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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    General Chat

    Not a Hollywood type granted - but Sharon Osbourne in that new Money Supermarket advert looks like a plastic doll.
  2. Eames

    General Chat

    wouldn't you picture the "certificate of authenticity" as well - or actually..... how authentic is the certificate of authenticity? Who says its authentic?
  3. Sausage, Sauerkraut, Beer, EDIT oh and Strudel and Schnitzel - frikadelle rings a bell as well but that might just be the GCSE German escaping.
  4. Eames

    General Chat

    Its also never ever a thing. Noone has ever done that.
  5. "He's a smooth operator.....smooooooooooth operatoooor"
  6. Eames

    General Chat

    I was too chicken to look at that one so I'll duck out of the thread.
  7. We did the first time round sometime last year.... and guess what.....Jonesey spurned all our questions. Too busy fraternising will TOWIE bellends to remember the people who took the piss out of her before she was famous.
  8. Eames

    General Chat

    I've started a new job in the last couple of weeks, ditching my lovely 5 min commute in favour of a new 2hr 20 commute by train..... I made the following observations 1) Rail commuters are miserable pricks. Men in suits are the worst, trendy hipster types in brogues and cords are a close second. 2) Most women need to apply the "less is more" principle to their daily perfume use. 3) A surprising number of people feel the need to use their iphone, ipad and macbook all in the same commute - mostly for very similar tasks (web browsing etc) 4) The number of people who drink in the mornings is staggering. I would easily say 20% of commuters on my train smell of fresh booze - mostly suits to be fair not just the odd tramp. 5) Tennant's Super appears to be a popular substitute for Red Bull - even before dawn. Dedicated alcoholism at its finest. 6) A surprising number of commuters are perfectly happy to watch porn on their morning commute. 7) Train companies are arseholes. Having completed 13 seperate journies to and from work at this point, only 1 has run to timetable. 8) There are a couple of regular commuters who clearly disapper into the toilets between Paddock Wood and Marden for a quick fumble on the way home.
  9. Eames

    General Chat

    Personally, I'd stopped donating as I was in a silent rage over some unfair warning points I picked up in 2013, I sincerely hope you've been issued with more for discussing moderation decisions on the forum.
  10. Eames

    Top Gear

    Had half and eye on it but didn't find much to distract me from cooking. Is it worth downloading for the train ride home?
  11. Pretty classless by Klass agreed but equally "Class Birthday present?!?!" **** off. Just **** off. What a load of shite. Basically "we don't want 30x £10 shit presents, please cough up the ££ and we'll sort it ourselves thanks" Utter bullshit.
  12. Is that still their policy? (Edit: I meant the combining of tax and NI as opposed to the flat rate) If so, how do they square that with the importance they put on contributory social security payments? No idea... Couldn't care less. It just seems to me to make sense to collect one lot of tax once...rather than two lots once. Employer's contributions ate more tricky granted which is why no one on their right mind would let me near their accounts.
  13. Cuts that are so vicious and wrong that Labour the good old party of the people are commited to the Tory spending plans. This isn't "Ah but Labour" this is simply, they're all clearings in the woods and nothing will change. Cuts are inevitable when you're losing hundred of millions a year. Labour would be idiots if they said they wouldn't implement cuts as they'd lose any economic credibility they have with the electorate. Cutting expenditure is one way to balance the books. Raising income through progressive taxation and cutting down on evasion and aggressive avoidance is another. Agreed and both should be happening. What the new government SHOULD do is totally overhaul the tax system and remove all loopholes, work arounds and off-setting schemes, licensing arrangements etc etc. To replace the above would be taxes payable on a sliding scale according to profitability. The more profitable a company is, the more it pays. If you trade in the UK, you pay UK tax on the profts earnt in the UK. The sole solitatary and very lonely good idea UKIP have managed is to overhaul personal taxation, do away with NI and have one flat rate of tax. You earn x, you pay tax at y%. Not hard.
  14. I would gladly accept a rub down from Mike "Magic Hands" Mooney
  15. Cuts that are so vicious and wrong that Labour the good old party of the people are commited to the Tory spending plans. This isn't "Ah but Labour" this is simply, they're all clearings in the woods and nothing will change.
  16. I'm amazed with that lot in there she'd be able to taste the **** coffee.
  17. Confirmation bias much? It's poor execution and probably illegal but you rationalise that as brilliant. It's like a religion. Not at all. I've never personally owned an Apple product. However, device preference services are excellent. We have one at work. Rather than having a landline and a mobile number I have one 0300 number. I can use any "fixed" phone from any desk in the organisation, or, if like today I'm sitting in Starbucks.... all my calls are routed to my blackberry on the 0300 number.
  18. I've gone for Lib Dem. For no other reason than I feel sorry for the poor buggers at the moment and want to help. A chimp in a blue suit gets elected in my consituancy (Damien Green -MP isn't going anywhere). I usually vote for the party that bothers to come to my house for a chat - rewards effort if nothing else.
  19. Ace technology - fairly poor execution. It shouldn't automatically do it, but if chosen as a user option its brilliant.
  20. Thats probably about what I'd have expected to be fair - not in terms of exact numbers but a Labour, SNP, Lib Dem "grand" coalition will be the next government. Prime Minister Miliband. May Paul McGrath save us all.
  21. But but but but the Brown People? Can't you see? Its all the brown people's fault. And the foreigners. And the gays. And the women who don't clean behind the fridge. Apart from the foreign woman I'm married to. Whom I pay £40k a year out of taxpayer's money. She's ok.
  22. Yep. This is the biggest myth in modern football. Compared to the SKY revenue bums of seats means diddly squat. Assume we sold 25k season tickets @ £500. (£12.5m) and that every other game was a total sell out. so c. 15k tickets at 40 x 19 home games. (£11.4m) So absolute BEST case scenario is a full PL season with a packed ground pulls in £23.9m, 30% of what is currently paid by SKY just for turning up. The reality is we don't fill the ground every week and don't get close to 25k season tickets sold - so a packed VP is probably work what? 20-25% of what Sky chuck our way?
  23. I'm not defending the fat lazy clearing in the woods but I'd imagine that during the half season where he was actually good and kept us up he probably paid for himself given the alternative was relegation. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get the player in you need.
  24. Nice concept - what a wanky advert
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