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Everything posted by Eames

  1. There are two factors elevate Evan's conviction from a "his word against hers" situation. 1) The "I've got a bird" text which has been used by the prosecution to show that the intention was to acquire a female for the purpose of sex all along and 2) The fact his mates filmed it laughing all the way and then Ched himself leaving via the fire escape.
  2. This is easy to answer. There is no way Top Shop would ever consider employing a convicted rapist in the first place. Oldham and Sheff Utd's behaviour has been massively mercenary. Ched Evans presents them with the opportunity to acquire a valuable asset at a very reduced prices. Get him in, give him a few games, he scores goals.... they sell for considerably more than he signed for. The trade off is that you have to accept some bad PR up front. That is why it is different. Ched Evans could find employment anywhere, he WAS a footballer, he doesn't HAVE to be a footballer. Top Shop sales assistants with rape convictions, no matter how competent aren't going to find themselves sold to Next in 3 years time for several million pounds whilst earning £ks a week in the process. Justice for Ched Evans would be him finishing his legal challenges to his conviction, completing his sentence as per the terms of his licence and then struggling to find employment just like every other convicted rapist in the UK.
  3. I am already being paid to do another reality show? If you sign up for Splash! I'll absolutely tune in.
  4. But I'll give the trip to LV-426 a miss if you don't mind.
  5. Theyre back in the UK on a much reduced scale, but yeah, previously it was like walking into Mordor.
  6. Quite. If, and I do say if, we get anyone this window it won't be a striker in my opinion it will be a wide player and most likely on loan. We could do with replacements for Gabby and Wiemann, if we are adopting this new possesion style football then they are virtually useless. They are good counter attack type players but asking them to make clever runs in and around the box when when we are having possesion is pointless, they are not intelligent enough to play that way and both lack any real technical abilty I agree, the problem as always is money. Wasn't it quoted (from somewhere) last summer that Randy would back Lambert financially in January? Cheap platitudes though aren't they really - he might chuck £10m at us best case scenario. Meaning less in reality if as I fear we end up chucking £8m at Manyoo for Cleverly. Its hardly the £50m this teams needs to make it even vaguely competitive though is it? 10m sounds about right to my calculations last summer. 50m is never going to happen we live in a world of FFP and you need to deal with that when it comes to your expectations My expectations are fine thanks. I don't EXPECT £50m to be spent at all. I certainly don't demand it. Its pretty clear from my post that £50m is my assessment of how much this squad needs to be competitive.
  7. Ings and Austin are certainly not "too good" for us.... but the reality is that being English and half decent, I would imagine you wouldn't see much change from £30m for the pair of them,
  8. Thats my experience too. Don't like the update at all. Used to read VT quite a lot at home and don't do so as much now because the new tapatalk is a bit of a ballache.
  9. Totally OT, but interesting point as I was looking at Marlon King's wiki entry. Some time in 2008 Gordon Taylor said Which appears at odds with the statement made regarding Evans Interesting change of policy by the PFA or further proof that Gordon Taylor is a clueless bellend.
  10. Rix - was NOT convicted of statutory rape. He was convicted of having sex with a minor (a consenting 15 year old girl - I don't know the circumstances but it is not the same as the Evans situation clearly.). He was preventing by the FA from working with children under 16 but has returned to coaching. Hughes - Apologised upon release and showed remorse. King - well I'd agree there are certain similarities although his sexual offence was considerably less serious. As to why the "special" treatment of Evans? I can't answer that, there are credible arguments to say that none of the above should have been allowed back into the game but at least in the Hughes case, he appeared to show genuine remorse and pleaded guilty. (As did Rix). Evans has done none of the above and is continuing his campaign to clear his name and causing his victim to suffer more harassment and distress.
  11. Quite. If, and I do say if, we get anyone this window it won't be a striker in my opinion it will be a wide player and most likely on loan. We could do with replacements for Gabby and Wiemann, if we are adopting this new possesion style football then they are virtually useless. They are good counter attack type players but asking them to make clever runs in and around the box when when we are having possesion is pointless, they are not intelligent enough to play that way and both lack any real technical abilty I agree, the problem as always is money. Wasn't it quoted (from somewhere) last summer that Randy would back Lambert financially in January? Cheap platitudes though aren't they really - he might chuck £10m at us best case scenario. Meaning less in reality if as I fear we end up chucking £8m at Manyoo for Cleverly. Its hardly the £50m this teams needs to make it even vaguely competitive though is it?
  12. Eames


    He should still be able to knock in free kicks like that into his 50s. Should Liverpool keep him until then? Its so **** boring. Gerrard has never been, isn't and will never be a world class footballer. He has been the the best player in a mediocre team for Liverpool and hopeless for England. Were it not for the local mafia threatening to break his legs and scousers burning shirts in Stanley Park he'd have been a Chelsea player for longer than he has been a Liverpool one. Interesting that ever since noone, even the big European sides have come in for him? Surely if he was "World Class" Real, Barca, AC Milan etc would have been knocking the door down trying to sign him. A limited but very influential player.
  13. What a load of old bollocks. If evidence wasn't used (by either side) in court it means one of four things. The evidence was 1) weak, 2) inadmissible 3) damaging to the case or 4) unreliable. There is always unused material in court cases, not because of grand conspiracy but because most of the time it simply isn't useful. To say that a transcript of the court proceedings doesn't represent "the truth" so we can "put it aside" is utter horseshit. Its also very convenient for that blogger to put that point of view across because if you disregard all the stuff that happened in court and look at what Evan's fiancee has said or the unused evidence then yes of course he is innocent. That like acquitting a murderer because you've ignored the fact that they've stabbed someone. The victims tweets were ill-advised but it doesn't make her guilty of making the whole thing up. You can't argue she fabricated the whole thing to extract compensation and in the same breath state she didn't claim she was raped or even press charges. The whole blog is a nonsense as is Ched's website. He was convicted by Jury on the basis of the full facts..... and subsequently had that conviction upheld by 3 Higher Court Judges and his latest appeal will also fail. There is no miscarriage of justice in this case. There is a young man with a great deal of money at his disposable who is able to fund websites that victim blame in an attempt to resurrect a mediocre football career - whose supporters have incidentally, harassed his victim to the extent she has been forced to change her identity and address on FIVE separate occasions following his conviction. In any other career or walk of life Ched the Unrepentant Rapist would be wholly unemployable - but because he is a footballer who is available at a bargain price he will eventually be picked up by some club or other. My guess overseas in 2017 sometime after his licence has finished.
  14. I mean speed rather than strength, which i gather means 4g over 3g? I don't know what "trade constantly" involves, but I'd have thought 2G would be adequate for transactional activities. ie. The phones data capabilities aren't relevant. I think what zak means is trades stocks and shares and if so can see why a fast reliable data connection would be important.
  15. Eames

    Indian Girls

    Serious answer this time. She has clearly got a cock. Maybe its time to move on unless thats your thing.
  16. Oh **** yes THIS. The rubbish monkeys in our neck of the woods wont touch anything that isnt neatly positioned on the curb but not over it. Lids have to close completely with the food waste container stacked on top. I'm pretty sure they have a bloke with a set square making sure they are placed at right angles to the curb as well. Then and only then, will they consider taking the **** rubbish away. Only to hurl the **** bin back onto the drive however they **** feel like - often not even upright. Bellends.
  17. Thats because you went all weird and tense. Had you relaxed when I told you to it would have been fine. EDIT - weirdly..... this works just as well with Stevo's reply as on its own.....
  18. Colhint, You will be angry, you will be feeling anything but reasonable but yours and the kids sake you need to be strong and make the separation as amicable and stress free as possible. It will do the kids no favours at all to see mummy and daddy in court fighting over who loves them the most. The age your children are at will mean that their opinion of who the want to live with will carry a huge amount of weight, its their choice and needs to be respected. Go and get legal advice asap if you can sort out division of assets by mediation do it. I don't know your financial circumstances but legal aid is no longer available for divorce cases and the fees will easily add up to £25k if this all ends up in Court. I'm so sorry for you. Stay strong.
  19. I think someone saw the word 'nazi' and thought, huh huh, huh huh, Germans got a sign with nazi on it. This would never have happened if we'd just stuck with pictures that looked a bit like cocks and fannies. If thats your thing and you do Twitter may I recommend @Cockornocock for an evenings entertainment?
  20. Eames

    Doctor Who

    Thought the Xmas episode was weak - a poor mans Inception meets Alien (they even referenced it) The Christmas episodes are getting a bit boring now as well - how many ways can we shoehorn a winter theme into an episode - a far cry from the David Morrisey one or the Crazy Red Spider beast one. If we absolutely HAVE to have Dr Who on Christmas Day why not show a series finale? Rather than a one off special where Father Christmas is real. What's worse for me is that Capaldi is so very good as the Doctor, a fantastic piece of casting but Moffat is beginning to drop the ball with the writing and story quality.
  21. Exactly - and given the PFA won't touch him with a barge pole either speaks volumes.
  22. What the fit Polish bird sees in Stefan.
  23. I've never seen one - I think they've had to change plans a couple of times but I assume the cars are pretty well vetted before the "deal" is filmed. Stuff like the Morgan where they replaced the chassis and re-built the car over 200+ hours must have cost a fortune. What's the going hourly rate for Labour at a non-dealer garage? £50p/h?
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