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Everything posted by Eames

  1. Translation: Basically what I want to tell you is that all of my players are shit, but I need to be careful because they'll be reading this, so I'll just allude to that fact that they are shit in the least subtle way possible, and hope they're too stupid to pick up on what I mean. To be fair, Gabby won't be able to read that...... safe as houses.
  2. Eames


    Yeah but you're about 12. Wait until you grow up.... and you will. You will suffer like the rest of us. :cry: am 20 in few months, how time flies! Probably right though, although my Mom and her side are heavy drinkers but don't really get hangovers so hoping I'm the same! You do develop a tolerance and can drink more without it hitting you. I'm 30 this year and get the most horrendous hang overs now. Red wine and/or Stella just absolutely destroy me. Weird thing - Stella in Belgium doesn't...... so I blame the crap they put in the bottles over here.
  3. Eames


    Yeah but you're about 12. Wait until you grow up.... and you will. You will suffer like the rest of us. :cry:
  4. I downloaded "True Football Manager" from Google Play. I elected to use the "Brimingham Villans" figuring that would be us.... (none of it is licenced) 1st season I was told to get a top half finished. Weekly sponsorship income of £320k wage bill about 500k a week. I'm now into my 5th season, having won the title 4 years in a row. Weekly sponsorship income is now £41m, I spend £6.5m a week on wages. Oh and I've done a bit of remodeling at Villa Park - capacity is now 138800 which I sell out every week. And in 5 seasons, no sign of small heath getting into the PL at all. I'm giving up now because clearly its a very silly game.
  5. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you did not just say that in all seriousness did you? Very much THIS! I was looking for a smiley in the original post to indicate it was a joke, but I don't think it was! I stand by my comments, the history of football in this country is littered with the corpses of fancy-dan foreigners with big reputations that haven't fancied the game over here. All I'm trying to say I suppose is that whilst he's playing in a side with Xavi, Iniesta, Alves, Mascherano, Villa, Fabregas and Sanchez he's going to look a bit tasty and have the platform to perform as well as he does.
  6. Completely irrelevant when you actually sit down and take the time to watch him play. His strength, his movement, the tricks, the goals, the slips. I mean shit, for 5'6" he's even fairly decent in the air. Outstanding doesn't come close for me. I think the majority of people who don't believe him to be "The Best Ever" (which is in reality impossible to nail down) are in denial. They can't comprehend the fact that he's alive and playing now and they can watch him every week if they wish to. But it's true, it's the luck of the draw. Go enjoy. Oh I do... like I said, he is an outstanding player. But a great player also influences all those around him, and with the rest of THAT side..... shit, I'd look good. Watch him for Argentina and he has nowhere near the influence on a game because he isn't given the freedom to do it. He has to make up for the failings of others. Like I said, for me, for Messi to be the greatest, he would have to repeat what he is done in a different League.
  7. Messi is an outstanding footballer.... is he the best ever..... for me no. When you play week in week out with probably 4 of the other top 10 best players in the world, it probably helps. Crondaldo has a better goal scoring record in his league but goes unmentioned, and also below the top 4/5 in Spain, you essentially have a bunch of low level Championship standard teams, it is nowhere near as competitive as the PL for example. Barca are 16 points clear of 3rd place, Madrid are 26 points clear - its madness. Looking at the PL, 26 points is the gap between 1st and 7th. Messi is a fabulous player, in not a very competitive league. To be the greatest ever, for me he would need to repeat his performances outside of the best club side in the world. How would he fancy Stoke on a freezing pissy night in December....?
  8. Eames

    General Chat

    You're ok Eames. Men cannot get pregnant :winkold: Hoorah! I'll just keep pumping you until you can taste it then. You love it slut......
  9. Eames

    General Chat

    You're ok Eames. Men cannot get pregnant :winkold: Hoorah! I'll just keep pumping you until you can taste it then.
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    No more so than a condom Shillzz to be fair - plenty of other ways to prevent pregnancy. Have never used one....never would.
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    Something like that.......
  12. Eames

    General Chat

    Like what the Moonster says......
  13. 2 relegations in two years..... what exactly has he got to be arrogant about? Fool.
  14. Eames

    General Chat

    No, no tranny. I didn't on Wednesday/Thursday which is worrying. I'll go for a check asap. It's actually a little disturbing how it's all unfolding. Not the dream situation it sounds but frankly, I can't help myself. Not often I wear my serious hat but perhaps you should refrain from your weekends festivities until you get the all clear. Otherwise you'll be a one man epidemic. Shouldn't be a problem as long as I bag from here on in? It was a serious post so serious hat much appreciated. Depends, if you give/recieve oral you could be spreading all sorts as well. Its not just pokey pokey that may cause problems.
  15. Eames

    General Chat

    No, no tranny. I didn't on Wednesday/Thursday which is worrying. I'll go for a check asap. It's actually a little disturbing how it's all unfolding. Not the dream situation it sounds but frankly, I can't help myself. Not often I wear my serious hat but perhaps you should refrain from your weekends festivities until you get the all clear. Otherwise you'll be a one man epidemic.
  16. Eames

    General Chat

    :shock: Does any of those include the tranny? Hope you're bagging up......
  17. But that rule only applies to curry. Thai food and Mexican stuff I love hot. Chuck on the chillis... not a problem. Just find hot curry deeply unpleasant.
  18. I feel for you. There's a woman who sits near me who says, 'Ooh, having a beer?', everytime she hears me open a can of pop. Like you, I try to be polite, but I could snap one day and end up over-arming the can at her head. The one I get at work is mainly from any other English people. I love Indian food, I am from Brum so this is to be expected. I eat the stuff I like so If I am going to have one or had one yesterday or someone mentions it in passing..... "What did you have ? A mild cream Korma ?" "Korma is too hot for you I reckon !!" "Korma, Korma cameleon" "I had a Madras, Neil of course ate lightly heated goats milk with sugar in" FFS, it's about eating what you like the taste of NOT how hot it is. I dunno, maybe it's because they are not from Brum or something so that should always be taken into account. Totally understand this one. I tend to stick to Rogan/Rezala type heat because I like the flavour. I often get "Be a man - have a Phaal/Vindaloo." No you clearing in the woods, I want to taste my food and enjoy it... not feel like my face is on fire for no reason other than to compensate for my laughable lack of a penis.
  19. Eames

    General Chat

    **Googles "Hilton Hotel Leicester"** Quick.... to the Bumming Mobile!
  20. Eames

    General Chat

    Is that an offer....? :-*
  21. Horrible pub This shit pit is a stones throw from my house. I was chuffed to bits when it closed and I'll be even happier when some developer bulldozes it and turns it into appartments.
  22. Eames


    You need to read the whole thread On Topic I can't appear to be arsed with it really. Africa has always been a total basket case its our post-colonial shame. Problem is, the resources and political will needed to sort it out dwarf anything the UN has had to deal with before. The other issue is that to go armed back into Africa for European nations is a no-no simply because we/they will be accused to trying to re-instate colonialism. That is the real reason we haven't gone into Zimbabwe to sort Mugabe out..... politically, we just can't.
  23. I'd have to join a snooker club just to find an excuse to wear it. B.E.A. Utiful.
  24. I'll be taking you on for that one. That is **** fabulous.......
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