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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Sold to the Spanish chap with the receding hairline. **checks auction catalogue - right - which potential next big thing big club reject signing on loan for Villa to rehabilitate a failing career is next?
  2. Unfortunately - there is one massive reason why it will go ahead. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ FIFA is corrupt from top to bottom - so is UEFA - so if the FA. (Greg's watch anyone) Qatar and the wider Middle East have so many fingers in so many footballing pies in Europe that a World Cup in Qatar is sadly inevitable. Well in UEFA's case they don't like the Middle East money, in fact ffp was invented to cull their money. Which is now being relaxed - around the same time that PSG (Platini's former club) look to be falling foul of the rules. Platini's son also works for a Qatari sportswear brand. Clear conflicts of interest.
  3. Think you're all being a touch harsh on Richard. Long standing poster not renowned for PFE or obvious bullshit.
  4. FIFA will be corrupt after this......just different people different games. Platini is as bent as the lot of them are there any serious untainted candidates? Figo?
  5. Unfortunately - there is one massive reason why it will go ahead. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ FIFA is corrupt from top to bottom - so is UEFA - so if the FA. (Greg's watch anyone) Qatar and the wider Middle East have so many fingers in so many footballing pies in Europe that a World Cup in Qatar is sadly inevitable.
  6. Djok will hand Murray his arse after 3 sets. 6-3, 6-4, 6-3
  7. I think it depends how you define "plus" size. IIRC anyone over a size 8 in the UK is considered a plus size model. Which is obviously wrong in of itself. To represent anyone above the size of an overfed stick insect as somehow outside of societies norms is extremely damaging - just as much as representing some 400lb monster as normal and healthy.
  8. I take the point but no girl/woman is going to look at a picture of an "unhealthily overweight" model and feel under pressure to achieve that body image. What there is is a pressure for girls and young women to achieve a body like that above - regardless of their body shape/metabolism/lifestyle and the associated extremes girls/women will go to - and that is a problem.
  9. **maniacal laughter** RISE THREAD RISE So Dafabet announce they will sponsor Sunderland and Blackburn. Who will we get instead? I'd love Cadbury.
  10. Is that the Academy that won the Next Gen series - beating Barcelona's? Yep. Average that.
  11. Eames


    I thought wedges were girls shoes?
  12. Eames

    Google Inbox

    Wasn't clear - Inbox adds no functionality to Now. Just a prettier way of organising email I suppose.
  13. Eames

    Google Inbox

    yep - quite like it. slightly alarming to the extent google (via android) controls my life. Google now reads my emails and tells me to pay bills. Tells me how to get to and from work, tells me that on saturdays I go to the horsey supplies place and how long it'll take to get there. None of which I've asked it to do.
  14. Well yeah....fair one. But I'm disappointed its you that's pulled me on a sexual morality issue.
  15. Yes and no. Yes and no. The Night's Watch do go to Harhome. There is a battle but John Snow isn't there and neither IIRC is the Night's King. Tyrion and Dany haven't met yet. Jorah doesn't re-enslave himself having met Dany again. Cersei is in jail - imprisoned by the Faith on trumped up charges. So is Margaery. Loras isn't. Arya is doing crazy assassin shit in Braavos.
  16. I think claiming the Iraq war protest in 2003 had any bearing on the withdrawal a decade later is optimistic at best.
  17. There were c.1m people on the streets over Iraq. That changed nothing. Neither will this - sending a message is all well and good but only works if the recipients are listening.
  18. Cook the youngest ever player to 9000 test runs - despite being dogshit for 18 months. Well done that man.
  19. would that be the 36.9% of the people that bothered to vote, voted Tory? I'd say that leaves a wide majority of people who didn't vote Tory. A good protest, organised in the right way, in big numbers, is always an effective democratic weapon. It needs the numbers, and the coverage. ......and what it will get is a couple of thousand soap dodgers getting kettled followed by the inevitable riot and accusations of Police brutality or if you're really lucky Boris' water cannon. What it won't do is effect any sort of change whatsoever
  20. Joshua. He'd only have to hit him once and its good night Vienna.
  21. I'm as yet unaware of this. Where might I observe this craze for myself?
  22. Valyrian steel I would guess. Which would make it interesting as there are various Valyrian Steel swords knocking around. EDIT What Nays says. Except for one small point of order - Jorah is the former Lord Commander's son - not brother.
  23. Very sad news. I'd still take him as Lib Dem leader over Clegg even now. They're a dead party, they may as well have a dead leader. Dark.
  24. This is defending 101 If there was a textbook it would be on page one. If you're playing against a quick forward line you play deeper. You'd think watching Villa try and break down teams who sit deep at Villa Park with Gabby up top would be enough to convince someone of this...... Yeah I'm sold. Prolific our Gabby is-Works every time Have you ever worked as Government spokesman? I see to remember your communication style? Something like Iraq c. 2003
  25. I'm going to be in tiny minority here but I will be sad when Randy goes. He had the ambition just sadly not the money or the talent to make it happen. I like Fox and Sherwood deserves a shot so.......Meh.
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