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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Hung like a horse then............
  2. What if...Scarlett Johanssen personally offers to escort me to the match with the promise of a night of untold pleasure at the Hyatt to follow? Because that, frankly, sounds more likely at this point. Unrealistic yes, but you can see his point?
  3. In your opinion. Which lets face it, compared to Randy's is totally irrelevant. Just like mine...... or anyone elses on here.
  4. Also, posting that within hours of such a shit performance was always going to get that outcome. Its a limited poll....... people will vote in etremis because it doens't allow for a more nuanced arguement.
  5. :winner: Hooray. Some sense..... Explain the sense please. Where is he taking us? What's he doing with the squad? What are the positive you've seen? What direction are we heading? What team are we now? Are you happy with the football? Are you happy with the results? I'd really like to know what exactly you see what some of us are clearly missing. 12 votes out of 329 says it all. No, clearly I can't be happy with the football, or the results. BUT he's had 1 transfer window and half a season on drastically reduced budget. The bahaviour of some fans has been appalling The whining "we were promised top 4" "he's an ex-Blouse manager" attitude helps no one. BUT sacking him and starting again for the 5th time in 2 seasons isn't going to help us either. I'm not seeing something different, I just don't believe sacking him and sulking like toddlers will help either. There is noone available who is any better - so why change.
  6. :winner: Hooray. Some sense.....
  7. I don't have one because I live 3 hours from Brum. If I lived nearer I would have one. However I will be renewing my Sky Sports and ESPN package next year - does that count?
  8. I don't think you're ready.
  9. Apparently HSBC have pulled their overdraft facility as well so they are royally screwed. In reference to the article in the Mail - At what point was Lee Hendrie a "Holte End Facvorite?"
  10. Man up FFS. Don't think about it. Don't have an agenda. Just see where it all leads you - if she replies great, maybe it will lead some where. Be cool. Like Fonzy. 8)
  11. I would ALWAYS go Eurostar. Comfy reliable and different. Probably faster than flying as well. In terms of costs, if you fly you have got to get to the airport, park, get from airport to hotel so the costs add up. Eurostar takes you bang into the middle of Ghey Paris. Personally think the train is far more romantic as well. And this needs consideration if you intend to use your "smashing boyfriend" status to do some smashing if your own. I'm biased though, I use Eurostar a lot and live 10mins from Ashford International so its a doddle for me.
  12. Eames


    Well done mate. Congratulations. You're life will soon be over. :winkold:
  13. Reporting for duty. Standard issue valium and tin hat on standby.
  14. Its a lot of aggro for relatively shit pay.......
  15. I could take her . . . YOU BITCH
  16. And of course the Labour Party don't have to dance to the tune of THEIR backers and sponsors do they? Particularly now Tony's mates have returned to the Conservative fold. Eddy knows the coffers are empty and that he will have to dance to any tune Brendan Barber, Bob Crowe et al feel like playing. The "ahhh but Labour" excuse is alive and well I see. As many have rightly pointed out in this thread and more and more political commentators are saying, Gideon and Cameron are attacking basically the "man (and mostly the woman( in the street" and leaving those who they claimed would be hit hardest to continue to rake in billions. Nor surprisingly a lot of the sponsors of the Tory party are benefiting much as they have always done when the Tory party are in power. As for Miliband, and interesting how you want to deflect to Labour when they are not in power (ashamed of what your Tory party are doing maybe?), where is the evidence for your statement? I wasn't particularly making any party political statement. Just highlighting that a political party defending the interests of its supporters is sort of the point of a political party isn't it? None of them have any particularly altruistic motives........ self interest and those of the supporters all the way.
  17. Eames First team; Steamiest Frame A Messmate Refit Ammeter Fiestas A Smarmiest Feet Mafia Meets Rest Mafia Testers Me Miasma Feet Rest Mama Sees Fitter Sesame Meat Rift Teases Farm Time Fatties Smear Me Your ones are gheyer........
  18. ME is such a lucky girl.....*swoon*
  19. I threw in "Hogso Elf Bummer" Fumble Erg Homos Fumble Homers Go Bulge Home Forms Bog Flusher Memo Bums Golfer Home
  20. I assume she wants to leave the house again Gareth.........
  21. THIS. Both my wife and I are Public Servants, she in the NHS, me in Local Government. We both realise that in terms of pension we will still do alright, if it costs me an extra 3% so be it. I didn't support the strike mostly because I have a deep mistrust of Trade Unions and their leaders. If you want example of why: They elect people like Bob Crowe and the clearing in the woods from the Fire Brigades Union to represent them. They spend more time worrying about what Jeremey Clarkson is saying when he is clearly taking the piss. I wonder of the 4000 people who complained to the BBC, how many actually SAW the interview, and were able to see what he said and how he delievered it, in context. I would suspect very few. Its very easy to take umbridge with comments in print. When I was part of a Union (ATL) the leader at the time put a serious proposal forward to abolish the word "Failure" from English schools. You wouldn't fail and exam, you would "defer your success"
  22. And of course the Labour Party don't have to dance to the tune of THEIR backers and sponsors do they? Particularly now Tony's mates have returned to the Conservative fold. Eddy knows the coffers are empty and that he will have to dance to any tune Brendan Barber, Bob Crowe et al feel like playing.
  23. If you said "Look love, bring an overnight bag to this party on Saturday and you can stay at mine for hours of sex, a comfy bed, good company and maybe a fry up in the morning, if you can work out where the fridge it." and she does bring said bag. You won't need to worry about offending her by making the first move. Just sit on the sofa with her, yawn, and slide your hand onto the nearest chesticle in reach. The rest will look after itself.
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