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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I'm going to go and buy a PS3 and this based solely on what you lot have written on this forum. ****.
  2. Eames


    ^^ :shock: Until I remembered the context of the thread....... phew.
  3. If he only owes 184k he won't be going down. Fine. Compensation for the amount fiddled, costs end of the matter. Nothing to see here.
  4. I can think of no better time to quote this from one of the finest albums ever made... Religion and sex are powerplays Manipulate the people for the money they pay Selling skin, selling God, The numbers look the same on their credit cards.
  5. Someone saved by God at a guess.... Understudy?
  6. :shock: What. The. ****. This is ignorance of the most depressing. Granted, I'm sure there are a few Africans batting for both sides. There is a healthy percentage of MPs doing the same thing..... there are a healthy number of blokes in Africa knobbing goats and probably some lonely Cumbrian farmers too.... The AIDS epidemic in Africa is down to a total lack of contraception. end of discussion. No its not, there a millions of strict Catholics that refuse to use contraception. Yes but arent they too busy **** the choir boys? Doesn't count.
  7. :shock: What. The. ****. This is ignorance of the most depressing. Granted, I'm sure there are a few Africans batting for both sides. There is a healthy percentage of MPs doing the same thing..... there are a healthy number of blokes in Africa knobbing goats and probably some lonely Cumbrian farmers too.... The AIDS epidemic in Africa is down to a total lack of contraception. end of discussion.
  8. Its difficult to explain but I dont put myself into a brand/branch, cult, sect, etc..They are all money grabbing, corrupt, broken in my eyes. Im just a christian that believes the bible as it is written literally.. Ok, I'll run with this. How then do you explain then that 4 gospels are flawed and contradictory accounts of the same events? That none can agree on who was present at the resurrection? That the Council of Nicea edited and agreed the versions of the Gospels that would ultimately appear in the Bible? Do you throw your mother, wife, girlfriend out of the house once a month for 5 days whilst she is unclean? Do you condone the stoning of adulterers? You don't. I admire people of faith, and some of the values espoused by the Abrahamic religions are indeed noble and worthy. But I also believe you are just a pisstaker. Albeit a good one. If I.wanted some fundamentalist nutcases opinion I'd have googled it. I want your opinions. Your reasoning, not well researched epigrams. Any Christian apologetics site can answer all these questions you have..I suggest this one. Its fair and well researched. http://carm.org/
  9. Its difficult to explain but I dont put myself into a brand/branch, cult, sect, etc..They are all money grabbing, corrupt, broken in my eyes. Im just a christian that believes the bible as it is written literally.. Ok, I'll run with this. How then do you explain then that 4 gospels are flawed and contradictory accounts of the same events? That none can agree on who was present at the resurrection? That the Council of Nicea edited and agreed the versions of the Gospels that would ultimately appear in the Bible? Do you throw your mother, wife, girlfriend out of the house once a month for 5 days whilst she is unclean? Do you condone the stoning of adulterers? You don't. I admire people of faith, and some of the values espoused by the Abrahamic religions are indeed noble and worthy. But I also believe you are just a pisstaker. Albeit a good one.
  10. Now I WILL be spending most of the weekend rimming. Have I left myself open to a wide range of "Skyrim" fixes? :?
  11. I can find no evidence that Evolutionists can show any adaptations in the fossil record to accomodate an increasing brain size by any adaptations present in the reproductive system.... Hominids had the pelvis they required to give birth. Homo sapiens had the pelvis they required to give birth. There are so few fossils in existence that it's hard for anyone to claim anything. Hence the reason that quote from Askepedia I quoted from states "Chances are our species are direct desendants of Lucy’s species" How therefore can Atheists deride people for even daring to say that there is another explanation. I'm not an Atheist, or a Christian, and have so far not derided anyone in this debate IIRC. What I can say is that there is at least some evidence to support the theory that we are decended from apes and that species on this planet have evolved over a long period of time. The history of the world documented in the Bible, is a collection of stories about the history of a people/culture. It is that culture's attempt to explain where they came from and the point of their existance. Now, there is evidence to suggest that SOME of what is written in the Bible may have a grounding of truth. The Parting of the Red Sea for example MAY have a reasonable explanation IIRC. By the same token some of what is written is also impossible/unrealistic when viewed with the eyes of an entriely different culture 4000 years later. Just as the Ancient Egyptian belief system now seems to be ridiculous. The Bible can teach us some good lessons: Don't kill each other, Don't steal, if you're nice to people, people will be nice to you.... etc. But to use it as the definitive text to explain the history of all life on this planet is completely foolish - and confuses faith with fact. In response to the OP, no, the Ark could not hold ALL the animals in the quantity suggested by the Bible - that just silly. Did a bloke somewhere in the Middle East, at some point in history, build a **** off big boat and stick his livestock on it to save them from a flood? That doesn't seem totally unreasonable. Interpretation is key, and I would imagine the truth lies somewhere between the two polarised views in this thread.
  12. But in the 3.6million years from Hominid Lucy down to Homo Sapiens 100,000 years ago. ONLY natural selection would have been taking place? Because according to Anthrapologists "no innovative technology and techniques (e.g. assisted births)" fcould have possibly taken place. Therefore how would the first hominid have given birth to the mutated hominid with a bigger brain, which then eventually became Homo Sapiens? I think you are now deliberately misunderstanding to suit your own agenda. The change in brain size from generation to generation would have been negligable, unnoticeable. Over 3.6 millions years however, such a negligable change would become apparent as a trend.
  13. I thought it was the other way around. A very recent article about this subject I found last night. But surely, a standard distribution curve of the female population would show that women with smaller feet would also have a smaller pelvis because, shock horror, they are smaller. (foot size being an accepted indicator of height - again though, subject to the same standard distribution curve.)
  14. All I can think to say if **** YOU Craig - your kid brother is better.
  15. Oh my lord! you are so hurting her ego!! you are now her challenge as she thought you would be easier than this. She will be certain you are seeing someone too!! This girl will now do ANYTHING you want Dante. Arse to mouth, 3 some with sister.... anything you want. Do it. Indulge your most debauched fantasy, and then walk away with a smile on your face, a song in your heart, and a sweet sticky feeling in your pants. Eams my Blue Nose stalker proved that dont work! I was at the Newcastle game last year and she was bombarding me with texts to add to the 100's that she had been sending daily but these we really sexual and I mean really!!! I was getting scared as it was getting out of hand with the turning up at my house and switching of personailty but was also really turned on by it all. The lads were going mad as I was getting texts like "Just come over, **** my brains out through every hole and I swear on my kids lives I will leave you alone" Peer pressure and a 1 hour 45 minute hard on made me leave the Yenton and go straight over and carry out said act, I walked out the hause smiling and having deleted my number off my phone and she rang me and said "you didnt think it was going to be that easy did you" laughed and hung up!!!:shock: for **** her. :shock: for the reaction.
  16. Eames


    An Emerald Cut stone also looks larger for its carat weight than a Princess/Solitare cut when its set......
  17. Eames

    Trying POF again

    "Me, I'm just funny naturally. I know, because whenever I take my clothes off women burst out laughing." Thats just profile gold. Dante use THAT!
  18. I've just read the whole thread and it is now beautifully out of context but quite amusing......
  19. Eames

    Trying POF again

    I didn't read either profile. Number 1 is clearly fitter.
  20. Eames

    Trying POF again

    Number 1 on that list Dante.
  21. Eames

    Trying POF again

    Could get be very funny indeed if one of the girls turns out to be the partner of someone on here :shock: not really Is that the voice of experience Shillzz
  22. Eames

    Trying POF again

    6a. And know that if you marry them, girls will double your weight, more than halve your income and add 100 years to your age. 6b... upon marriage the girl will almost certainly double in weight
  23. Eames

    Trying POF again

    Fixed for you! ;-) Fixed for you... Haha very good. Get a room.
  24. Eames

    Trying POF again

    Nonsense Laura Dante...... All you need to do..... cock pic. Pouty photo. Message explaining in intimate detail where, when and how you will be smashing her back doors in. Then sit back and bask in the attention.
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