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Everything posted by Eames

  1. If you knew 47 Asian men were about to commit Bukkake on your face wouldn't you Either that or they are generally worried about being torn asunder by the 15" weapon thats about to skewer them.........
  2. I may be wrong but the people on Dale farm are in fact paying taxes.. The tax payer however will the paying the £18m the council wasted in the botched removal the dirty imbred etc part of your post is just pure ignorance really , perhaps you'd be happy if we rounded them up and put them in camps ? Presumably they will be paying VAT etc, but as for council tax I'm not sure. I'm no expert but if the Council assert that the dwellings are illegal because there is no planning permission, they surely can't charge council tax on that basis either? The caravans and other mobile structures won't need planning and again, to the best of my knowledge don't attract rates either......
  3. Cheers buddy. Its an excuse to drink "Daddy juice" for 3 days..... The Bank Manager was strangely happy to hear about this as well following Mrs E's birthday arrangements!! At least she looks like mummy and not daddy in a wig. :shock: We've had her in a Maxi-Cosi Tobi car seat for a few months now which should last until she's 4ish. The other piece of advice with pushchairs and stuff is if you can (and I appreciate its not always possible because the hospital won't discharge you to go home by car without a car seat) is try the baby in them before you buy because they are all different sizes and shapes, and not all car seats fit cars well - the new seat doesn't like my Golf at all......
  4. Depends mainly on what car you drive, and how much you've got to spend. We've got a Freelander and started off with a Mamas and Papas Ultima Which came with a car seat, stand, stroller, pram etc. I think we got a deal for £550 ish. It was great except the wheels we got are fixed so steering awkward and it is massively bulky even when folded. AND you get done for another £135 for the ISOFIX seat base, which although not totally necessary, is loads more secure than the seatbelt only fitting. So we then got a Quinny Buzz stroller. Which is much better, still bulky but less so than the M&P one. As your child gets bigger, you don't need the pram base etc. so maybe change to a fold up stroller? Treat it like buying a car, some brands are Fords, some are Skoda's, some are Mercs.... how much they want should give you a clue how they see themselves. My little girl turns 1 tomorrow. Can't believe how fast its gone......
  5. Try it Lancs..... It's like smashing your head against a brickwall. The Greek philosophy of Thesis, antithesis and synthesis has been lost to "its **** shit" "Randy/AM/The General/your mothers/ are clearing in the woods and I'm never going to Villa Park again." You can't hold a reasonable debate in those circumstances. There is a section of posters here who would argue black was white if it suited their agenda.
  6. Eames

    General Chat

    Charlie Webster doesnt think im ghey. No, she thinks you're deserving of a KFC pity date. Pity has become a key component of the Villa fan's arsenal of late, can be used to great effect! I refuse to play my pity card, though I've been in possession of it for a long time!! And you have it in writing so it's legally binding and everything.
  7. Eames

    General Chat

    All this despite my profile picture showing me with the ex... that's right, I've still got it. 8) :clap: :notworthy:
  8. Notice you ignored my post in response to your post about Randy not being crap a few pages back? No-one is asking for "magical owners". No-one is asking Randy to go out and blow his fortune on Villa (or very few are anyway). We are just asking him to treat the club with respect. - appoint a decent manager that the fans can get behind. I know he will never please everybody but that's not a reason to appoint McLeish and upset everybody!! I feel sorry for McLeish because he is probably a decent enough bloke but he was never going to get anywhere at Villa. - appoint a decent CEO, either with experience of football (e.g. Dien) or with experience of running a £100m turnover consumer business and put someone in who understands football alongside him. - communicate with the fan base in a reasonable and grown up manner, not through that Clown - the General - who just seems to make cock up after cock up and then go missing when times are hard. I know he owns the business but without the fans has no business. He needs to manage the club professionally and give it the best chance of success albeit whilst operating within the financial constraints that most clubs today operate under. All that sounds very reasonable but in practice it is either unreasonable or simply not possible. For example: "A decent manager the fans can get behind" - read: We don't like this one, we didn't want McClaren, try again. Oh and pay whatever compensation is owed regardless of the fact you are trying to cut costs and balance the books a bit." "appoint a decent CEO, either with experience of football ...and put someone in who understands football alongside him." - read: Even though most us have no idea what makes a decent CEO, we don't like PF. Please change him. " communicate with the fan base in a reasonable and grown up manner" read: We didn't/don't like what you have said to us. Please go away and send someone who will tell us what we want to hear/agree with us.
  9. Agreed. An amusing send up of our transfer policy. Rather than an excuse for fans to moan about our chairman's nationality,waistline,business interests, inside leg meausrement..... :
  10. The problem is they are 3 things, players, assets and employees. As players we can't afford to lose Dunne as he has been very good so far this season. As assests the resale value would be limited, and they are worth more to us in the club and performing. As employees we would have to pay compensation to get rid..... and as we all know, the Villa aren't exactly flush right now.
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    Interesting...never knew you used salad cream!? Any idea how to make Big Mac sauce? See the Burger Sauce recepie and then get Ronald McDonald to wank in it.
  12. Even that was a gutless and defensive performance. The attack just looked clueless. Hardly any meaningful penetration in the box. All too content to sit back, and watch balls being knocked around them. :x BOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    Ketchup + Salad Cream (+ tabasco + lemon juice) = seafoody/marie rose sauce. Ketchup + Mayo = Burger Sauce.
  14. I think it was just the manner of the loss Eames. We've played poorer in the past, and gone away from Villa Park with worse results, both under Houllier, and Oneill. It was just the manner of the defeat. We didnt get completely played off the park, but I have never seen us create so little going forward. We were standing off them the whole game, giving them far too much respect. Personally, I've never seen anything like it at Villa Park. So it was an appalling performance - sacking AM now will not let him put it right. He has to show exactly what he is made of and send the team out against QPR to win, and play better. 1 deafeat in 7 is not a bad return - even if the performance was a shocker.
  15. Well surely 1 league point is better than 0? Or will you re-write our number system as well as the concepts of losing and drawing a game to suit your arguement. Last night was a crap result - absolutely. Am I disappointed? - absolutely. But that is our 1st competitive defeat this season. I don't see what all the hysteria is about over 1 loss. If we are rock bottom at Christmas without enough points for a driving ban, I will feel differently. But if I am going to start slitting my wrists over the Villa, I'll wait until we're not unbeaten in the league and 6th thanks.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    Salad cream. But Mayo with chicken.
  17. May as well be a defeat, brilliant! Was it a defeat or not? Irrelevant. The performance was shocking in the whole 90 minutes we deserved to be beat 3 or 4 nil. I said before the match last night a spanking was on the cards sooner or later (so did most wise villa fans) but it coming at the hands of Bolton brings reality home even harder. But its not irrelevant is it? If its any animal its more of a hippopotamus. But we didn't get beat by Everton did we? We drew. So we got a point. AWAY. At Everton - who are quite good. Manyoo have built many a PL title on playing shite and still getting points. Not losing will do me just fine.
  18. Let me put it another way then. If we play like we did last night (spineless) and lose on Sunday there will be up roar. I did not say we had been spineless in other games. He has to send the team out to win on Sunday, not in a nagative fashion, which he has done in our 2 previous away league games. That ok for you. With some of the dickheads that pass for Villa fans there will be uproar if we draw anyway. I'll settle for the away draw thanks. Not getting beaten in the league over a period of time will build a confidence. Being dispresectful to QPR and going out for the big 3 points will only result in us getting none.
  19. The Everton game may aswell have been a defeat...that performance was so poor it was untrue. Ad still Big Eck praised the team...the man is deluded. Right. Well, IMO the Newcastle game may as well have been a win, after all DB missed a sitter. So thats an extra 2 points to us. YAY!! :
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    Depends whats in the sandwich..........
  21. "If we lose on Sunday with another spineless performance" Carling Cup aside, please tell me which games so far this season we have lost on the back of a spineless performance. We are unbeaten FFS. :bash: We all moaned about the leaky defence last season, we are now much better at the back, and STILL people moan.
  22. Eames

    General Chat

    Depends what I'm eating. Salad = Salad Cream Chips = Mayo
  23. Tell you what mate, they wont see me next home game. Ive fcuking had it with the whole Villa Park experience. Tonight just wants me to say **** off to the lot of them. Played off the park by Bolton wanderers lol. Supporters that accept mediocrot y from a manager that coold not even keep the shittist club in england up, by playing the same sterile shite we are forced to watch. Nah, **** it. Randy is a frigging Blue nose word removed, and will get us relegated. BTW, first time in thirty years following this great club that ive walked out ten minutes before the end. But hey, cue the randylites and the muppits to proclaim themselves as loyal..... Wake up you stupid cnuts. :idea: Great. Bye then. Why don't you close your VT membership whilst you're at it. I'd rather see 15k at Villa Park who are all 100% behind the team than another 15k being in there with an agenda like yours. You don't like the manager, you don't like the owner, you don't like the results, you think Randy is a Buenose. Let me tell you something, Randy, AMc, the General, the.players, the fans and pretty much everyone else doesn't give a flying **** that you're not going to VP again. Please now leave VT and stop darkening our door with your drivel.
  24. Reporting for peace and quiet duty. St. Martin led us to some ridiculous results - not going to get too bent out of shape over this one. Big Eck needs time, if.it wasn't for the Blouse connection more would be saying it.
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