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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames


    Sketchers are amazing.
  2. Yes saw that. Good on Carswell if true.
  3. Valyrian steel cuts through mail. /GoT You could easily stab through mail with a thin sword or dagger. A poleaxe or halberd are going to cut through it because of the power of swing that can be generated....or stabbed using the pointy bit.
  4. Yep. Clear sign of a degenerate sex offender.
  5. The bloke who sits a couple of seats down from me in the office. (Applied for my job - didn't get it - ever so slightly bitter about it) having a massive full on meltdown because I asked him (perfectly politely) to turn his music down because all I could hear was "bum tish tish tish" through his shitty iEarphones. He went purple. Shouted "For **** SAKE" at the top of his voice and stomped off. 45 mins ago. He still hasn't returned. He's the sort of bloke that wears those "reactions lenses" is mid-40s, with a mail order Thai bride and is quite clearly a monumental bellend.
  6. Anyone got any spare Zyklon B knocking around?
  7. KP shouldn't be anywhere near the England team after the book and the texts with the Saffers. The only reason this is getting attention is because a munch of media tarts (Morgan (soon to be convicted phone hacker and perjurer) chiefly among them) keep bleating on about it. The problem with England is not the batting line-up per se. We need a quality opener to support Cook but what we sorely lack is some genuinely frightening pace bowlers. Anderson is a wizard but he's also the only world class bowler in the team. We need a couple of psychos who can chuck 95mph bombs at people when, inevitably for 9 months of the year, we are not playing on swing friendly English wickets.
  8. Gut instinct says the long bow.....but then bodkins were a thing. Actually..... this is one that is over thought. I'm going to say swords. You can slash and hack through mail but you can't do that with plate armour. Swords.
  9. Had a Nandos once. Had horrendous food poisoning once. Won't be eating Nando's again.
  10. With 30 million registered Hearthstone Accounts and a third SC2 instalment on the horizon I'd imagine shareholders are reasonably happy with how things are working out for them.
  11. With Scotland now essentially a one party state the worst thing Labour can do is shore up their core vote if they want to get back into power. Middle England is where its at. Time to cosy up to the chattering classes again. Oh, and point of order - Sugar resigned in January but didn't announce until after the election so as not to damage the party.
  12. Some Labour but mostly Tory.
  13. randomapplause.gift[\img]
  14. What a load of sanctimonious patronising bollocks. Who are you to presume that anyone voting for any political party has done it out of ignorance simply on the basis that they disagree with you. I think he's right, though. I reckon that a lot of Tory voters don't have a clue how they've screwed themselves and more importantly, for others. At least they have ignorance to blame. Anyone who voted Tory out of genuine shared ideology can go **** themselves in my opinion. Thoroughly depressing morning. Never thought I'd be one to spout such an exaggeration but I'm feeling pretty ashamed to be British right now. This is clearly bullshit. Have cup of tea and chill out dear.
  15. What a load of sanctimonious patronising bollocks. Who are you to presume that anyone voting for any political party has done it out of ignorance simply on the basis that they disagree with you.
  16. Morning chaps. Lib Dem blood everywhere.
  17. Doesn't even have to be an x. As long as the counter can understand your intention you can use whatever symbol you like.
  18. Are you suggesting *Labour/LibDems/Ukip/The Tories (*delete as appropriate) are hanging around with a stash of rubbers to doctor ballot papers?
  19. A test of Randy's "love" for the club if a credible offer comes in. If he gives the smallest of shits he will only sell to a buyer who will treat us right and not lever us up to the eyeballs with debt for the privilege of owning the club.
  20. No, they don't. Even if they did, it wouldn't. I'm fairly new to this whole taking an interest in politics thing but everything I've read e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32235317 So if Labour want to get the confidence of the House of Commons (prove legitimacy) then surely showing that a greater percentage voted for them would help things? Owen Jones has been spouting this shite on social media for a few days now because the Tories used that argument last time in arguing that Brown should move aside even though he was within his rights to try and form a goverment. The Tories were wrong then and anyone using the same argument this time would also be wrong. % of votes cast in a FPTP system is of secondary importance. The party with most seats could have fewer votes and yet still have sufficient MPs and hangers on to command the confidence of the Commons. Equally if she felt like it HM the Q can appoint anyone she feels like to be PM (she won't) without worrying about % vote or anything else.
  21. In the last five years my house price has gone up sharply, my salary has gone up and my outgoings have come down significantly, I cant complain about anything so I have again voted for them My outgoings have gone down too, petrol for example. Thats one thing labour have said they will reverse so expect to pay more as a driver. My property has gone up, it was ridiculously low 5 years ago The fall in fuel price has **** all to do with the government.
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