIW it isnt intended to be.
  9. I would imagine it did, but historical sources, particularly those written by the perpetrators/victors/those in power tend to be somewhat generous to same people.
  10. So was Christianity. The entire continents of America and Australasia say hi - you appear to be confusing medieval fuckwittery with religious fuckwittery. Every single crime you have cited has been perpetrated by peoples of every creed/faith/culture/whatever because its not about religion. Its about social development and evolution. IS are not pissed off because they are muslims. IS are pissed off because the traditional mud hut power base is being eroded. Their kids have access to Western (not necessarily better) freer culture and they want a piece of it. The fundies don't want that because they lose control. If their kids are checking facebook wearing jeans and drinking coke they will start to question the relevance of the opinion of the bloke with the massive beard. They are the ultimate right wing reactionaries, they just happen to be brown and use religion as their excuse.
  11. I'm exchanging my current 5 min commute for a 2hours 20 train and walk marathon in February. That bit I'm dreading.
  12. I loved the first film, a masterpiece. Were it not for Jaws I'd say it was Spielberg's best work. But a missed opportunity if they've gone all design a dino. You've got the **** off big fish thing in the trailer, why not use that? why do you have to go all Deep Blue Sea on land with dinosaurs. And yes... without Jeff, its just not right. BUT I did love the tinkly sad piano riff on the original score.
  13. There are other football forums? I greet this news like the Catholic Church greeted Gallileo. Perhaps we should burn you for heresy.
  14. Eames


    Shame about the rest of the managers in the League really isn't it.
  15. I really couldn't give a shit. Any incoming players will be a) cheap b ) largely unheard of/unproven c) incapable of improving the clubs current situation and league position.
  16. what? No really WHAT THE ACTUAL **** WAS THAT? Brilliant. Bonkers and utter Bollocks.
  17. Eames


    Its fun to gloat but I'd have Rodgers at AVFC in a heartbeat. Vastly superior manager to Lambert in every single sense. BUT he deserves what he is getting at Liverpool having spent fortunes on tat.
  18. Any films that contain any of the following: Ben Stiller Owen Wilson Adam Sandler and the entire cattleprod horror blood porn genre. eg. Insidious, Annabelle, The Saw collection. Scarface is massively overrated. Its a good film, I like, I'll watch it, but it's no masterpiece. Take out coked up Tony with his one killer line and no one cares about that film. I'm not aware of any Transformers film being overrated, they have all had the critical kicking they have deserved.
  19. Scherzinger is getting smashed to pieces tonight. Well done Lewis.
  20. Thing is Trent, the difference between you (as far as I know) and Malky/Ched or whoever, is that their talents, skills and abilities are taken from a tiny talent pool. To the point where players and to a lesser extent managers are not employees, they are assets that in theory add value to a club. PR liabilities they may be, but if Malky gets Wigan promoted this season or next - the loss of a sponsor and the temporary PR shitstorm will be dwarfed by the gain of Premier League football.
  21. I have just eaten what I expect will prove to be the best sandwich I will ever eat. 1/2 wholemeal baguette (warm) butter hot roast turkey brie cranberry sauce sausagemeat stuffing pigs in blankets
  22. Given the salary they are inevitably chucking at Alonso, I'd imagine whatever happens they will stick with Magnussen who will be cheaper.
  23. Alonso to McLaren Vettel to Ferrari
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