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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Wet noses is ok. Cold noses can't be good. Perhaps we need to get Laura to knit some sort of nose muff.....?
  2. One for B6, The fidget from the midget....
  3. since the FA Cup semi final i think they have only won 3 games. That cant be a form issue. At the same time, I don't really see how losing one game can trigger such an alarming and sustained run of poor form? Arsenal in the CC final last year..... and actually winning it shafted the Blues as well. Little turning points can and do define a season.
  4. run from the fun dash from the gash?
  5. the post pork walk? the amble after gambol? post money-shot trot?
  6. I think you'd probably find that the bulk of the editing was due to the myriad racist jokes and depictions. Really!?!? I believe that to be true too. Yeah it is true. Read up about it when I saw an episode that seemed so familiar that I was convinced they'd just made a new episode at some point using exactly the same storyline from a previous one. Turns out they edited out the majority of scenes with the large black lady in it (as well as other racist scenes) to make it more acceptable these days. Her name, rather hilariously, is "Mammy Two Shoes" It's not blatant racism, it's just stuff, like blackface jokes for example, that was acceptable back then but rightly so isn't acceptable these days. BASTARDS!!!! I HATE this sort of censorship. Political correctness is one thing, but re-writing history to enforce it retrospectively is absolutely unforgiveable IMO (see elsewhere my views on the Dam Busters dog). I want those T&J cartoons, and I want them AS THEY WERE MADE. It's OK to release something like "A Serbian Film", but not to see the way things were in the 1940s??? **** them. **** them to hell and back. This really shouldn't piss me off as much as it does - but it does. Right on Moon Man.
  7. Although we are not exactly impartial observers..... he gets such a soft ride from the media its untrue. I'm sure he's a nice guy but its embarassing. Only Redknapp seems to get away with more............
  8. That despite an away win, McLeish is still.getting pelters. 19 points out of 14 games if we keep that up we finish on... 52 points. Safe as houses. Chill the fudge out people....
  9. Gentleman.... I can now reveal that the video was..... of a small child and a rabbit. So alas a new subject of tonight's furious tooth grinding masturbation sessions will have to found on xhamster as usual.
  10. 5 mins since the text..... the suspense is killing me
  11. An extremely hot married woman who I work with has just sent me a text saying "Video is on its way for you". She can't mean me can she? Do I reply and confirm its the wrong person... or do I stay quiet and wait and see what happens next? :?
  12. I used to like him, but the more i read, the more i think he is an idiot! But the bloke can't win can he? If he says.... "We're going to go to Bolton rape them" and then we don't he looks like a clearing in the woods. If he says "Its a game we should win" its doing Coyle's teamtalk for him" if we don't win - he looks like a clearing in the woods. If he says "We don't want to lose" - he looks like a negative clearing in the woods. The expectations most of the supporters of this club are totally unrealistic with the financial position we are in. McLeish is in an impossible situation and has a degree of my sympathy. I understand what your saying mate, honestly i do. I think its just that im the type of person that would be open and say "damn right were going there to win!" be it Bolton, Blackburn, Man Utd or Chelsea. Positive Mental Attitude. If you believe that your team can do it, you belief and hunger to win will slowly transfer to your players creating a positive winning mentality. If your not going there to win, then what the **** is the point on turning up? You might as well feild 10 centre halves!? I think 70% of what is going wrong at the moment is down to attitude, commitment, belief, hunger and most of all confidence. And it doent help when you gaffer has little or no confidence about getting a positive result. To be fair the guy again, we don't see what he says at Bodymoor and in the dressing room. All we can see is the quotes the media publish...... And I totally agree PMA FTW, and he should be saying to the players "You can spank these muppets"
  13. I used to like him, but the more i read, the more i think he is an idiot! But the bloke can't win can he? If he says.... "We're going to go to Bolton rape them" and then we don't he looks like a clearing in the woods. If he says "Its a game we should win" its doing Coyle's teamtalk for him" if we don't win - he looks like a clearing in the woods. If he says "We don't want to lose" - he looks like a negative clearing in the woods. The expectations most of the supporters of this club are totally unrealistic with the financial position we are in. McLeish is in an impossible situation and has a degree of my sympathy.
  14. The issue of criticising Osbourne for changing his name is pathetic. It is no different to James Gordon Brown dropping his first name to avoid the inevitable "sex machine" "superfly" jokes that would follow.
  15. :oops: I need to lie down drat. We have found an element of politics we agree on.
  16. I was given "The Pacific" on Blu Ray for my birthday. Mrs E is away tonight so, Princess E to bed early, a few cold Leffes/Hoegaardens a Stuffed Crust Meat Feast and a DVD Marathon. Superb.
  17. I **** hate the Offspring......
  18. Brittania was the name given to these islands by the Romans. "England" and the concept of the "English" is a corruption of the Angles, a West German tribe who invaded after the departure of the Romans. Wales and Scotland have a national identity in their own right and always did have. The concept of the "United Kingdom" came following the accession of James I as a well to distinguish the unification of the crowns of Scotland and England. The English people (of which I count myself as a member) are like the Americans, essentially a mongrel people in terms of ethnicity. With Celtic,Saxon,Norman, Angle and Norse heritige. Our Language is also essentially an amalgation of the above with a healthy dose of Latin thrown in for good measure. Its why it is such a pain in the arse to learn...... and how we have foibles such as ghoti and chips.....
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