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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Under Armour would be great.....bit the big question is what does their stuff wash like.
  2. Best direction in an episode as well. Cinematic as ****. Brilliant. If that's the level of the next two episodes they've atoned themselves after the slow start.
  3. If this is legit....this is a fascinating insight into agents and their twattish ways. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10207009131325761&id=1203968248&_rdr
  4. Holy **** that was good. Danny and Tyrion sparring is ace.
  5. spot on for me aye me to. He kept us up. But I have serious misgivings about him for next season. Who would you ideally want in then? Realistically of course I don't think anyone is suggesting he gets sacked. I've got serious misgivings about him - but all will be ok if by Christmas we've still got a 50% win rate in the League. He's a very green untried manager - especially in an off season. He has the bravado and the bullshit but I wonder long term how far that will get him. Easy to be Charlie Big Potatoes after a few wins......... For the avoidance of doubt, there have been no moving of the goalposts-My stance has been the same throughout. I confirm that I have not been goaded however the problem has arisen due to your inability/unwillingness to read my posts properly. Perhaps if you took a little more time and did not read what you want it to say, you would realise this. Nope, I think I finally understand them now. Sherwood has done nothing wrong. Let's agree to disagree Lets all hug.
  6. Eames

    Hell Is...

    Yes he does. Silly boy.
  7. Eames

    Carles Gil

    It could be that Sherwood decided that he was too risky given our situation - Grealish works hard for the team as well as providing flair - from what we saw of Gil he doesn't/didn't bust a gut to help out defensively. Maybe we'll see more of him if we play a different style next season and are doing better?
  8. Because I watched the game and we played exactly the same way for 90 minutes. That 5 minutes was long enough to tell that the formation or the personnel hadn't changed one bit. Don't talk like an idiot. If that was the case, we were trying for a 0-1 with 45 mins of the game left. Of course things would have changed once we were 0-1 down-It doesn't mean to say we should have been sending the keeper up for corners. Has Stevo or anyone else suggested that then? Must have missed that bit.
  9. You're making yourself look silly now. If you can't see the high line at Southampton was a problem then you need to watch the game again. Take out the goals if you like. The high line was a problem numerous times before they scored their first goal. I don't blame Sherwood for that, fwiw. Look at the goals and then tell me who looks silly. The first one is from a goal kick-Where would you expect the defence to hold their line? The second is a fantastic through ball played by Vlaar which Given chickens out of despite being on what? £30k a week The third, they get the ball deep in their own half, our defenders start on the half way line (correctly) 2 drop but the 2 nearest the ball commit and don't get the ball. The 4th, the striker is totally unmarked and runs between the 2 defenders The 5th, Bacuna plays a hospital ball that is intercepted and a long shot scores The 6th was a cross that was not defended and the striker had a simple tap in. It really is you who needs to stop making yourself look silly, thinking you see things that Sherwood doesn't. Go & watch those goals again and tell me that the defence should have been 10 yards back for any of them. Every single commentator/pundit/journo that watched that match said the same thing. "Villa's high line was suicidal"
  10. Yeah - there have been lovely snippets on Twitter....... I really needed to see the bum licking....
  11. Surprised that its not been mentioned already but good to see the Leicester reserves having a lovely time in the home country of their sponsor/owner.
  12. I'm a "casual" fan and don't want to watch a 12 round jab fest. I want to see a war. I want to see people getting K'dTFO.
  13. You've given one suggestion in your own post.
  14. The teams that have beaten Arsenal have parked the bus and scored from a break. I don't recall too many on here suggesting we did that pre-match So? What difference does that make? (and fwiw it's not true. Whilst maybe not "parking the bus" was suggested, there were plenty of people asking for a much more reserved approach than previous games. Everyone and his dog knew that if we go "toe to toe" with arsenal we get beaten) There's a difference between a league game and a cup final. I'm not saying Sherwood got it right (he didn't), but let's consider this... Swansea recently beat Arsenal 1-0 by starting with 0 strikers and sitting off Arsenal. They brought Gomis on late on (75th minute or something?) who subsequently scored the winner. Swansea got praised for their tactics (and rightly so) but... ..just imagine the backlash Sherwood would've received if he didn't start Benteke in an F.A. Cup final and Arsenal had still gone on to win. It's a hugely different occasion. Sorry bobzy, I'm not sure what your point is? You've made up a completely hypothetical situation. Do I think Sherwood should have not started Benteke? No of course not. Do I think he should have done something different than he did? Yes. You're taking it personally. Eames suggested that "lesser" teams have beaten Arsenal because of good tactical performances. I'm in agreeance with this, but don't think a cup final is the place to do the same thing as, for example, Swansea - who recently beat Arsenal as mentioned. Perhaps I didn't explain it well. Basically, this things are more likely to happen in a league game where you can get "a result" from playing negatively. In a cup final, I'd assume it less likely as you basically have to win. What a strange statement. I'd say an FA Cup Final is EXACTLY the time to do what Swansea did to Arsenal. Performance/Quality of football means nothing if you win. No one cares if you bore the arse off fans/media/opponents if you win. 20 years ago Arsenal fans were chanting "1-0 to the Arsenal" not caring that it was awful to watch.
  15. Agree that Arsenal are a good side. Worth considering that Ozil and Sanchez's combined fees will get you 10 Bentekes. However - "lesser" teams have beaten Arsenal this season - because the tactics and performances have been good enough to allow them to do so - that is the difference.
  16. How did he get it wrong on Saturday? What masterstroke would you have pulled to win us that cup, that Sherwood failed to see? I wouldn't have tried to match the one of the best midfield in the country man for man. I wouldn't have persisted with the tactic when after 10 mins it was clear we were getting hammered in midfield. I wouldn't have made the pitch as narrow as possible I'd have made it as wide as possible and banged crosses into Benteke. I wouldn't have isolated Benteke by leaving him stuck up front by himself trying to get knock downs and holding up with noone to play to. We might still have lost - thats fine. They ARE the better team..... but it would have looked like we were putting in some bloody effort. Yeah-Making the pitch as wide as possible against Arsenal is a great shout. Making the pitch wide as possible would have (presumably) meant playing wingers-How would that possibly help our centre midfielders (2 & not 3) playing against (by your own admission) one of the best midfields in the country. Thank God you weren't in charge on Saturday-They'd have been into double figures So your suggestion, when we're getting absolutely spanked, is to not try something different because we might get absolutely spanked. Interesting. Which part of my post actually says this? The poster is claiming that is what he would have done from the start-It would have been suicide. So was what he did do - but at least changing it up a bit might have shown a bit of desire and effort.
  17. How did he get it wrong on Saturday? What masterstroke would you have pulled to win us that cup, that Sherwood failed to see? I wouldn't have tried to match the one of the best midfield in the country man for man. I wouldn't have persisted with the tactic when after 10 mins it was clear we were getting hammered in midfield. I wouldn't have made the pitch as narrow as possible I'd have made it as wide as possible and banged crosses into Benteke. I wouldn't have isolated Benteke by leaving him stuck up front by himself trying to get knock downs and holding up with noone to play to. We might still have lost - thats fine. They ARE the better team..... but it would have looked like we were putting in some bloody effort.
  18. Sherwood has earned his chance with us IMO. We were dead and buried until he took the job and his impact on the team has been undeniably positive. However, we are talking about a very inexperienced manager who has never had to buy/sell players before. He's never had to build a team and he is on a very limited budget this time round. I am also wondering how quickly his motivational informal style will wear off - It wouldn't surprise me to see him gone by Christmas - if we're not clicking. History has shown that the Villa job ruins careers. I can't think of the last manager to leave us and go onto bigger and better things. I fear Sherwood is doomed to the same fate. That makes me extremely nervous.
  19. Its the Metro. Tramps toilet paper at its finest.
  20. Eames

    Hell Is...

    15.30 to 17.30 Saturday 30th May 2015.
  21. Disagree. You can't strip Qatar on the basis the process is bent and not do it for Russia. They will go ahead as scheduled.
  22. Can't why the American care about UEFA getting a Summer WC in 2022 tbh.
  23. Work shy Commie **** RMT members - but obviously not The_Rev. He's lovely.
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