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Everything posted by Eames

  1. 100% self inflicted though. Gave up trying to keep possession and opted for route 1 short cuts. Gave up possession and invited unnecessary pressure. Heartbreaking but utterly avoidable.
  2. Eames


    I don't believe that the European leaders want Greece out of the Euro - once one leaves it weakens the whole concept - but they will certainly be prepared to politics and threaten it if it means they get rid of Tsipras and the rest of his party.
  3. ^^ That would be a hugely sensible way to go. Which is why we won't do it.
  4. There is something hugely dodgy about the relationship between SkySports and SkyBet. SkySports can basically make anything up based on their "sources" and then direct people to SkyBet where useless idiots who have no understanding of odds or gambling patterns will then go and lump on.
  5. Only one, we need at least 5 IMO, and probably more than that. I'll be sure to tell Tim and Tom. They probably haven't even thought about it.
  6. Probably in a minority here but I don't really care if he stays or goes. He's very very good - but I don't love him. He doesn't inspire me like Yorke did - or Deano - or Savo and certainly not that hunky piece of manliness JPA did. Take the money - spend it on the squad and lets move on.
  7. Yep. ITSABH is the only thing that matters before he arrives and once he does its how he plays for us that counts. YouTube clips mean **** all.
  8. Oh **** me I hope thats rubbish. Please Xherdan. Please.
  9. I am one and I have had one. It wasn't the best day at work I have had! Was it like being pelted with a giant red water balloon? This is terrible and amazing in equal measure.
  10. People only follow religions because they've been indoctrinated as children. Why is believing in the God of the Bible and different than believing in Harry Potter, the tooth fairy or the Loch Ness monster? They all have the same amount of evidence. Some people believe in them because we encourage children to accept things they are told without evidence. There's a reason religions are so desperate to run the schools. If they don't, religion will disappear altogether in a few generations. I hope it will anyway as access to the facts is so much easier. The time is well overdue to remove their tax breaks and stop our taxes being given to them to try and indoctrinate future generations. I'm broadly in agreement with you. However religion is capable of being a positive force, albeit mostly on an individual basis. My mums cousin and his wife are committed happy clappy Christians. Proper evangelical types. They "found" God after their two daughters who were both under 8 were diagnosed with a **** nasty genetic disorder that would see them blind deaf and paralysed before they hit puberty. He buried his youngest 2 weeks ago. His eldest wont last the year. Coupled with the fact hes recovered from 3 brain haemorrages and his wife from breast cancer. Twice. I cant blame the poor **** for seeking a higher purpose. That's horrible, however I think something that cruel would have the opposite effect on me. I'd be in the how can God be so cruel/allow this to happen school of thought. Well yeah.... That would probably be my reaction as well.
  11. Is it telling that Delph wasn't used for the models but Benteke was?
  12. 50/50 means that there's as much a chance of one thing as the other. The word you're looking for is "binary" in that it'll be either one option or the other, with no specification regarding the likelihood of either. I can't help feeling like this post might have been a waste of your time
  13. People only follow religions because they've been indoctrinated as children. Why is believing in the God of the Bible and different than believing in Harry Potter, the tooth fairy or the Loch Ness monster? They all have the same amount of evidence. Some people believe in them because we encourage children to accept things they are told without evidence. There's a reason religions are so desperate to run the schools. If they don't, religion will disappear altogether in a few generations. I hope it will anyway as access to the facts is so much easier. The time is well overdue to remove their tax breaks and stop our taxes being given to them to try and indoctrinate future generations. I'm broadly in agreement with you. However religion is capable of being a positive force, albeit mostly on an individual basis. My mums cousin and his wife are committed happy clappy Christians. Proper evangelical types. They "found" God after their two daughters who were both under 8 were diagnosed with a **** nasty genetic disorder that would see them blind deaf and paralysed before they hit puberty. He buried his youngest 2 weeks ago. His eldest wont last the year. Coupled with the fact hes recovered from 3 brain haemorrages and his wife from breast cancer. Twice. I cant blame the poor **** for seeking a higher purpose.
  14. Barca to pay £64m for Pogba according to the Gazzette della Sport.
  15. Fascinating polo fact. Mrs E's horses will chomp through packets of the original variety, but flat out refuse the sugar free ones.
  16. Just read that to, very interesting, wonder who the US brand is? Intuit QuickBooks the new shirt sponsor.
  17. Eames


    Sorry - was meant to be the PDF at the bottom of that page on the link - click that won't let me link it direct for some reason. Agree the press release is empty. A great source, thanks! Funny how our media assiduously avoid bothering us with facts, Some of the proposals definitely seem harsh, like 13% VAT on food. Some of the policies proposed are sensible..... reduction in tax loop holes/dodges, sensible retirement age etc. Some are OTT. IMO the Greek government have overestimated the impact of them leaving the Euro. Most leaders now seemingly prepared to call Tsipras' bluff I would imagine some sort of deal will get done.
  18. Eames


    Sorry - was meant to be the PDF at the bottom of that page on the link - click that won't let me link it direct for some reason. Agree the press release is empty.
  19. Like that - add white laces to the neck line and its perfect.
  20. Anyone have Kauto Star?
  21. Eames


    It really is hyperbole aside of course.
  22. Eames


    Of course he has.....he's promised them everything they want to hear. Don't worry Stelios, you can still retire at 50 from you public sector non job and we'll pension you off until death. Oh Hi Stavros.....nah...don't worry about that tax bill mate I know you meant to pay. The current government got elected on the basis that they will make it all better and there would be no more pain. It was a fairy tale.....and its not deliverable. The rest of the EU won't prop up such a basket whilst barely growing themselves. Especially whilst Britain grows as the poster boy for spending cuts. It's going to go horribly horribly wrong in Athens. Wrong government at the wrong time.
  23. This is VT, you'll never be encouraged to stick your junk in the correct receptacle. [emoji38]
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