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Everything posted by Eames

  1. we all have flaws .... had Ghandi been alive today he'd currently be under investigation by Yewtree officers (or their Indian equivalent ) whilst being shunned for his views on Africans Churchill came from an era very much in the past , his blunders in Gallipoli were as much down to supremacy arrogance ( though the Anzacs soldiers capturing the key piece of high ground and then walking off and abandoning it as they didn't grasp it's strategic importance also played a huge part in this defeat) … it doesn’t necessarily excuse Churchill , but there is always a concern when you judge people of the past from our enlightened times I don't think there is any judgement beyond an affectionate acknowledgement that he was very much a man of his time. A Victorian by birth with views to match.
  2. Straight knockout tournament- East/West conference idea to minimise mid season bonkers travel arrangements and no CL dropouts. Winner guaranteed CL group stage entry the following season and the English FA to excuse participation in the League Cup for the teams that are entered. Also for Maqrol for the best thread tag I have seen in AGES.
  3. That'd do it. Crushed larynx and its goodnight Vienna.
  4. Delightful old fascist wasn't he? Permanently pissed as well. Must be the Farage one.
  5. Good old Winston. That champion of our democratic freedom.
  6. On a more serious point the monarchy is nothing more than a tourist attraction these days and has been for over 100 years. Yes in theory HM the Q can veto legislation but she never will. There are also a fair few elected politicians with more than a little blood on their hands as well.
  7. Ask the North Korean's or the Chinese how their "republics" are working for them.
  8. Bollocks. In an attempt to be more productive the following derbies say hi. Liverpool v Man Utd Boca Juniors v River Plate Milan Derby Old Firm Old Farm Villa v SHA Bayern v 1860 Fenerbache v Galatasary I suppose the point I'm making is that any match against your local rivals is the biggest game for you. El Clasico is only the biggest because Sky tells you so - they need you to watch football for the ad sales. Yesterday's effort was a masterclass in cynical football and outrageous cheating.
  9. Cromwell is a funny one. Over threw a monarchy to become monarch in all but name when he realised that for a King/Supreme Head of state/whatever that Parliaments and rule by consent are a pain in the arse. He was just as autocratic as the autocrats he overthrew. Is that what they meant by 'rump' parliament? Much like today there is always an arsehole in the middle
  10. Cromwell is a funny one. Over threw a monarchy to become monarch in all but name when he realised that for a King/Supreme Head of state/whatever that Parliaments and rule by consent are a pain in the arse. He was just as autocratic as the autocrats he overthrew.
  11. Because no "Republican" has ever behaved terribly have they? What a bizarre arguement.
  12. Hence the appointment of Fox. Thats what he is here to do. When is the dafabet deal up? Will be interesting to see where we go from there.
  13. The fact that Robb Stark is smashing Clara Oswald.
  14. You are of course correct. That sentence should have read..... "...and Boris ( ) would tear Milliband a weekly new one at PMQs."
  15. Re: S Club. Apart from the blonde lead singer with a jaw like a brickie, they other 3 girls are absolute filth bags and I'd like to order the lot. Re: S Club. Apart from the blonde lead singer with a jaw like a brickie, they other 3 girls are absolute filth bags and I'd like to order the lot.
  16. I sort of agree with what Bicks is saying. A "win" for Labour would be a disaster for the party. They've already said they won't change any of the economic decisions made by the Coalition - all they will gain is 5 years of the Tories and the Lib Dems saying "hang on - you've slagged off our decision making for 5 years and changed nothing? These are our successes whats going on?!" Its also massively easier to be in oppositon rather than government - and Cameron would tear Milliband a weekly new one at PMQs.
  17. The pub landlord (the actual one - not Al Murray) has denied his kids were there - says it was just Farage and his Mrs. Doesn't make the methodology any better but I struggle to have any sympathy. The guy is a colossal shithouse who has made his name on intolerance, division and mistrust and deserves all the shite he gets as a result.
  18. not really sure what that has to do with the 2015 election though ? London hasn't become rich overnight and cant' even be attributed to 2010 onwards as a result of Tory Policy I suspect it became rich as a result of rich Russians moving there , rich French people moving there to avoid having to live in France , Norway buying up huge chunks of real estate there from their soverign fund ..and of course Qatar adding it to their portfolio . Not having a dig at you Moonman but this sort of dumbed down internet friendly fact happy political meme bollocks really pisses me off. There are so many problems and flaws with this stuff it is laughable. Dr Eoin Clarke would be proud of this one. Presumably data from Spain, Italy and the Baltic states, former Yugoslavia, Greece and Poland was all omitted in order to make the point. "Look how bad the UK is compared to all these other rich nations" You cant even argue they've used comparable sized economies thanks to the inclusion of Belgium. Ask the poor oppressed people of Wales is they feel they'd be richer under the glouious regieme in Budapest or the Sudetenland I have a feeling I know what the answer would be. Also - "Inner" London. ie. Westminster and the City, conveniently ignoring all the shit bits to force the point. Compare apples with apples and we could have had a decent conversation.
  19. I think the problem was his chosen style of play. He was far too cautious and far too concerned with ball retention rather than trying to push the team forward or counter attack. The team was crying out to push forward with pace and with confidence. I'm warming to Sherwood, he's done well so far to motivate the team and get everything moving forward - but if you're Paul Lambert and "Tactics" Tim Sherwood is out managing you with the same squad of players you've got big problems.
  20. Both fighters have been guilty of ducking this one until this point - and at this moment in time who wins doesn't matter. This is a cash out for both of them. $200m each thanks very much. I expect a fairly boring fight with a Mayweather sneaking it in the last round or two to protect his unbeaten record. Of course..... they cynic in me says Manny wins and we brace ourselves for a best of 3 worth $bns.
  21. You can imagine some poor kid working as hard as possible, in all weathers, to improve himself, to realise his dream of being a professional football. Then, hailed as one of the brightest prospects of his generation, he's drafted to Small Heath I used to dream of being a Mitre Ultimax when I was a kid but then I found the booze and ended up as a 99p beach football. Oh the regrets... Hey....more fun has been had with a petrol station floater than a mitre ultimax ever gave anyone.
  22. What do mean the £100k per appearance "boots on the correct feet" bonus is unreasonable?!
  23. As opposed to our system of those with the money getting all the best players... Draft system would never work, the college system that props it up would never work The salary cap would work though, do t try and cap individuals cap a 25 man squad, won't stop Yaya getting his £250k a week but it will stop Sinclair rotting in their bench collecting £60k a week, which IMO is the bigger evil A truely American capitalist system right there........ I'd love a salary cap and agree 100% with capping a squad salary but I see a problem in implementation. How do you set it? % turnover means you essentially maintain the status quo, and setting an arbitrary value say..... £3m a week for the total squad could encourage smaller clubs to spend up to a limit beyond their means.
  24. I have little or no interest in the CL so don't really care but would find it very interesting if England lost a CL place. Competition for those 3 slots would be utterly brutal and very entertaining to watch.
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