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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I think if anyone was talking about ethnic cleansing or racism it would be reffering "Travellers" and not "Irish" But since when did "Travellers" become a separate ethnic group? They are all caucasian surely? I understand the difference between with Roma gypsys but this is not the case here is it?
  2. The problem is they don't do themselves any favours. They have turned down other sites, they have turned down homes. I was listening to 5Live yesterday as they interviewed a traveller who said that her friend Nora had been "beaten" by the Police, was "brutalised" and had "no face left". When the reporter then spoke to Nora, she said that she'd fallen over. I have no problem with them living the lifestyle they want but it MUST be within the bounds of the law, and unfortuantely, this site wasn't. It was not racism or ethnic cleansing (Is "Irish" an ethnic group anyway?) but pure and simple planning enforcement against a group of people who refused to co-operate. If I build a house without planning consent, and then refuse to demolish it if required to do so, I also would expect the Council to do it for me.
  3. Eames

    General Chat

    I thought making it into a little triangle was the law? I thought that piece of legislation referred to female intimate grooming? :?
  4. Play to the whistle ladies. Play to the whistle. As Gareth said, the injury didn't seem to bother them too much when they were attacking.
  5. That was me stabbing a voodoo doll in the leg when you mentioned you work in the motor insurance industry. Legalised robbery. That has to be the fastest alienation of a message board ever. Had you said you were a Jehovah's Witness Child Raping Traffic Warden you may have got a better reaction.
  6. I'll see your Noddy Holder and raise you a Fee Waybill
  7. Hooray!!! And another Princess is born.
  8. Marathon to Snickers was the one that invoked my rage within.
  9. If your 'heat of the battle' scenario happened, then those involved (on all sides) ought to be held to account for their actions rather than some sort of presumption that it's all bad luck and their own fault, necessarily, for breaking the law. If, indeed, it is just bad luck then okay; if it requires dodgy Freddie to say that they have an underlying health condition* then it may not be. That way lies a very, very dangerous path - one which people are quite willing to hare down until it becomes them, someone they know or someone with whom they may have sympathy (or with whom they may empathize) incurring the bad luck. *It may be the case that someone else agreed with dodgy Freddie, I'm not sure. And here we are back to the namby pamby petal dick policing policy! Police cant use force when required 'just in case'. What, are they supposed to give everyone a medical before moving them on? Shit happens and those idiots should'nt be there in the first place. If you dont want trouble and a bit of pushing and shoving, stay the **** away and mind your own business! THIS. The bloke at the G8 was a seprate issue because he wasn't involved. But.... If you DO have an underlying health condition and put yourself in a situation where a Police Officer feels you are becoming a risk to yourself or others and *clearings in the woods you with a baton/tazes you/gives you a bit of a kicking (*delete as appropriate) YOU are responsible for the shit state you end up in for putting yourself in that position. It is not for a riot officer to perform a medical before putting you on your arse.
  10. Blimey, yes. I'd never noticed. Has it always been like that? Well the thing that's always pissed me off about that is the absence of 'are'. It makes it sound like a 12 year old is asking you on the back of the bus. Wot chune u lisnin 2 rt now blud fixed.
  11. The fact that the "What song are you listening to right now!" thread doesn't end in the correct punctuation.....
  12. I still have a laptop running Windows 3.1. It used to be called "Paintbrush"
  13. Thats pretty much it in a nutshell. Essex Police and the Met have now gone in to help the eviction and are zapping a few for good measure.
  14. Fixed. And no. You're not. :wink:
  15. Watching Essex Police zap a few pikeys this morning.
  16. I have heard of them, I have heard them. I think, nay know they are shit. Clearly this is not the majority view on VT, but each to their own. There but for the grace of God go I. If its a well renowned band fronted by a shite singer I'm after, I'll look no further than Black Sabbath for my kicks.
  17. Have to say I couldn't give less of a shit if I tried. Ian Brown is a talentless grubby Manc with a big divorce settlement to pay off. They were shit at the time, 20years ain't going to make them any better.
  18. Wouldn't take him - if we get through the group without him the strikers that get us through should not be dropped in favour of him. Our 5 strikers should be Bent, Sturridge, Crouch, Owen, Gabby
  19. None are my own work - and frankly the better because of it:
  20. :shock: I am never ever living with you...........
  21. I once played village cricket against a team containing Dr. George Carey (ex-Archbishop of Canterbury although he was still at the time). Not being especially religious I gave him a couple of short balls to think about, before completely accidentally launching a beamer right at him which he manfully took in the chest. The local vicar (also my team captain) was far from pleased and whipped me off at the end of the over and essentially blackballed me from the village team. So I suppose I pissed off God, and an entire religious denomination.
  22. Can any resturant serving Arctic Roll be considered "posh?" :?
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