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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    General Chat

    I've been away for a while and am catching up. I have the following observations. 1) Tony and Limpid arguing is like watching my parents argue. 2) Stevo's lesbian sister is going to look like Stevo with a wig and I expect that even for the perverts on here that would be a bridge too far. 3) FB, Twitter and Timehop are great. Leave them all alone.
  2. I'm probably alone in this but I can't help but feel a tiny bit sorry for Clegg. If Ashcroft's polling s accurate then we may not have to wait beyond election night. Were there ever a reason for Tories in Sheffield to vote Labour then the chance to boot Clegg out has got to be high up on the list. He follows Lib Dem Party policy and produces a populist manifesto that he had no idea if he could deliver or not, like every other Lib Dem leader since the dawn of time. Easily outperforms the others on the TV leaders debates to much popular acclaim and then finds himself holding the balance of power in a hung parliament before getting royally shafted by his coalition partners. Poor chap never stood a chance.
  3. Eames

    General Chat

    Its ok chaps. I've spoken to Stefan and he's said we can go out on the razz in Lodz and he will put us all up whilst we're out there. Problem solved.
  4. Eames

    General Chat

    Bruges>Brussles but still not that inspiring.
  5. Sitting down and feeling the warmth of the last incumbent is always nice If by "nice" you mean absolutely horrific. I can just about tolerate it at home when its Mrs E or Princess E 1.0 but I absolutely hate it at work. Urgh. I prefer Japanese heated seats. No. A stone cold toilet seat is the only way forward.
  6. Sitting down and feeling the warmth of the last incumbent is always nice If by "nice" you mean absolutely horrific. I can just about tolerate it at home when its Mrs E or Princess E 1.0 but I absolutely hate it at work. Urgh.
  7. The idea of a consortium fills me with horror tbh. Look at QPR - they've had consortia ownership of some of the richest blokes in the world (Ecclestone/Mittal et al) and that hardly did them any favours. A collection of "business types" looking for a vanity project would be terrible. If its not one fabulously wealthy bloke with a plan I'd rather stick with what we have tbh. Can we please ban the phrase "football people" - I don't want "football people" near the club. The FA is full of them, they're all dicks.
  8. Eames

    General Chat

    Well yeah.....but the real moral of that story was don't ask your wife to commit perjury if your sexual proclivities lie elsewhere.
  9. ill quit if im forced to work weekends eames stupid proposal It really isn't a stupid proposal - the NHS should offer the same service on a saturday as it does on a sunday. Illness generally doesn't take the weekend off to play golf. The problem will be culture change - convincing an army of exceptionally well paid people that they now need to work times they don't want to.
  10. I think judging by your avatar our secret is already out. Don't worry. I'll use lube next time.
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    I had thought about this. I'll review the exact times of the offences tonight as it might be the case I was driving. We should probably request the photographic evidence to confirm who was driving, or not. I think that would be very wise - the mind can play tricks on you.
  12. You mean you didn't mean to offer me "light bumming" in our last text exchange?
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    No grounds to appeal. Its a strict liability offence (i.e. - is no defence to the offence unless explicitly set out in the legislation) From my limited knowledge I can't see why having two offences over 4 days would be grounds to have one cancelled - regardless of the postal arrangements. The cops and the courts would treat this as two seperate sentences on two days. To draw a comparison if you shoplift on Friday and get away with it, but are caught on Monday doing it again, only for Fridays offence to be discovered you would still be clobbered with both. I have two remedies. 1) A chat with Mrs Genie to ask her to slow the **** down and/or 2) Have a long hard think. Are you sure it was her driving on both occassions? If your memory hasn't been very clear you could both do the Speed Awareness Course and continue motoring points free.
  14. As a "public sector worker" you and anyone else can **** off cutting my pay 15%. In the last 5 years my pay has gone up 2%. The only reason I haven't been worse off as a result is the increase in income tax threshold has cushioned the difference. Oh...and tangentially, you think the NHS is in a shit state now....wait until whoever gets in enforces 7 day working on Consultants. I know at least 5 who will bring their retirement forward if that happens. (It absolutely needs to) but it will be accompanied by a massive brain drain of the best.
  15. Best insult I've seen in ages.
  16. Eames

    Missing planes

    The top 3 are absolute essentials IMO. Top post Ingram.
  17. Eames

    Missing planes

    The seat in front? Too soon?
  18. see my previous comments about 6% private up from 4.8% see also previous comments about demand on the NHS increasing being one of the over riding factors ( people going to A&E with a bruised lip for example !!) kings fund review that you refer to even states clicky Utter bastards.
  19. Eames

    Top Gear

    Top Gear as we know it is dead. I watched it. I enjoyed (mostly) it - but it is no more. It might not be a bad thing as a re-tune to more of a consumer motoring show would be more useful to more people - but far less entertaining. Expect "Full Throttle" to appear on a commercial broadcaster near you in the not too distant future - or if you really fancy a punt - Netflix will chuck money at it.
  20. Eames

    Top Gear

    In defence of the Beed - the lefties think its a televised Daily Mail and the right think they're all lentil scoffing communist sympathisers. To me that means they are doing exactly the right job. The BBC is brilliant and EVERYONE should just leave the poor old dear alone.
  21. Eames

    Top Gear

    They will try and replace because the other two will jump ship and set up with Clarkson wherever he ends up and Auntie loses a big chunk of non licence fee revenue. The Torygraph was reporting Netflix will pick it up.
  22. It's gone the way if the Sport site. Designed by a 6 year old with ADHD its awful. I don't use the sport site anymore, can't get on with the disjointed format. They've ruined their apps too.
  23. See also: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. American TV does have a tendency to hammer the deceased equine.
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