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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Depends on the copper to be honest. My job brings me into contact with quite a lot of them, there is a huge difference. I've seen PCSO's chatting calmly to a bloke with his car boot rammed full of drugs, the guy was sat on the curb, nice as pie. Then the clearings in the woods in the Volvo's show up and within 3 minutes they've provoked the bloke into decking one of the coppers and he's face down on the tarmac in cuffs. All totally unneccasary - and the sargent thought so too. But then some of the folks in CAIU are the nicest guys I've ever me. Horses for courses I suppose. A general rule - PC in uniform = clearing in the woods. Out of uniform = good bloke.
  2. Aston Villa brand condoms; "for when you need everything to stay behind the ball". Problem is they will just leak at the back.....
  3. Eames

    Valentines Day

    Will you not send her flowers to work? :winkold: She'll be at her day job working at the charity run homeless shelter, so nah. OH so her day job is a Recruitment Consultant? :winkold:
  4. Under Armour..... who are they? Doubtless some pissant little company. Clearly a sign they are going to get relegated. Also, most of spend our working lives trying to afford Italian designer gear - now the Villa have made it possible and everyone's upset.
  5. There's a lot about the snow that pisses me off. I've probably posted them before, but here goes 1. People who drive ridiculously slowly because there's snow. Ok, I shouldn't complain because people are just being careful. But on Saturday I was behind someone and they were going so slowly I couldn't keep my car in second gear because it was stalling. 2. People who decide that because it's snowing, it's easier to walk in the road than on the pavement. What the **** is wrong with these people? What benefit does that give them? If there was one time I'd rather not be in the road, it's when it's snowy and icy! 3. People who come into work in casual clothes because it's snowing. **** off. 4. The fact that people forget that the snow sucks. Facebook on Saturday at 3pm: "YAY! SNOW!" The same people at 7pm: "I hate the snow!" Idiots 5. The media coverage of it. OMG Snow! Yes, it happens every year. By all means tell us traffic updates or disruptions, but apart from that, no-one cares I could probably go on 1. I have snow mode in the 4x4. Get out of my **** way BMW boy. 2. Get out of the **** way. See point one. Do you like hospital food? 3. This today is me. Casual as they come. But I'm the boss. So deal with it. 4. 200 items on my news feed about snow. Yes. Well spotted. Pricks. 5. Indeed. Pricks.
  6. People bitching about driving in the snow. Suck it up bitches. Don't moan or don't drive.
  7. Captains in football are a bit pointless - but Joe Hart for me. Build for the future.
  8. Well that idea went straight out the window last night lol I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. :d'oh:
  9. If you've only been together 7months try renting first. Then if one or both of you need to bail its easier.
  10. Eames

    Snow Watch!

    Nothing in Kent. sledge purchased in eager anticipation.
  11. THEY ARE WINNING. Just like they never moaned about Eck's football in the Championship because THEY WERE WINNING. If we were sat in 6th place not a single **** would be given about the "negative" football.
  12. Probably not BOTH sets of fans Wiggs. Can't see too many takers to the offer "we're going to lock you into a stand...... tool up your bitterest rvials and then set them on you whilst we watch" No deal Noel.
  13. Enough about Liverpool fans.... no one cares. I think the Egyptian situation clearly has a political element to it. They had rockets in the ground FFS.
  14. Eames

    John Terry

    Thats half of the fun...... oh and On Topic..... John Terry - BOOOOOOOO!!!!!
  15. Clicky here if you like a challenge or want your morning at work ruined........ This is tough.......
  16. Eames

    John Terry

    How are you going to plead? Very good. I really should stop flapping my knob out in public shouldn't I.
  17. Eames

    John Terry

    To be fair its probably just the first available space. In Magistrate's court defenders and prosecutors have no say in when a trial is held. You get the date you are given. I've got cases I'm booking into Court now and my 1st available date is May 5th. Besides, its not like England are going to win the Euro's or make the final so that is no worry at all.
  18. I would suggest that YOUR expectations dropping is a very good thing indeed. And the "the newly promoted team" was managed by the very man many wanted here..... and we battered them. Absolutely battered them. We were very very unlucky and Warnock's OG IS NOT AMs fault. So our "shit/McClueless/GC" manager put out a team that played great football and battered Mark Hughes and his team. You can't have it both ways my friend.
  19. Email cablemystreet@virginmedia.co.uk and pray. They're slowly expanding the network to cover gaps in the network, but it's pot luck if you can get service. Your best bet is to email that address with your details and they'll let you know if it's possible. They have a maximum allowance they can spend per customer to get an install done, so if you can get your other neighbours that can't get it to also sign up you'd stand more chance. Not exchange. Exchanges are a BT thing. With cable it's the street cabinets. 150 yards is nothing really, they were probably fobbing you off. If you were running too many devices they can always run another drop cable to your property. Also, it's not necessarily fibre to the street cabinet you're connected to, often the network is split up so there's one optical node in a neighbourhood, which is then linked via coax to other distribution nodes, where you'll then be connected to. Exchange, Cabinet, potaytoh, potartoh meh.....
  20. Yeah it's not my cup of tea, I was only there because I was on a Stag do. Although this particular one DID touch, which is why it was good. licking, biting, kissing, nipple in the mouth to name the cleanest things she did! But yeah, ultimately I agree with you. I'd rather go to a club and find a girl who'll do that, and the rest, for free!
  21. In directly that is more than likely. Without the 4-7 Old Firm games a season each club financially would be screwed. No TV interest, lower gates at Celtic if Rangers go bust.... it would effectively be the end of Scottish football. Happy Days.
  22. The thing to remember about fibre optic is that it won't be f/o right up to your front door. It will only be f/o to your nearest exchange. My old house was about 150yrds from the exchange and that was about the very limit of Virgin's capability, even with their mahoussive non-standard cable. Granted we ran the TV,phone and BB off the same line but we had many an issue and engineer visit. Since we've moved nearer to an exchange its perfect, and **** me, is 50MB broadband GOOOOOOOOOOD
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