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Everything posted by Eames

  1. :notworthy: ALL HAIL RADION AUTOMATIC. :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
  2. Happy Christmas to you all. Just enjoying a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie in the office with the troops. Tomorrow will be 12% Beer and Gluwine in Brugge. Peace.
  3. Hold on Hold on, that's just registered (and not the register in question above). A park and ride in Canterbury, are you sure ? :shock: Is the traffic like Shanghai on a bad day then ? I have a visions of it been like Bladerunner Los Angeles now. You sure it's not the Ring and Ride for the old people and those "Special" papers are just coupons out of the local paper. (50% off Varicose veins re-routing and the like ?) You can have some too..... little ****.... There are actually 2 sites for Park and Ride, and Mrs E can testify Canterbury IS like Shanghai today.
  4. Not particularly, see if I was you my retort would have been: EDIT. Fixed.
  5. This. Best thing though is watching the girls behind them pointing and laughing. no, best thing is walking behind the girls who are showing their underwear in their skinny jeans. 8) Which leads me onto another pet hate.....thongs! Women just don't look sexy in them. IMO of course... GET OUT.
  6. I was, but I left them on the bus so you'll have to re-send me your application I'm afraid EDIT. Fixed.
  7. Actually no. I use Canterbury Park and Ride to get to court. I put all my papers and stuff on the seat next to me so as not to have it sliding around the bus. I would however move for an old person - but don't **** with my documents.
  8. People who call the inside lane of the motorway the "fast" lane. People who fail to move to the left on motorways (although now I own a black 4x4 this has become less of an annoyance as people do get out of the way more) Gangsta!!! Nope, just a farmer. "They see me rollin', they hatin" In my wax coat and boots I’m proper farmer Giles Now look You urban folk done stole our styles I’m not a city dweller, Me I like to keep it country
  9. People who call the inside lane of the motorway the "fast" lane. People who fail to move to the left on motorways (although now I own a black 4x4 this has become less of an annoyance as people do get out of the way more) Gangsta!!! Nope, just a farmer. Farma......
  10. Disagree. The default setting should be to give respect to everyone unless they give you a reason not to do so.
  11. People who call the inside lane of the motorway the "fast" lane. People who fail to move to the left on motorways (although now I own a black 4x4 this has become less of an annoyance as people do get out of the way more)
  12. It was a certain John Churchill, Duke of Malborough, who had a decendant called Winston.....
  13. Eames

    General Chat

    No - cameras can only get you from the back....... so you're ok. Also speed cameras work on the accuracy rate of 10%+2 so realistically, you would have had to be doing 35mph before you would need to worry. Unless you were in a 20mph zone, in which case, you bastard, I hope they throw the book at you.
  14. Keep them. The stuff that doesn't get reported is how HM the Q has over 60 years of political and diplomatic experience. Every PM since Churchill has looked to her for advice and guidance on affairs of state. Even into her 80s she is one of the smartest and shrewdest people you would ever meet. Keep em - by all means shrink the civil list..... but keep them.
  15. I've never got people who call all their kids names beginning with the same letter.... I am aware of a family who have 8 kids..... Kloe, Katy, Karly, Kaleb, Kallum, Kris, Konnor and Krystal Kunts.
  16. I sort of get WoW although I've never played it I can see why people would.... what I don't understand is paying money to buy someone elses items/characters off them. That is just bizarre.....
  17. Yes!!! Him and Gervais actually......... Alan Partridge just isnt funny,
  18. Power-wanking, each stroke timed to the stroke of Jinge-Bells with the money shot as close to midnight on Christmas eve/day as I can make it. Smoked Salmon and Scrambled Eggs for brekkers, followed by presents for Mrs and Princess Eames. Off to my parents house for further presents and booze Off to in-laws for booze, presents immense amounts of food (2 rib of beef, 22lb turkey this year) more booze and then sleep.
  19. Screwball Scramble My god...... I used to **** love this.....
  20. The FA have really shafted themselves here..... Suarez and Evra shook hands after that "incident" and whether or not you accept the "Cultural differences" defence (I don't) they have now got themselves a real problem. The JT issue is currently with the police. When it does get to the FA if he is found guilty the FA HAVE to ban him, and for longer. They now also have to strip him of the national team captaincy and can have him nowhere near the Euros. Whoops.
  21. like thats gonna help. seriously we need to concentrate on supporting the team whoever the manager, owners are etc because the support at villa park at the moment is shocking no atmosphere whatsoever. Finally some sense.
  22. Oh FFS get over yourself. What a pathetic, petty, small minded load of rubbish. Better managers than AMc have never won anything, and far worse ones have achieved more.
  23. One terrible decision, to give MON shit loads of money in the transfer market and allow him to negotiate player contracts. Everything that has followed is a consequence of that. And that is Mr Lerner's fault alone. Absolutely agree on that point as everything else stems from that flawed decision. I would love to know what rules MON is operating on at Sunderland. If they have any sense at all they will have had a close look at what happened at Villa. But then again.... OT but MON will have a shit load of cash and complete control - he wouldn't have taken the job otherwise.
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