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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Good stuff!! She's not a stripper too is she? Or a hooker? Don't do a Dante.
  2. Never my darling.... I'll always love OT the best..... (I have had fun this afternoon though.
  3. Eh?? He got them promotion from the championship and then got sacked halfway through his first season in the prem. AM gets Blues promoted from championship and leads them to a 9th placed finish and a cup, yet he did a worse job there than Hughton did at Newcastle? Cant have it both ways mate. You give Hughton credit for promotion from championship but cant give it to Mcleish for better achievements. Is it just because hes ginger? Superb point. The prosecution rests.
  4. But booing AT games isn't supporting the team. Thats my point. (But I would be worried if you DID boo outside games...... in fact I'd have you detained under the Mental Health Act) I don't accept the status quo either.... we just disagree on the best way to change things.....
  5. Eames, are you referring to all the fans that don't rate or want McLeish as manager or just those that have slagged him off. Because, I really didn't want him at the start of the season and still don't want him now. You say his style of football is workmanlike and question how else is he suppose to play. Yet I'd say that his style is 1 dimensional and he is tactically inept, and he has proved that over a number of years. I don’t see how this could be seen as being pathetic. Secondly, no Villa fan I know has really used the ex-blues thing to criticise him, it's more to do with his shocking premier league record and the fact he got Rangers 3rd in a 2 horse race. He states he isn’t a quitter yet he quit the Blues, and has set the Villa up on a number of occasions in such a way where we’ve given up hope of even trying to get a goal before a ball has been kicked. This is a mentality of a quitter. I'm refering to the "fans" whose level of debate is "he's ginger" or "he's a word removed" Criticise him absolutely, but lets try doing it on the basis of his results and tactis shall we? For the record I didn't want him either. But he's here. Randy clearly doesn't feel inclined to get rid so why don't we get behind him? Was he tactically inept when we beat Chelsea? Or when we were 2-0 up against Arsenal on Saturday? We will lose games. We always have done. MON lost his fair share of stupid games that we should have won, it happens. And on the point of quitting the Blues? No he didn't quit. We offered him a job. He accepted it. Would I have liked to see more attacking football from him? Yes. But no manager sends a team out to lose. They send a team out to get the best result they can. If the plan goes wrong... so be it.
  6. 1. AMs past...... when you have 200 Villa fans breaking into Villa Park live on SSN chanting "We Don't Want McLeish" it shows there is a problem. When on camera the guy interviewed says "It a'int about the blouse" when he has "SOTC" written on both sleeves and across his chest you become suspicious about peoples motives. There are too many fans motivated by a hatred of a nothing club that play in a cow shed rather than a desire to support their own team. Which I find pathetic. After all, if we refused to take on ex-blousers we wouldn't have won the European Cup. 2. Style of football..... like I said... workmanlike. Makes the best of what he's got and what he can get hold of. The one thing MON is outstanding at is getting average players to play like world class ones. AM does not have that ability. We are at our true level. Dunne makes mistakes, and for what ever reason he doesn't seem to fancy Cuellar. Thats fine. I trust him. He's got the coaching badges not me. We sold our two best players over the summer and have not replaced them so we were never ever going to move forward. 3. His record.... YES he steered the blues down... twice. They have always yo-yo'd up and down the divisions. You can't polish a turd. They are shite. They will always be shite whoevers in charge. Hughton getting them back up is not an achievement when they are one of the richest clubs in the Championship with a stack or parachute payments. BUT he took that shower of shite to a Carling Cup Final and won it. MON didn't manage to do that. 4. The fans.... the fans not believing AM will go anywhere IS problem. Not AM himself. He hasn't been given a fair crack of the whip and as I said in my OP he needs time to put his mark on the squad, and given that Randy clearly isn't handing out the levels of cash MON enjoyed that will take time. The players at home look shit scared because every mistake they make the crowd turns on them and AM. (See point 1) If walked into my office and told my staff that everyone thinks they are shit and pounce on every mistake with a barrage of abuse, my team wouldn't perform. Its the same thing here at Villa Park. Having paid £10m in compensation to MON and GH plus back room staff, AM is here for the duration of his contract whether the fans like it or not. My suggestion? Get over it. Support your team. Stop the booing and the moaning.
  7. nothing is wrong with me and im not on the wind up, i suspect the ones who blindy defend GC and give no reasons for their views are on the wind up. i already posted what would make me change my opinion of him as a football manager of aston villa, perfectly reasonably and logical things which would have to change in order for my views and opinions on his suitability to manage aston villa in a fit and proper manner, yet oddly not one of these 'supporters of him' have offered any kind of answer as to what would make them change their view, even when put in REALLY simple terms. a perfectly reasonable and balanced question which included that i was not some wind up merchant that will never change my mind, however i notice that the loudest ones who wont hear a bad word said against GC oddly enough cant give any answer and then try and make excuses for not being able to give an answer. it is not a difficult or trick question, it is one i would expect a normal 8 year old to be able to answer. i may not agree with the answer but thats life, not answering it and avoiding it at all costs, making weak excuses as to why they wont answer it, well that makes them look like the wind up merchants. i suspect most of them will 'keep right on till the end of the road', with their support of him no matter what happens, making weak excuse after weak excuse. relegation? well it was down to the shape of the football club losing more money than forcast - well its a down turn in the economy fans staying away - well it was raining football pundits on televised games saying " the worst dullest performance i have ever witnessed in the premier league" - well it was a tricky game the excuses will keep coming. and when they do, which some posters have been doing no matter how bad and boring we have been, it is nothing to do with the manager the only reason we wont go down this year is not due to the manager, it is down to other teams being even more shit, this season is a weak premier league, with little tactical nous we should be looking at top 10 with no problems what so ever. with a half decent manager 7th or 8th should be the least target do you think we will get 7th or 8th? getting behind the team is one thing, getting behind a clueless out of his depth one dimentional manager is another if we have done something well i say it, if we do shit then i say it. he has been piss poor, as have a few of the players. i notice people supporting GC are quick to say a player is playing poor but then oddly it is nothing to do with the manager? really? REALLY? cant blame him for everything going wrong at the club. the fans who stay away because of him are just using this as an excuse he hasnt actualy been that bad, a manager is only as good as his players and a lot of them are shite. his biggest mistake so far was buying hutton, jenas looked good when we was fit just a shame it didnt last very long. and he saw we missed a link between attack and midfield so he brought keane in. there is nothing to judge him on until the end of next season at the earliest. he needs to be judged on his own team remember this is mostly MON's team plus bent hutton & given. IMO we will finish around 8th mostly because of our away record, at home players are scared to make mistakes If ever there was a need for a "round of applause" emoticon.... it is now.
  8. Why. Why do I do it to myself...... get drawn into to dim arguements about AM?
  9. I'll answer happily. I think the abuse AM has recieved is pathetic. I think that the attitude of some fans on here is pathetic. The real reason people have a problem with AM is that he used to manage the Blues. His style of football is workmanlike but do you know what.... I'm not sure how else we are supposed to play having sold Downing and Young over the summer. I think AM needs to be given time to put HIS mark on the team and that will take 2 years, especially with the spending restrictions he is subject to. I think that posters who resort to "what a clearing in the woods" "Ginger word removed" and other arguements devoid of reasoning or sense need to have a word with themselves. I appreciate I am in the minority but do you know what, I like the guy... and I really hope he succeeds.
  10. And therein lies the distinction. Harry's offence is one of failing to declare.... which is a lesser offence than that of obtaining benefit by deception. One crime is a crime of concealment, one is a crime of deception and there is a subtle difference there.
  11. Used to love Cadbury's Tasters from the chocolate machine at school. We'd hide them under our tongues during lessons....
  12. i never said it was :idiot: and yet you constantly refer to it....... its not even like GC is shorter than AM now is it?
  13. Ah... well thats nice and productive. I wonder brummybloke will lobby Uefa into considering hair colour when issuing Pro coaching licences in future.... I mean, of the the criticisms of AMC, his hair colour really is the most problematic thing isn't it? :idiot:
  14. Don't understand all this "the next man has to be English" bollocks. The next manager needs to be the best man available to do the job. End of. His nationality is irrelevent. Redknapp will be unemployable following his forthcoming conviction.
  15. our current manager :cry: Don't get it.... thought his name was Alex? :?
  16. nothing is wrong with me and im not on the wind up, i suspect the ones who blindy defend GC and give no reasons for their views are on the wind up. i already posted what would make me change my opinion of him as a football manager of aston villa, perfectly reasonably and logical things which would have to change in order for my views and opinions on his suitability to manage aston villa in a fit and proper manner, yet oddly not one of these 'supporters of him' have offered any kind of answer as to what would make them change their view, even when put in REALLY simple terms. a perfectly reasonable and balanced question which included that i was not some wind up merchant that will never change my mind, however i notice that the loudest ones who wont hear a bad word said against GC oddly enough cant give any answer and then try and make excuses for not being able to give an answer. it is not a difficult or trick question, it is one i would expect a normal 8 year old to be able to answer. i may not agree with the answer but thats life, not answering it and avoiding it at all costs, making weak excuses as to why they wont answer it, well that makes them look like the wind up merchants. i suspect most of them will 'keep right on till the end of the road', with their support of him no matter what happens, making weak excuse after weak excuse. relegation? well it was down to the shape of the football club losing more money than forcast - well its a down turn in the economy fans staying away - well it was raining football pundits on televised games saying " the worst dullest performance i have ever witnessed in the premier league" - well it was a tricky game the excuses will keep coming. and when they do, which some posters have been doing no matter how bad and boring we have been, it is nothing to do with the manager the only reason we wont go down this year is not due to the manager, it is down to other teams being even more shit, this season is a weak premier league, with little tactical nous we should be looking at top 10 with no problems what so ever. with a half decent manager 7th or 8th should be the least target do you think we will get 7th or 8th? getting behind the team is one thing, getting behind a clueless out of his depth one dimentional manager is another if we have done something well i say it, if we do shit then i say it. he has been piss poor, as have a few of the players. i notice people supporting GC are quick to say a player is playing poor but then oddly it is nothing to do with the manager? really? REALLY? Sorry.... who is GC? :?
  17. Oh my word that is beautiful.
  18. B.E.A.Utiful.... Although you used BLACK socks you peasant. Booooo!!!
  19. Have they re-introduced actual gameplay then? Once I'm done with Skyrim, I might dust off FF7 for old time's sake. I've been putting off a re-run as I told myself I couldn't be arsed to spend 60+ hours on one game again; Skyrim has re-evaluated my thinking on such things. Plus, I never did beat Emerald or Ruby Weapon. Started FF7 this weekend. Great game. Can't wait to fail miserably at creating a Gold Chocobo and get ace materia. Avalanche **** rule. Oooh I've got 4 "days off" in March when the Mrs takes little one to see a friend in Scotland..... I've now found what I will be doing that week!!!
  20. Surely yours should be "Showgirls" or "Striptease" based on this mornings shocking revelation...... lols. All I'll say is that she doesn't fit the stereotype that people might have of strippers. What, is she ugly? :winkold: Grot'o'gram!! On a serious note but OT, I've always thought there would be a huge market for an ugly stripping service. If I'm paying for some bird to shove her muff in my mates face, I want to make the experience as unpleasant as possible...... Go for Tranny strippers. Much funnier to see the surprise on your mate's face when it 'pops' out! :notworthy:
  21. Surely yours should be "Showgirls" or "Striptease" based on this mornings shocking revelation...... lols. All I'll say is that she doesn't fit the stereotype that people might have of strippers. What, is she ugly? :winkold: Grot'o'gram!! On a serious note but OT, I've always thought there would be a huge market for an ugly stripping service. If I'm paying for some bird to shove her muff in my mates face, I want to make the experience as unpleasant as possible......
  22. Surely yours should be "Showgirls" or "Striptease" based on this mornings shocking revelation......
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