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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Eames

    Top Gear

    Really? I've always worked on the assumption dealers tend to be 3rd parties with no links to manufacturers beyond the fact that they sell your product? Surely if they aren't reaching JLRs standards they should be told to sort it? FWIW my local dealer is excellent. Really really pleased. Even let me drive round their mini off road course cos I felt like having a go.
  2. Eames

    Top Gear

    Our dealers are notorious for doing stuff like that. Plus, before the XJ was launched, when customers were asking why it had been delayed, they were telling them that it was because there were big problems and they had dodgy electrics. Not exactly something you want to tell your potential customers! Unfortunately, how the dealerships are run is something we have relatively little control over. Threaten them by saying sort it out or bye bye franchise.
  3. Eames

    Top Gear

    Mother in Law drives the S Line Quattro version. Its lovely. Very very nice.
  4. Eames

    Top Gear

    Mother in Law drives the Quattro version. Its lovely. Very very nice.
  5. Eames

    Murdoch Scum

    Well there's a surprise. And once again, "the public wants what the public gets". In an "Eames agrees with Snowy" shocker... its not really a shock. The Sun is the most popular newspaper in Britain, they've spent millions on TV advertising, its cheap and there is a certain special interest in the first edition. I've no doubt it will take the NOTWs place as best selling sunday paper, but no way will it take 3m in sales every week. Not a chance.
  6. Eames

    Top Gear

    Of course it does. Look at the picture of the rag top Evoque, that in itself explains why the car was a terrible idea from the get go. Not saying it won't sell and be hugely popular.....but so is Justin Bieber.....in fact that is what the Evoque is.... a triumph of image over well, anything else actually.
  7. Eames

    Top Gear

    That doesn't make sense Nor does a rag top 4x4 but they did it anyway.
  8. I get the same sensation in my arm when bowling pace. No issues if I bowl spin. I think with me is a nerve thing..... horrendous burning pain and my arm is useless for minutes afterwards. Horrendous. Haven't bothered to look into it though, since my dazzling off breaks are far more effective than my piss poor "pace"
  9. Eames

    Top Gear

    And that is why the whole **** car was pointless in the first place. Spray it pink and Barbie would lap it up. I hate it.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    Fair comment but Miscellaneous Conversational Frivolity is a bit of a mouthful isn't it?
  11. This. Particularly when a dead soldier gets a mention at best.
  12. There is nothing to commend that "film" by. Cinematic equivalent of a miscarriage. :shock: Rubbish there is far worse to get far more acclaim. Its somewhere on the so bad its good continuum.
  13. Hart© Richards Chahill Jones Baines Young Milner Parker Downing Rooney Bent Subs Green Smalling Walker A Cole Barry Sturridge A Johnson I can't see the hype behind Welbeck, Cleverly and Campbell to be honest
  14. Congratulations Tamuff and Risso
  15. They're comic book characters - isn't it all supposed to be a bit camp? As brilliant as the Nolan Batman films are (and they are - and they do piss all over the previous incarnations) there is something wonderful about Ahhnuld as Mr Freeze and Uma's ridiculous Poison Ivy, Carey as the Riddler. Just shockingly OTT and Camp as Butlins. For me it is a purer interpretation of the artform than Nolan's who again EXCELLENT MOVIES aside, attempt to make real what is clearly fantastical.
  16. 10mins devoted to a dead war correspondent on BBC news feels a bit like self indulgent journalism. A very brave woman, and very sad, but 30% of the bulletin?
  17. I've expressed it very poorly but that is what I was getting at.... Henry is rightly an Arsenal legend, absolutely and grabbed the headlines often correctly. But Bergkamp knitted that team together so well - he was the magic that made that side work.
  18. Henry is the clubs record goal scorer. Played in the PL era with maximum exposure..... people who vote in "Best ever player" polls are generally 13. Hardly suprising that he won it really is it. But scoring a shit load of goals does not an outstanding footballer make. eg. Alan Shearer or Dennis Bergkamp.... who is the better player?
  19. I can quite happily explain how I know he's telling porkies - and I am happy to call him out on that. I could say that Villa play in black and white. That would make me a liar. Its simple really and far from being out of order. Villa's owners/board don't say anything. Ever. Strange then don't you think that "someone important" decides to share all about possible transfer policy with some random in the crowd? Its garbage. Besides who would buy him? Liverpool already have £50m worth of stike force as do Man Utd,Chelsea and Man City more so. He's not a Wenger type player, because he's bone idle. He's been sold by Spurs and Sunderland...... Newcastle have spent heavily on their forward line.... Everton are skint, Norwich, Swansea couldn't afford him or his wages. Thats 11 PL clubs who won't go near him. Where would he go that wasn't a massive step down? Relax. Have a drink. He's not going anywhere. You can call me out as a liar, I really don't give a crap. As I said to Mike, I've been posting on here for years and it really would be slightly out of character for me to suddenly burst into bullshit. Why do you think it is some random in the crowd? Why did we hear nothing from Darren Bent during the transfer window but as soon as it was shut we got one of those lovely powderpuff 'I'm so happy at Villa' pieces up on the website? Anyway, I've said enough already. I don't want to get anyone into trouble so I'll pipe down and revert to 'non-controversial' mode. I'm sorry we see things differently but that is the curse of the ITK. Can't say anything, don't want to get anyone into trouble etc? Its all inferences and half truths. If you are right.... fair play, I'm man enough to say I was wrong.
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