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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Riiiiiight. Is this your idea of a sort of sexual extreme sport? **Whispered commentary a la golf** "Ad has been banging this virus ridden skank bareback for 3 weeks now." LATER: in a lab "What will the blood test result show?" "He's itchin' he's scratchin' and yes, YES GET IN THERE MY SON.... HE'S ONLY GONE AND GOT THE CLAP!!!
  2. Where did that figure come from? If that was the true cost of keeping people in prison the bill fro the UK prison population would be £181bn annually! Yeah ok, I meant year.... google reveals the costs estimated at 50k a year so wrong on both counts but the point stands. Why burden the public purse for a crime that is not a danger to society. Why not smash him for a several hundred k and have the public humiliation to deal with.
  3. No way will they lock him up. Why burden the tax payer at £40k a week for a financial crime when the court could recover the tax not paid, hit him with a huge fine for his troubles and whack him for costs? It makes no sense other than comedy value to lock him up.
  4. @ Bicks.... what Trent says.... and its not often I'd say that. A Benefit Fraudster who had lied to get a similar amount of cash £150k would be looking at jail because that process involves making dishonest statements to obtain benefit. 'Arry's crime is one of failure to disclose information which in law is less serious - dispite the amounts involved being the same.
  5. A custodial sentence is technically possible - but lets face it - won't happen. He has the means to clear the tax owed and a large fine...(100% of the tax owed) plus costs. My guess.... this is going to cost Mr Redknapp about £750k all in. I'm not so sure he is going to escape prison after the MPs expenses scandal. HMRC are trying to regulate football wages at the moment, as most players wages are paid to a two-tiered company to avoid income tax - then they pay themselves a much lower salary from that company. HMRC want the players to pay their share of tax on the wagers they get paid by the club. Unfortunately all this will achieve is the same as the bankers. The players will take their business abroad where they can pay less tax and earn more. See above. The bankers wages is a quandary. Bankers do not need to be based in the UK to do their jobs,so they can live anywhere they like where they can maximise their earning potential. A lot live in Hong Kong and Singapore for this reason. The government really are pissing in the wind if they think they are going to generate billions in lost revenue from chasing bankers. And if they try it on with Premier League players/managers, they are eventually going to devalue the league. I can see them making an example of Redknapp. A couple of months in a low security Cat D prison... But all of that "contextual" information regarding bankers is irrelevant. HMRC have no say in the sentencing process and there are clear guidelines from the Sentencing Council about what he can and cannot get. The Judge has to look at the facts of the case and then make a decision using the guidelines. Shoving 'Arry in prison when he has the means to not only pay the tax owed but a heavy fine is simply not in the public interest and will not happen. If found guilty (and it a'int looking good) it will cost 'Arry a few quid but no more. Spurs won't sack him, and he WILL still get the England job.
  6. Favourite quote? Almost everything John Gregory said.
  7. Jenny's first attempt at a "Phone Box Card" was a bit naive.
  8. I'm having that for a poor joke on the "In the News Thread"
  9. Musical score runs thus C-D-E-F-G-A-B-[C], So in the first example the first chord is the d f and a flat above middle C. It may be worth booking just a couple of lessons with a pro because the secret to keyboard/piano is fingering. (fnah fnah) If you get your fingering wrong (fnah fnah) it will mess up the next chord you want to play. Practicing scales will help with this (when to tuck in your thumb) etc. I did Grade 5 piano and theory but now couldn't make the **** thing work at all........
  10. You can watch club football every week. How often do you get to watch a major international tournament? Once every two years..... World Cup and Euros.
  11. A custodial sentence is technically possible - but lets face it - won't happen. He has the means to clear the tax owed and a large fine...(100% of the tax owed) plus costs. My guess.... this is going to cost Mr Redknapp about £750k all in.
  12. Agreed time to see HMRC pull the plug. I'm all for a bit of cheeky cash in hand stuff here and there as I've said on another thread, I also don't object to people trying to pay as little tax as possible fair play to them. But total non-payment is taking the piss. At least I wont have to be subjected to the BBCs ibsession with that fat clearing in the woods with the blue hair and the bell anymore.
  13. Is it just me that is totally apathetic to this? I watched El Classico last night.... can anyone convince me why Equatorial Guinea v Senegal was a better bet?
  14. Eames

    General Chat

    Just got rid of an old rotten Aga Boiler (about 3ct). Saw some pikeys outside the local tip advertising that they collect scrap metal. They turned up and took it away..... although watching the 3 of them trying to lift the thing onto the back of their flatbed van was very very funny. Bless em.
  15. Why are they so awsome mate? Why do people think dogs are so ace in general? This is definately one of the things ive never "got". Setters and Border Collies (my MIL has one) are awesome because they are **** lunatics. Just mad balls of energy. They are also fiercesomely intelligent and a doddle to train. Just brilliant brilliant dogs. Dogs generally are ace because they just are. Have you ever had a dog? You sort of need to have one to know.
  16. Yes. Its **** brilliant. My favourite from him was after a WH defeat he said something like "Jack Collison won't forget Big Sam's filthy invading fingers for a while"
  17. I'd have an English Setter in a heatbeat - they are awesome. In fact.... when I get home tonight, Mrs E is going to get one whether she wants one or not.
  18. The crazy thing is one of my PAs earns 8k a year with me, and whatever benefits she gets. She just applied for a job starting at 18k. If she gets it she will be WORSE off financially. How is that right?
  19. Harman. She will win the Labour Party Leadership by defeating Cooper and Becket in a 3 way naked mud wrestiling competition.
  20. From the Transformers: The Movie? "Now light our darkest hour" **** YEAH!!!!
  21. from the Karate Kid Compramise - I wanted Motley Crue's "Without You"
  22. He won't do time. Forget it. Assuming a previous clean record if convicted he'll get a substantial fine - can be up to 100% of the tax dodged, plus the tax owed plus costs. He'll end up with a bill for about £750k. Which he'll pay in full on the day.
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