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Everything posted by Eames

  1. In the UK we have right wing and a loopy right wing politicians too. We have a voting system that doesn't actually represent the people, a pathetic honours system, a monarchy, no separation of church and state. Shall I go on. How **** dare we Brits, sit at our computers taking the piss out of America. :shock: Eh? What? Nurse!!!!!
  2. Doesn't have to have been Randy, could have been Deadly at the helm.
  3. There are a couple of long drawn out story elements but they are integral to the game. The worst bit for "talky bollocks" is still to come. Believe me.
  4. Hmmm so is my penchant for enormous black schlong still acceptable? I believe it means this, yes. Can you report back your experience? It was like having my intestines skeward by a bollard....... I'll never be the same again.
  5. Hmmm so is my penchant for enormous black schlong still acceptable?
  6. Interesting thing about that picture, is the banner on the left..... "Once Scum - Always Scum" and "SOTC" Funny how the hatred of McLeish has nothing to do with his time at the Blues now though does it?
  7. Eames

    General Chat

    Using a Courier? £12 and half crate of lager?
  8. That's a little hard to believe if I'm honest. I speak only the truth. Spend an afternoon on the Public Gallery in a Magistrates' Court. All sorts of silly **** in there........
  9. Those ones are my favourites, its amazing how many limps start as they enter the court room.... One bloke got his sentence and tried to plead poverty to keep his deductions low, the Clerk asked him of his NI number and he took the keys to his Aston Martin out of his pocket and put them on the desk. clearing in the woods.
  10. Over payment thereof and the extraction of said overpayment from the poor unfortunates.....? Oh yes. Used to just be for those on benefit, ie. we'd recoup all owed monies via deductions from what ever benefits the individual would have in pay. Now though I do both on and off benefit, so for those we can't take what ever we want UGH SORRY what the debtor can afford from benefits, we send charlie and boys round with a baseball bat. Or something. It used to surprise me how often people would mention to me things that I could relate to the work I do, that being overpaid benefits, and benefits in general - it was a genuine shock to discover that the knowledge I have and take completely for granted, that I consider to be 'just work', can sometimes actually be really useful. Ha ha! Excellent. I quite often end up in court with the DWP prosecutors.... its ace watching the scumbags wander in and try to explain their £100ks worth of benefit fraud.
  11. The concept was more of a VT Yellow Pages really.
  12. Over payment thereof and the extraction of said overpayment from the poor unfortunates.....?
  13. Nonce Alert!! That may be me then......
  14. Come in, Welcome. Have a seat. Tea? Coffee? Ok I have no idea if this has Bin Dunne before or not, but since we all know that VT is the font of all knowledge and advice, I thought we could put it all in one place, a sort of Yellow Pages for the hopeless. So the general gist of this thread, if you are comfortable with it, you either a) Post your expertise in a given area or Ask for advice or assistance, and one or all of the great VT community will assist you. Either that or you will at least know who to PM about "that" rash..... Anyway, I'll begin. I suppose my specialisms are Education (schools, Local Authorities etc) and Child Protection (nonce alert etc.) Over to you wonderful wonderful people........
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    It's funny how artists are always over generous to their subjects isn't it? How so? It was a cheap shot at Jenny saying her lego figure was prettier. A bit like kicking the girl you fancy in the playground. (not a euphemism)
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    It's funny how artists are always over generous to their subjects isn't it?
  17. Eames

    General Chat

    He can go to bed once he's cooked me a bacon cheese melt baguette and cleaned the toilet with his tongue! Im also feeling a little frisky! Would Sir be requiring the flying helmet and the wet celery again this evening? Now now sir, that is a bit insensitive. It is cold outside. Give me a few minutes and I'm sure it'll sort itself out.........
  18. Eames

    General Chat

    He can go to bed once he's cooked me a bacon cheese melt baguette and cleaned the toilet with his tongue! Im also feeling a little frisky! Would Sir be requiring the flying helmet and the wet celery again this evening?
  19. What a waste. Could have got a pint of beer for that (over here anyway). Not dahn sahff you can't.
  20. Oh and some bosses need killing with kindness, not a bahamut.
  21. I can confirm for a 100% fact you are spot on. Lets just say the show footballers wives was more similar to real life then people think. For libellous reasons I will say no more. What he set fire to his own tits? :shock:
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