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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I wouldn't want him anywhere near the England side - he'd be tapped up for a "big" club in 3 weeks flat. Stick with Ireland Jack. Wales did Giggs and Bale no harm. If you have ambition choose England. Obviously this is bollocks but yeah. If he wants to play for Ireland I won't judge him on that. Villa having players in the England side in recent years hasnt ever really ended well.
  2. Eames

    Carles Gil

    I honestly don't care that Gil isn't giving a look in. Or what the reason is. Sherwood on the whole has made a difference and is getting results - if Gil isn't impressing him enough to get picked that is Gil's problem.
  3. I wouldn't want him anywhere near the England side - he'd be tapped up for a "big" club in 3 weeks flat. Stick with Ireland Jack. Wales did Giggs and Bale no harm.
  4. There was a thing on the BBC Website last week which basically said election posters and like are expensive to produce and not massively effective. Some policy wonk or "election strategist" has obviously decided that bombarding FB and Twitter is a far more cost effective method of collecting with the electorate. On my 2 hour train ride to work I've seen one UKIP sign in a field and a couple to Tory ones attached to houses but precious little else.
  5. Its been years since I've felt like typing this but.... Aston Villa Football Club.
  6. Its the luxury of knowing you'll never have to actually do diplomacy with them....
  7. And yet you side with the "Really nasty party" on education issues.
  8. If I'm going to ghey with a player..... its in for a penny in for a pound for me. I'll take Benteke "The Beast" If you're going to get it..... you might as well feel it and I reckon he'd destroy me.
  9. Labour 86% Lib Dem 84% Tory 79% Green 78% UPKIP 39% Meh.
  10. I'm totally happy with selling him (or any other player) on the understanding that the player coming in is better.
  11. This is why I always keep my CV up to date, even if I'm happy in my job. Once a month on a Sunday I have a look, and add on anything of note I've done in the last 4 weeks. Takes about 10 minutes.. I never take anything off, until I'm applying and tailoring it to specific vacancies. It's a constantly updated growing document so I don't have to try and remember what I've been doing for the last 2 years when the time comes to move. We may be getting to the bottom of your issues with the fairer sex. If this is on your online dating profile I can see why you're only pulling nutters and Nazi's.
  12. Blackrock Mountain expansion blah blah blah. Now available on phones. Holy shit. Bye bye productivity - work has free public wifi.
  13. said every tv show / film ever tbf the book would be too much for me if i hadnt watched series 1 first, too many characters, my missus is really struggling with some of the changes they've made, mondays episode for example but for the amount of time that would take on screen to explain and play out how much would it actually add to the story? I can't answer without being really spoilery....but listen to the A Cast of Kings podcast....for an example of totally pointless TV sexposition this week.
  14. Because the show has completely mishandled him....he's not heroic or impressive at all. A 5-10 main segment once a week doesn't allow the character to grow that much....the books really do.
  15. I like the TV show but it is inherantly flawed because it has none of the depth or complexity of the books. (Not that they're perfect - books 4 and 5 are a complete grind and could have been one book) 10 x 45 minute episodes is simply not enough to do the characters and the plot justice. I'm wondering if the problem with TV is that it needs a central character to attach to - (there aren't may shows like this that rely on an ensemble without one obvious star (Downton Abbey maybe)) where as in GoT Martin pretty ruthlessly brutalises the reader/view by murdering everyone you love or putting them in weird side plots for a while. The books are a better medium for this approach because again, you get more time with the character. They've also up-aged most of the cast so that has an impact too. Jon Snow is 15/16 IIRC, Arya is 9. Tommen is 8. Sansa 13/14 - it all has an effect on the characters because Jon Snow - Leader of the Nights Watch at 15 is much more impressive than Kit Harrington's version is able to be. In terms of best seasons - for me it runs 3,4,1,2. I like the TV show but it is inherantly flawed because it has none of the depth or complexity of the books. (Not that they're perfect - books 4 and 5 are a complete grind and could have been one book) 10 x 45 minute episodes is simply not enough to do the characters and the plot justice. I'm wondering if the problem with TV is that it needs a central character to attach to - (there aren't may shows like this that rely on an ensemble without one obvious star (Downton Abbey maybe)) where as in GoT Martin pretty ruthlessly brutalises the reader/view by murdering everyone you love or putting them in weird side plots for a while. The books are a better medium for this approach because again, you get more time with the character. They've also up-aged most of the cast so that has an impact too. Jon Snow is 15/16 IIRC, Arya is 9. Tommen is 8. Sansa 13/14 - it all has an effect on the characters because Jon Snow - Leader of the Nights Watch at 15 is much more impressive than Kit Harrington's version is able to be. In terms of best seasons - for me it runs 3,4,1,2.
  16. Obviously there is a personal taste thing here so its entirely possible you won't like it, but I find/found it very funny.
  17. Bluestone 42 S3 ended last night. Absolutely excellent work by BBC3.(unusually)
  18. For me the GOT Ladies are like Pokemon. I'd happily catch them all. Even Catelyn Stark. Nice bit of old.
  19. Nah I'm sick of this going after young kids all the time. Part of the reason we're in this mess in the first place. [/savile]
  20. I'd like us to keep Sinclair and Cleverly (although I think we will only get one) we need a Vlaar replacement as well - beyond that - unless something ridiculous comes up (like Diego above) I think it will be a quiet one. Although given that Sherwood has never bought a player as a manager so anything could happen.
  21. Eames

    General Chat

    Is there anything more satisfying than having a poo on a different floor of your office building? Felt like extending the boundaries of my territory, Glorious.
  22. Whilst I 100% agree in principle clicking a spoilers box if you are keen to avoid being spoiled is a risky business.
  23. Eames

    General Chat

    Probably more for the TTPYOTS Thread but any theme park system that permits queue jumping in exchange for money can just **** right off. In my forthcoming Police State EVERYONE queues in the same line. (exceptions are made for the disabled and members of my immidiate family and/or other authorised Party members)
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