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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Well thats just **** stupid. 3 defeats in 55 and he's been sacked?
  2. Eames

    General Chat

    There appears to be some secret internet tomfoolery afoot of which sadly I have no knowledge. And what has Rick Astley got to do with anything?
  3. Eames

    General Chat

    Que? Why would you do that wrong? Me no understand......
  4. Eames

    General Chat

    Think it depends on the number. My work phone I give in the 5-3-3 format My personal phone I give in the 3-5-3 format becuase the 5 are consecutive numbers.
  5. Eames

    General Chat

    Yeah.... just like people who can't keep hold of the shift key.......
  6. Yeah youll get it. Tip, get as much of the stuff as you can!
  7. Eames

    General Chat

    ...is the right answer. If you show Wiggy two glass jars - one tall and thin, one short and wide - even if you demonstrate that they both hold exactly the same amount of water, they will still insist that the taller one is "bigger". Fixed
  8. :winner: One Internet to the Moonman!
  9. Eames

    General Chat

    Surface area..... more of the cheese is in contact with your tastebuds... therefore the flavour in more intense.
  10. . Thats surprising actually. I wouldn't have thought strippers would have been all that busy on Valentines day.....although there are plenty of lonely men around too...... :winkold:
  11. I'm sure he does, hence his complaint. You see, Britain's nuclear deterrant is maintained by Trident. A submarine based weapons delievery system. We have never had ICBMs - our weapons delievery system has always been sea based since Polaris. Prior to that is was Skybolt and Bluestreak which were Air based weapons delievery systems. Yes we can nuke the Argies from anywhere on the globe using the subs, but sending one of our subs to the region is more about a little reminder about the Belgrano rather then a threat of smearing BA off the map. On a total side note a fun fact.... the Belgrano saw action in one of the key battles of WWII. A small prize to the person who can tell me which one.....
  12. Most peoples problem is portion sizes. Eat less than you do, reduced carbs and "beige foods" and do a **** ton of exercise if you want to lose weight. Less in, more exercise. Simples.
  13. Yes. Given that a county stupidly rich in Oil has decided that nuclear is the way forward.... what on earth could they be doing? Especially since they already have the capacity to enrich to well beyond civilian requirements and are well on their way to weapons grade. A new Iran/Israel war be go to the nukes very quickly.......
  14. You need the battles Stevo. As the game progresses you will need to level like a mutha so battle away. The best is yet to come........
  15. Near Pluckley in Kent. Britain's most haunted village allegedly. Not bad for a shit camera phone.....
  16. Maybe don't tell the court/police any of that eh? Jeez, you're a defence brief's dream aren't you. :oops:
  17. Eames

    General Chat

    You say that like it's a good thing. This is petrol station food we're talking about here, on a par with in-flight meals and a trip to Wimpy. Oh I don't know. A well deployed Ginsters does wonders.........
  18. IIRC you have exceed the limit by 30mph before you are in bansville.... ?
  19. It doesn't matter why the speed limit was reduced. It was. ITS A STRICT LIABILITY OFFENCE. You were speeding.... therefore you are Guilty. Pay up and I'm sorry to say, shut up.
  20. 5 managers in 4 years does not a successful club make. Yes the football has been mostly shit. Yes the results are crap. But he's not had enough opportunity to sort the situation out yet. If we are still shit at Christmas (and in the Premier League) then that is the time to make the decision to get rid.
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