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Everything posted by Eames

  1. I think, but I'm not certain, it's a way fo searching for things on Twitter. So anything with a hashtag is sort of allocated against that category. So, for example, if you want to llok for news about Villa on a matchday, you just go on, search for #avfc, and any tweets with that hashtag in show up It's kind of evolved though into just adding words, often to describe whatever you've tweeted/written eg "i won the lottery last night. #lucky" I use hashtags in general conversation or at all. #word removed.
  2. Well.... "are you not entertained" Huge credit to AM for last night and further proof that sadly, an ignorant majority of our "support" will never accept him or his methods, regardless of what he does. Mark Hughes ladies and gentlemen lest we forget was touted as the man we should get. He now has another job, with a healthy transfer budget.... and yet, because we drew 2 -2 with them we are still shit? You can't have it both ways folks. Either AM deserves massive credit for last night (the best football we've played since Voldemort left) outsmarting a "better" manager and out playing his team OR you need to agree that Hughes and QPR are actually shit, and that we were right not to appoint him.
  3. It's usually tweetdeckers who post to both FB and Twitter at the same time Exactly. Fuckheads. Like the man said. :wink:
  4. Oooh .... I'm going to spam you into oblivion now.....
  5. Sick children or the argumentative direputable perverts? Perverts everytime.
  6. You worry me. Don't worry to much.... he sodomises the faerie folk......
  7. Eames

    Do you read?

    Just read "A Clockwork Orange" and thought it was excellent. The movie really **** up the source material. Starting the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes now..... and loving it too.
  8. All bar up the wrong'un. I am not joking I was a sweaty mess when I got to hers after playing squash. I thought sex was a trade off. eg Shoes+Cash = Agreement from woman to have sex. I never computed that they might actually like it!!! Mind blowing! So you went in.... had your wicked way and then finished on her face? Top man!
  9. £2 a month rolling - I LOVE VT
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    Shame the build quality was **** appalling. Full acceleration from a standing start would generally result in the radio ending up in your lap. Lovely to look at though
  11. Did you just walk in and screw her though or follow my advice? She wants mean...... carte blanche my friend......
  12. Eames

    Top Gear

    ^^ Think you are being a bit harsh It was better than the India Special and felt at least a little more like a car show again.
  13. Ask her if she does "private work" and publish her responses on here.
  14. Our biggest rivals are in the Championship because they are shit and it is where they belong. Their current manager knows how to get teams promoted, but I disagree that they play "good football" they play "winning football" - I wouldn't confuse the two. As for your comment about the owner. Grow up you child - you weren't moaning with MON at the helm now were you? I've seen this Put forward before and it's basically shit. I didn't moan when MoN was here because at that time things looked good. You can only judge what you see and back then we looked like we were going places and had a plan. Since then it's become clear we were run poorly financially and we've since gone and appointed two shit managers. Such a weak argument by the randy fans. Yes things looked good in the past but I bet there were elderly women who thought Harold shipman was a good doctor at some point. So Mcleish was in charge of blues for 3 and a half years and spent money but they're in the championship because they're shit? Nothing to do with the manager then? In the last 6 games they've scored a ridiculous amount of goals, you're going to argue that's not good football? We had a plan... but St Martin **** it up by paying dross like Beye £40k a week to sit on his arse, sadly, he wasn't the only one. We have a bigger wage spend than Spurs... on worse players. Randy, rightly, started to tighten the purse strings, MON bailed. Anyway ON topic, AM needs time to put HIS stamp on the team, apply HIS methods and buy, finance permitting, HIS players. So far he's only had two windows to do this, and clearly there isn't much investment to be found. So what the Blues are scoring goals and winning games. Even skint they are one of the richest clubs in the division thanks to the parachute payments. They SHOULD be pissing it. McLeish also dragged that shower of shit to a Carling Cup final and won it. Bad managers don't win trophies.
  15. And therein lies the distinction. Harry's offence is one of failing to declare.... which is a lesser offence than that of obtaining benefit by deception. One crime is a crime of concealment, one is a crime of deception and there is a subtle difference there. Hmmmm, very strange viewpoint, surely most benefit fraud is a case of concealment of the real facts, in order to obtain public money through deception, and most tax evasion is concealment of the real facts with intent to deceive the public purse out of income, so in both cases there is concealment with the intent to fraudulently deceive, the usual difference is the people who tend to commit each type of fraud, one usually has access to far more favourable justice than the other despite their crimes usually involving significantly larger sums of money. Back on subject, I love the old defence so often used by the mega rich wheeled out today, the one about because I've paid loads in tax there is no way i'd intentionally avoid paying tax bullshit. It may be strange but that is the legal position. "Cheating the public revenue" is a very old offence - but HMRC like it because it carries the option of an unlimited fine. They have other charges available under the Fraud Act but they carry lesser punishments. Redknapp has been charged on the basis that he failed to declare to HMRC he had an income/asset. There is no deception involved. A person fraudulently claiming benefit to which they were not entitled has to give false information to obtain said benefit. There is a lesser offence of failure to notify a change of circumstances which is similar to the case 'Arry is charged with, but that offence carries a lesser sentence than "Cheating the Public Revenue" 'Arry and Mandaric's claims that it was a "loan" is clearly bollocks. Why would a guy earning £4m a year need to borrow £375k? Also, if it was a loan - where was the contract?
  16. OT VT Other Football Games Techroom
  17. Our biggest rivals are in the Championship because they are shit and it is where they belong. Their current manager knows how to get teams promoted, but I disagree that they play "good football" they play "winning football" - I wouldn't confuse the two. As for your comment about the owner. Grow up you child - you weren't moaning with MON at the helm now were you?
  18. The new BBC Sport Website Yuk It looks like a kid with ADHD designed it.
  19. I was getting annoyed by them all coming up to me and asking for a dance, so i asked her why I should get a dance with her. "There's plenty of girls in here, what's better about you? Sell yourself to me" In my drunken head it sounded like banter. But yeah, they threw me out for that! Oh and I lied about the number. Well, sort of. i did get a strippers number, but only because my mate told her I was a regular and came in every week (which isn't true!) so she just wanted some repeat business. I'm counting it though! To be fair.... "Sell yourself to me" could have sounded like an indecent proposal! Good work though. And no. That doesn't count (unless you've shagged her)
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