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Everything posted by Eames

  1. GTFO. A system that rewards the successful with medicority and the down right hopeless with potential. Any system that incentives teams to stink the place out in order to progress has to be broken. Having said all that - given America's aversion all things "lefty" it is a wonderful irony that they choose to adopt a socialist approach to team selection.
  2. A night out at the Rocket Club with Carew Mak Daddy
  3. I'm not sure what the ruling is, but I think its if the name involved is in the public interest, they should be outed, could you imagine if this was under the radar, Johnson, out on bail but unknown to the public plays and scores the winner last weekend whilst being investigated for sex offences with a 15 yr old and is subsequently found guilty? Imagine the outcry Trouble is "being famous" isn't sufficient justification for something to be "In the Public Interest." The logic applied to criminal cases is that publicity of identity is a good thing because other victims may come forward based on media reporting - see Mr. J Savile et al for details. However, crimes of a sexual nature where the conviction rate is extremely low and have a very specific social stigma attached to them do create issues because in the event a defendant is acquitted that social stigma is not removed and that person is tarred for life regardless of guilt or innocence. Did we NEED to know that the Police had arrested Johnson? No. Would the public interest be equally served by releasing his name at the point of charge or conviction? In my opinion more so. If no charges are brought against Johnson the taunts from the crowds and the off colour jokes will continue and based on what? What "Public Interest did that serve?"
  4. obviously the club didnt think that when suspending him Of course you suspend him pending an investigation. Its standard practice in any employment. We regularly suspend people, investigate and then re-instate if they are found to have done nothing wrong for a wide range of issues from being smashed at work, having your hand in the till to gross misconduct Given the nature of the allegations suspending Johnson is absolutely the right thing to do. Can you imagine the reception that "Adam Johnson the (ALLEGED) Nonce" would get at a football ground. Hardly going to coax his best form is it? Quite aside from the impact on the other players.
  5. Eames

    Ice Cream

    I'm not a massive desert person so I have to be in mood for ice cream. You can't beat B&J though in my book.
  6. I think thats exceptionally harsh. Personally I have found them to be balanced and objective. Lambert and the team ultimately deserved the kickings that they were handing out, I expect the tone of the new episode when they eventually get their fingers out and record it to be very very different - especially if we do the business against Swansea.
  7. MichalMak **** hate MOR Canadian Pop Rock.
  8. What I don't get - and tbh I have limited interest in, is how these high fat or high protein diets don't massively **** you up long term. Has there been any studies on the subject. Whilst I'm sure people that follow them lose weight/ tone up etc what about cholesterol and other fat related cardiological issues?
  9. Eames

    General Chat

    Dunno whats occuring but I hope that BOFs innate awesomeness resolves the issue.
  10. Eames

    Ice Cream

    What a beautifully random .gif Ewe wot M8.
  11. Yep. Thats why I'm not doing it anymore either. A very rewarding proffession ruined by dickhead unions and shit hourly pay.
  12. Ed Balls' face was brilliant. Just utter disgust.
  13. I know the feeling, unfortunately when you eat at your desk you have to be sensible otherwise you look like a greedy bastard! Coupled with the constant stream of crap that is brought in sitting there taunting you. WIthin my directly eyeline I can see 2x tins of roses 1x box celebrations 1 x tin of McVities biscuit selection box thingys 2x bags of Haribo Starmix and a massive tub of flapjacks someones made at home. Bastards
  14. Eames

    Indian Girls

    I've recently started a new job in a far more er.....ethnically diverse part of the world to my previous employer. Wow. I've been walking around with my tongue hanging out for a fortnight now.
  15. Gambling taxes unchanged. 1p tax cut on beer, 2p on whiskey. wine unchanged.
  16. Which albumn because later DT stuff is a shadow of what they were knocking out earlier in their career.... (Yep - I'm reading back in the thread)
  17. You absolutely must turn up at her house naked, with a rose stuck up your arse singing her name. Women LOVE that shit. Really? I'll have to ask where she lives then first. At this stage that would probably render the same response as the rose up my arse Absolutely yes. Trust me. I'm an expert at this stuff. I have references and everything. See?
  18. You absolutely must turn up at her house naked, with a rose stuck up your arse singing her name. Women LOVE that shit.
  19. They're very small genitals. stupid shit. its over within 10 minutes. FXD
  20. Mrs E and I have always low level bickered. Dont over think stuff
  21. Only a couple of months, but was totally smitten to be honest. Thought she was a corker. But as with all women its just a smokescreen, absolute head case I think. So do I go back to get my sack emptied, or do I run for the hills? DHUTWU The reason I got binned is a classic to be honest, you lot will love it. I got hold of some viagra and dropped half a tablet before going round her gaff for a bit of leg over. Anyway, smashed it into bits, like a cheap garden shed. She asked in the morning after being rodgered countless times "were did that come from?" I admitted the extra help I had. She went nuts and threw me out, said she was sick of "lies and deceit". I thought most birds would give a pat on the back and say "good well done stud" I'm not saying I have some Mel Gibson like insight into the female mind here but, to be fair to her what you've basically said (in female speak) is: "to be honest love you're not that fit and I can't find it in myself to give it my all for sexy time so I needed a bit of chemical support." and from that point of view shes probably a bit hurt, pissed off and insecure. Had she known about the V before she may have been ok. If you like her.... go back, if you don't **** her off and move on. Up to you.
  22. Thats really unfortunate - and bruised.
  23. Eames

    General Chat

    DO NOT TELL THEM THE VALUE. Tell them what you want to sell the house for. Say - value plus 10-15%. Let them argue the toss. If they want your road and your road alone you are in a really strong position. Just make sure the house is clean and tidy and looking as good as it can.
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