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Everything posted by Eames

  1. **reaches for the Kleenex**
  2. So you are happy to basically break the law? Yup - and don't for one moment try to tell me you have never broken a law in your life.
  3. if its about the non-payment of tax rather than the earning of the money, then i think its disgraceful of Blair and any other Brit who would do that. So you've never paid cash to dodge the VAT on goods or a service? Fair play to anyone who can stop the bastards getting at their money - I do my level best to pay as little tax as possible. If HMRC want it, get better at getting it. Simple.
  4. Pardon my ignorance..... I'm going to assume that this is a celtic name and therefore pronounced "Bob". If I'm wrong, can you please post it phonetically?
  5. Done it once. What she says - although watch out for physios. Sadistic ****.
  6. So the point is not what is good for the country but what is good for the Tory party? It's a totally ludicrous idea and when I see English people saying ahh "let them go" it shows a complete ignorance as to what the impact would be, IMO. Where would it stop by the way, would Wales then no longer be part of the UK? What about Cornwall and Yorkshire, both have (albeit very small at the moment) groups who would like "independence" from Westminster. Maybe a more crucial thing this is showing is the continued bias towards London for central funds is a key thing that the majority of the UK actually have a problem with. Going back to Tony's point though of course with a heartland of core support (as we are seeing with the train debate and Tarquin this and Quentin that objecting to the impact on the local hunt) it's in Cameron's interest to keep the SE bias pretty much in place and if possible to grow stronger. Conservative and Unionist Party :-) And your objections of course have NOTHING to do with the fact that without Scottish MPs, Labour would never win another GE. :wink:
  7. Give him a snorkle and pick axe, and tell him to dig up his own **** oil.
  8. Community punishment? Can't wait to see 'Awwy in a luminous orange overall sweeping excrement away with a broom.... We'll probably end up buying it off him...
  9. Really? Why do you think that Richard? I know it's kinda in your field of expertise but HMRC rarely prosecute without a watertight case or is that not the case anymore? exactly, you can get away with many many things with this countrys soft justice system, but cheating HMRC is something they arent to fond of. there must be substantial evidence for the tax man to take this to court after an investigation thats lasted over 2 years. I quite often get to see HMRC court cases through work. He won't go to prison. He can pay a huge fine (assuming he is convicted). There is no benefit to locking him up, so they won't. It will be very funny if he does get time.... but not in the public interest. My guess..... big fine, some sort of community punishment, and costs to HMRC. He will be in the dugout that weekend. His health will only prevent him doing unpaid work, its not a factor in deciding on a custodial sentence.
  10. The bloke in the floral print dress.... surely?
  11. That wasn't some bastard, it was King Robbo. The graffiti war between Banksy and Robbo goes back a long long time, and Banksy started it by painting over Robbo's stuff long before Robbo touched Banksy's. Banksy painted over one of the longest standing pieces (iirc it was 20+ years old) of Robbo's on camden bridge. Add that to the fact that Banksy outright disrespected Robbo when he first met him (claiming he'd "never heard of him" when he was one of the biggest names in the scene at the time and Banksy was a no one) and it's not just a tag sprayed on a wall. So there are actually 2 attention seeking clearings in the woods? To be fair to Banksy he improved the mess the first bloke made. He's still a clearing in the woods though.
  12. Eames

    not eating

    Problem with that "diet" is that your body is not getting the nutrition it needs and wil essentially be working in starvation mode. Any weight you do lose will be put straight back on as soon as you eat anything.
  13. That has just had me in tears. Brilliant. In terms of a solution, slap her, call her a dirty bitch and then, as Shillzz said, DHUTWU.
  14. So are Nike the benchmark or are Adidas? Perhaps the use by professional athletes are more due to the fact that THEY ARE PAID TO WEAR THEM - AND GIVEN THE GEAR FREE.
  15. Banksy - in fact "Street Art" in general. Isn't it just graffiti? Make the scrote paint over it is what I say......
  16. Totally agree if you bet what you can afford and don't mind the loss. Rodders said he was doing it to pay his rent...... not exactly sensible where I come from.
  17. Fleecing several million mugs. Again 99 times out of 100 not playing with their own money, usually others buy stakes in their tournament performance and take a % of any winnings. Cash games are usually played by proxy.
  18. Don't be soft. Dinner is the easy bit. When you have spent an evening smashing in more doors than the Drug Squad, then the congratulations will come.
  19. Difference is the "arseholes in the financial sector" do it with other peoples money and get paid win or lose. You will always lose. You need to stop. Now. It is impossible to make a living out of gambling unless you're a bookie. You will end up ****. Trust me, I've been there and that way madness lies. You need to stop, and get help.
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    Hey, if you and your rabbit want to have fun in my field that's ok by me.....
  21. Rooney ahead of Angel Di Maria Wesley Sneijder Neymar Cesc Fabregas David Villa Sergio Aguero REALLY? Sergio Busquets - the fact that this clearing in the woods makes the list at all is a disgrace.
  22. Thats a dirty rotten lie. How dare you libel dear Stewart so..... he's got one. One assist. For £20m Against Oldham. :|
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