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Everything posted by Eames

  1. It means you should eat more lentils.
  2. Yep me too. One square to the right, one square higher - quite surprised by that really tbh.
  3. That can't be true. It just can't. One of the last bastions of human taboo behaviour is cannabilism, and surely even these nutters wouldn't cross it. Plus it's being reported in the Mail and Mirror. It's just too mental to be true... I can imagine that is exactly what ISIS said she had for dinner if they were in a particularly dickish mood - whether or not it was actually true is another matter entirely and almost impossible to verify. I'm calling ISIS propaganda bollocks on the whole thing. Just a way to terrorise the locals even more than they already are. The source is a Yorkshireman who has returned from fighting alongside the kurds. I think it's either made up to shock or its a story that's been circulating amongst those fighting ISIS Agreed - its got two potential purposes 1) Its ISIS propaganda. There is no way the numbers they have can hold the territory they've got and maintain law and order alone. So they behead a few people, crucify the odd dissenter, circulate stories about cruel and unusual punishments to keep the locals nice and compliant. 2) Its anti-ISIS propaganda for almost the opposite purpose to whats been recorded above. A way to portray them as pure and total evil bastards that need to be fought and errradicated. Can't see it being true myself - I'm pretty sure thats not in the Koran and I doubt it was a halal kill in any event.
  4. That can't be true. It just can't. One of the last bastions of human taboo behaviour is cannabilism, and surely even these nutters wouldn't cross it. Plus it's being reported in the Mail and Mirror. It's just too mental to be true... I can imagine that is exactly what ISIS said she had for dinner if they were in a particularly dickish mood - whether or not it was actually true is another matter entirely and almost impossible to verify. I'm calling ISIS propaganda bollocks on the whole thing. Just a way to terrorise the locals even more than they already are.
  5. That's your food sorted for the day, but what are the kids having? "If you go out" - where the **** are you supposed to go?! There's less routine in a prison - just wating for the golden 90mins between 6 and 7.30 (assuming no naps). Christ.
  6. Much better than Golovkin last week. Frampton will spark him.
  7. Eames

    General Chat

    Amazing what one sad berk with photo editing software can do. Zzzzzz
  8. Eames

    General Chat

    I'm praying someone says "well I'd have the knob of a limpit, because knob to body ratio-wise they've the biggest knobs in the world!" To which you could reply "yea but you still have a limpit sized knob, on a human.." And then I'd use this smiley - [emoji57] And my life would be complete. Who mentioned knobs you pervert? I was thinking about the beautiful flowing mane........
  9. It's a penalty for under occupation. You are of course correct but we are in agreement that it is not at tax.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    I'm still more interested in specific parts rather than the whole body. *stares at Shetland pony* *sharpens knife*
  11. I'm sure anyone struggling to pay the bedroom tax, queueing at the food bank, waiting for the phone to ring on their zero hours contract and generally struggling to keep their families fed and warm , while the 1% coin it. Will be delighted to learn how well off they really are. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY THE "BEDROOM TAX" BECAUSE IT ISN'T A $&^%ING TAX. Sorry for the caps but that really DOES piss me off. Its a reduction in benefit. Trouble is that doesn't sound as sexy to the media as "bedroom tax" a bizarre and utterly incorrect comparison to the window tax 200 years ago.
  12. Eames

    General Chat

    No but you could get the body of a Rhino. Which would be way funnier for the rest of us How would we know it had happened?
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    I'm struggling to see the merits of such a proceedure tbh. Will people get to swap bodies? (Interestingly, the Grauniad's report on the same story came from a different angle and had it down as a body transplant rather than a head one - as per the Sky article) If they change the laws on tissue donation would a poor person with the body of an Adonis be able to sell it to some rich middle aged tubster? Hmm. Theseus' paradox type stuff, innit? It says a great deal about our differing cultural reference points - you went to "Theseus' Ship"....I click the link and immediately thought "Trigger's Broom"
  14. Eames

    General Chat

    http://news.sky.com/story/1434435/first-human-head-transplant-could-happen-in-2017 I'm struggling to see the merits of such a proceedure tbh. New organs/spare parts are fine. You change the engine/innards of a car when you need to. What you don't do is hack the front end off, replace it with a totally different one and call it the same car.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    I don't think I've ever rejected a candidate I've been recruiting on the basis that they didn't meet the minimum qualifications. Tbh I only really look at qualifications once I'm running out of ideas as to why I don't want someone. Life/work experience is so much more valuable. The only thing I'd say about graduate schemes is that they tend to be ridiculously competitive and companies (in my experience) want the fresh faced new qualified types to mould in their own image. My experience of having baby sat "graduate trainees" is that they tend to be cocky little self opinionated sycophantic rwankers. You should fit right in.
  16. Eames

    Shab Khan

    Was a good weekend for WWE related activity in football. A perfect German suplex here and a Liverpool steward executing a fine Rock Bottom.
  17. I'm not sure its "defending the clubs" rather than extreme annoyance that as far as English football is concerned the domestic festive fixtures are cherished and FIFA feels at total liberty to placacte its paymasters and brown envelope pushers by moving a tournament that said clearly at the time of bidding was a SUMMER tournament to suit themselves and their wallets. The sheer arrogance of Valcke and the whole of FIFA is disgusting to the point of hyperbole.
  18. As said somewhere else in the thread we won't see a World Cup in a developed 1st world nation for a while now. Too much scrutiny and awkwardness for FIFA to circumvent. Far easier to throw it to Oil Barons, Minor Despots and banana republics who will take as much shit FIFA will throw their way. Its also a cute way for Sepp to reward his backers.
  19. FIFA reduce the tournament to 28 days not 32. Projected end date of 23rd December (Thats boxing day **** then) Valcke says there will be no compensation to clubs and they have nothing to apologise for. Questions about conditions for migrant workers met with "yeah we know we have issues, but look.... look over there. Those guys are SO much worse." Pretty depressing all round really.
  20. No MP should be able to work for anyone else apart from his constituency. Its standard in employment contracts for public sector staff and should be applied to them. Whilst Rifkind saying he can't live on £67k a year is utter bollocks I do also agree that for the work they are required to do MPs are broadly on the same level as Head Teachers or GPs and should be paid accordingly, with the caveat they loose all rights to expenses beyond travel to and from Westminster and overnights at £100 a night.
  21. We're adrift on goal difference! The minimum required to stay up is that we gain a point more than Burnley, QPR and Leicester do between now and the end of the season. Harbingers of doom relax! Having score just about half the goals everyone else has. Goal difference won't save us. It is really tight from 12th down, one win puts us on the same number as Everton, but there is plenty to be worried about.
  22. We're not three points adrift - we're level on points with QPR and Burnley. No true....but we are 3 points adrift from 16th - so there is a gap. My heart cope with worrying about goal difference to save us especially given our inability to score the **** things. We need this to be clear cut and in our control hence my 6 wins theory.
  23. Even working on us needing 36 points, thats still 14 more needed. We're 3 points adrift now so those closest to us need 11 to get there? Minimum we need is 5 wins for 37 points and I can't pick 5 winning games from the remaining fixtures. We've been dog shit since October and we deserve whats coming unless Sherwood has got something magical planned.
  24. Trouble Sherwood's got is that he needs to win at least 6 of his remaining 12 league games with a squad that has won 5 of the last 26. I think this is the season that we drop - the team is devoid of confidence and even worse effort its too big a task to expect survival.
  25. Eames

    Top Gear

    The Peugeot bit was excellent very funny - more so because Mrs E failed to see any humour in it at all (as a former Pug owner) They'll sort the Ferrari/McLaren/Porsche thing soon enough but which is fastest really doesn't matter because red ones are faster. This is known.
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