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Everything posted by Eames

  1. What? No they don't? You could put the Arsenal team in **** Primark gear and they'd still play nice football. Relegated because the kit manufacturer doesn't appeal to your fashion sensibilites? What a load of old bollocks. I never said that, please re-read before swearing. I think you probably did........ I think I definitely didn't. I never at any point said the kit we wear has any impact whatsoever on the way we play. I was pointing out that we are now attracting lesser well known brands because our football and potential to do well is on the decline. Arsenal can attract a lot better than Primark because they play good football. I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave in the post above.
  2. Agree with Eire..... they don't have a **** clue about size. When my little girl was born the midwife said she was about average size (that was following a scan to check her position) then out flopped this 10lb 1oz monster child. If the heartbeat and movement are good it'll be fine.
  3. What? No they don't? You could put the Arsenal team in **** Primark gear and they'd still play nice football. Relegated because the kit manufacturer doesn't appeal to your fashion sensibilites? What a load of old bollocks. I never said that, please re-read before swearing. I think you probably did........
  4. Yeah that happened to me. County Champion cyclist for 10 mile TT (21'59" PB) (Under 18s) then went to Uni in London. Impossible to train properly, booze, kebabs, Greggs the bakers and girls ruined it all. Oh and that pesky knee re-construction.
  5. Yes. Its good fun. If she's a bit sub, walk in, say nothing, bend her over...... pot the pink for a while. Then straight in the wrong 'un. (she can't complain - she's a sub) and then finish all over her face. Say nothing and leave. H.E.R.O.
  6. Brady is a prick. GO G-MEN!!
  7. What? No they don't? You could put the Arsenal team in **** Primark gear and they'd still play nice football. Relegated because the kit manufacturer doesn't appeal to your fashion sensibilites? What a load of old bollocks.
  8. Eames

    Golf Season 2012

    Father in law has a Villa out there...... can't remember exactly been a while since we've been. From what I remember the back of the Villa backs onto one of the courses.... @ Wiggy.... yeah I'd have to get my eye in first. The tee looked like a ploughed field last time I played. I'll hire some bats when I get there. My problem is that when I don't try to smash it goes a fair distance. Then my own shitness takes over and I want to smash it so get pissed off take a huge **** heave at it and send the ball about 12 feet.
  9. Eames

    Golf Season 2012

    Just booked 10 days in La Manga with the Mrs and sprog plus another family. He plays golf, I've played like once..... we are contemplating a round... good idea?
  10. I've always tried to defend McLeish - mainly because he seems to be a really decent bloke, and had the bollocks to cross the city in the face of 200 retards chanting outside Villa Park when he was appointed. I don't think he's the right guy for the job and there are better managers out there.... but he IS our manager and we SHOULD support him and the team all the while he is. Booing our players off the field, in fact booing at any point is disgusting. If I walked into a team meeting and told the people who work for me that they are all shit and shouldn't be doing the job - it will never motivate them to better things. Was our performance yesterday "international class" - no (unless he's been watching far to much of the ACON - **** me there is some tackling going on there). Is he the right man for the job - no. But do you know what, whislt he is our manager he and the team will enjoy my unwaivering support because I do not beleive that calling him a "ginger word removed" and some of the other abuse he's been subjected to is going to improve his or the teams performance at all. In the face of what he has had to endure so far, I hope he does something truly special with us in the next 3 years.... because face it he IS here for three years.... just to wipe some of the inane grins of the negative, abusive pricks so consumed with hatred for him that they refuse to see the bigger picture. Here endeth the lesson.
  11. Right, lets address the ghey bit first shall we? - Over Xmas you were depressed.... feeling suicidal and generally not happy with life at all. End of Jan, a mere 4 weeks later, you are deleriously happy and shagging a stripper...... are you sure you're ok? I mean, thats a bit of a swing wouldn't you say?! Now, the real important stuff - pics/videos or it didn't happen. She might be rubbish at it and need some pointers.... dammit where is Rob when you need him. XD Believe me, I know. Reckon I'm a bit bi-polar >_< All I can tell ya is I feel a lot better about myself since new year. Xmas I was drinking a lot at home, alone, and sinking into a black hole so to speak. Kicked myself up the arse, spoken to a few people, done some CBT and have now found an ace girl who makes me feel good. *shrugs* Yeah, turn around, but for the better and I ain't gonna second guess it. Heh, I might put a pic up in a little while of her in my Ravens jersey from the other night :winkold: Well thats what I was getting at.... (the bi-polar stuff - not the picture.) A mate of mine has been blighted by bi-polar for the last 10 years or so and its a tragedy. He could be running RBS or something by now but instead gets his shit together only to keep falling apart. Just be careful mate - thats all I'm saying. Now, again, pics or it didn't happen.
  12. You've got such a way with words! I know. My romantic poetry is renowned for its subtle twists of language....
  13. Right, lets address the ghey bit first shall we? - Over Xmas you were depressed.... feeling suicidal and generally not happy with life at all. End of Jan, a mere 4 weeks later, you are deleriously happy and shagging a stripper...... are you sure you're ok? I mean, thats a bit of a swing wouldn't you say?! Now, the real important stuff - pics/videos or it didn't happen. She might be rubbish at it and need some pointers.... dammit where is Rob when you need him.
  14. :shock: Clearly I've missed something here..... youre going out with a stripper?
  15. For general knowledge and facts my memory is excellent. Ask me to get you 5 things from Tesco without giving me a list, I'll come back with 3/5 plus beer.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    Footballs indicating the amount of posts (I think). The medal is a gold lion indicating you have donated to the cost of running this site Cheers mate. Didn't mean the gold lion, some of the footballs look like medals, with a claret and blue thing above them.
  17. An Olympic gold or the FBI?
  18. Eames

    General Chat

    Question - what do the footballs and medals above peoples avatar mean?
  19. I was with a girl once who was so paranoid about STDs she insisted that I cover her lady garden in clingfilm before going down on her........ needless to say I refused. She carried a little square of it in her purse..... because that was such a hygienic place to store such an item. :shock:
  20. I can feel a couple of new mods titles here..... How about "Burns-when-he-pee's" and "Warts-on-the-helmet" I'll let the two argue over who has what..........
  21. Fixed. Fair one..... left myself open to that.
  22. Funny story..... I work quite closely with schools and the Police. We were interviewing a young lady who it was suspected had been smoking and dealing many a joint whilst at school. Police were called, bag searched, dope found. She was taken to the station (stoned out of her mind) and proceeded to giver her statement in the thickest Jamaican accent you have ever heard. On further investigation the substance found in her bag was oregano. She was released without charge smelling like an Italian resturant.
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