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Everything posted by Eames

  1. One for the "What song you listening right now" thread surely? One for the "The Next Big Thing" Thread
  2. This is achievable in home. Water wheels/mini turbines hooked up to your waste pipe in the sink, gutter, toilet, bath, shower etc. linked to an in home rechargeable battery. Essentially its waste energy. The flow from the national sewer network could surely be harnessed to generate electricity?
  3. Seaman Jell A Jean Smell Jean Slam El (Lesbian porn film?)
  4. Agreed. There are people on here that behave like jilted husbands. He dumped us. He's moved on. We should to. I propose the Mods set up the word filter so "MON, Martin O'Neill or any other" variant and spelling are replaced with the words "He-who-must-not-be-named" OR better still "Lord Voldemort"
  5. Much like Bruce has already done then?
  6. Do 'em all up the wrong 'un. That'll give them something new to talk about.
  7. Sort of like Build-A-Bear? :?
  8. Just noticed Hogso's new name.
  9. Holy shit! Visually awesome but technically unlikely. With the UK rail network as it is, (1 highspeed line) can you REALLY see us doing this.
  10. I think realistically it will be an existing piece of technology tweaked to become more useful. Eg. Fixed line telephones to "mobile" My bet would be the further integration of personal data onto a single device so for instance a smart phone through "new" near field technology can become a bank card, biometric passport etc. A bit like OBE's idea but less like a pet microchip and more like an iphone. Either that or the introduction of glassess/contacts with HUDs bluetooth linked to a phone/tablet for browsing/sat nav etc.
  11. Win what exactly? no one makes the decision to strike lightly especially those in the public sector who have taken the decision to spend their working lives serving others. Many of them for relatively little reward. It should also be remembered these people striking are losing a days pay that many can ill afford. The Government can only push people so far though. The job losses in the Public sector have put a strain on many of those left behind and, with more cuts to come, will continue to do so. A pay freeze over the last two years, another year to come and then 2 years of maximum 1% pay rises. The Government have totally demoralised many public sector workers with their actions. They don't feel appreciated and have been made out to be the enemy. The proposed pension reforms are just the cherry on the cake. The Governments smear campaign against those that work in the Public Sector is absolutely disgusting. Thankfully I don't see many except their ardent supporters who are falling for it. Don't make those striking out to be the enemy. They aren't. I never thought I'd type this as it appears we are political opposites and hold widely different views however I fully agree with everything you have written. Top Post. (Although I am not on strike as I cant think of anyone I would want to represent me less than Brendan Barber and the rest of the Trade Union Gang)
  12. Seconded. Mods, title ahoy........
  13. Mrs E is out with the other harpies tonight. I've just found my dinner.
  14. Wow. I respect your opinion mate but...wow. For me Vic and Bob kick are heroes of modern comedy and IMO kick started the surreal comedy movement in the early 90's... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Now I've wiped the coffee from my screen..... Vic and Bob "Heroes of Modern Comedy" "I respect your opinion mate but...wow."
  15. Now for me, short of the BBC telling me I'd won a night of carnal lust with Billie Piper and Cerrie from Cbeebies this is the best news ever. Shooting Stars is inane shite, and Vic Reeves is the biggest clearing in the woods I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.
  16. Isn't Gareth's Avatar due for a change soon? That one is starting to piss me off... its a bit stale.
  17. Probably a fat defender in a wheelie bin but........ Mr Cadbury met Miss Rowntree on a Double Decker. It was After Eight. They got off at Quality Street. He asked her name. "Polo, I'm the one with the hole" she said with a Wispa. "I'm Marathon, the one with the nuts" he replied. He touched her Creme Eggs and slipped his hand into her Snickers. He fondled her Flap Jacks and she rubbed his Tic Tacs. It was a Fab moment as she screamed in Turkish Delight and he shot his chewy centre. But 3 days later his sherbert dib-dab started to itch.Turns out Miss Rowntree had been with Bertie Bassett and he's got f ..kin Allsorts!!!
  18. But to the average man on the street or casual golf viewer without a major it means **** all. Certainly for consistancy he's more deserving that Clarke or McIlroy. Although are any of them "personalities" on the list this year? I say give it to Akabusi.
  19. Eames

    Do you read?

    Link I've had a copy of Gibbon on my bookshelf for nearly forty years, and have not so far attempted it. I wouldn't read it for history - because it's mostly based on 18th Century received wisdom and much of it is plain fiction. Which leaves reading it as a piece of Enlightenment literature. And going by the account of Clive James (and others, it must be said), I'm not sure it would be worth the effort. I do feel I should though. I've got the audiobook read by Philip Madoc and that is soporific enough.... I can only listen to it in the car. I would never attempt the book, and think the Grand National analogy a very good one.
  20. What has Amir Khan achieved to warrant a place on the list? The only decent fighter he has ever faced put him on his arse easily. Prescott aside he has made a career and a fortune out of beating nobodies.
  21. If employers haven't worked out said fucktard is a fucktard in first 6 months of probationary period they deserve to have to employ him, not only that if not completely satisfied they can put said fucktard on second probationary period of 6 months too. Thats an entire year to discover that a fucktard is a fucktard, if employers can't work that out in a year they are rather fucktarded themselves and deserve to have to employ said fucktard Problem was said fucktard was a redeployee from elsewhere in the business so probation period didn't count. Started capability procedure within 2 months (May) but then had an incident if Gross Misconduct. Unfortunately even then, working for a LA it.still took 6 months to get rid.
  22. HubbaHubbaHubbaHubbaHubbaHubbaHubbaHubbaHubba
  23. Todays problems are as follows...... 1. Spent half a day in an Employment Tribunal. It's far too hard to sack an obvious fucktard. 2. Found out I will be made "at risk" in March out of 12 people doing my job, there will be 6 in April. 3. Women - well, 1 in particular.
  24. What's with the face? You dont get many of them to the pound. Schwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!
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