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Everything posted by Eames

  1. May have been a bit harsh on him but this monumentally **** me off yesterday.
  2. OK, there's the 64 Dollar question (maybe worth a poll?) I know what we REALLY want is survival AND a new manager. But let's say that's not an option. If you HAVE to choose, which would you prefer? (A) Relegation and a new manager (for the sake of argument, somebody you approve of) OR ( Survival, but AMcL stays in charge ??? Relegation. The only thing IMO RL and really done wrong is tighten the budget and appoint a manager he thought could play %age football and not dump us in the shit. Basically just to try and keep his investment ticking over. He's failed - and we've been left with a squad of averages and past-its. Send us down, dump the lot. Lets have a confidence builder in the Championship.
  3. As for Mr Grealish.... having seen him fawning over Ferdinand on Twitter last night after out 4-0 humping he can **** right off. The whole squad, manager, players should have been together discussing how such a gutless, pointless, hopless, talentless performance was allowed to take place. Not flirting with Ferdinand on Twitter having spent the evening with him.
  4. What a ridiculous statement that is. If rumours are correct we are paying £67k a week on Emile. A high weekly wage doesn't bring you anything if you are paying it to an absolute tosser. Im 100% confident I could build a team from the PL on players earning >30k a week that would be challenging for a European place. well why aint you a football manager then? I don't look very good in a 3/4 length sheepskin lined donkey jacket. That and that pesky lack of a Uefa Pro Licence.
  5. IMO thats exactly what we need. We couldn't clear out most of the shite in a cost-effective manner without triggering a few "relegation release clauses" No one is going to be daft enough to buy Dunne or Collins off us are they?
  6. Yes would rather get it out of the way now than suffer another year of waiting to go down. Take it? I'd rip your **** arms off. We may even win a few games down there........
  7. B6. Just everything about the game seems rotten at the moment. Disgusted (but not surprised) that Ashley Young would pull a stunt like that against the club that made him. Disgusted at the Chelsea fans yesterday...not just the minutes silence stuff but the Nazi salutes etc. Disgusted at Liverpool. Disguested that the FA Cup final will be between two teams Captained by a racist womanising clearing in the woods, and a Convicted Thug, along with the string of millionaires with dubious histories, Andy Carroll, AShley Cole, Suarez to name but a few. There is no joy of the game anymore in the top flight. Alex, if you do one thing for us, get us out of this horrible, morally bankrupt division as quickly as possible. Open the **** trap door. Best thing that could happen.
  8. I've always tried to be very positive and argued McLeish's corner on occasions (which has been a thankless task) but... the total lack of fight on Sunday was the final straw. I don't mind us getting humped. I knew we would, but to just barely turn up and accept it was a disgrace. McLeish has to go. As does the entire sqaud bar a very select few..... Albrighton, Carruthers, Guzan, Weimann, Gardner, Herd, Baker, Clark, Bannan might be rescuable. I honestly believe that the thing this club needs is a relegation. An excuse to get rid of the dead wood and the non performing Big Time Charlies that we seem to have collected and start again. Clear all the big earners, get a decent young, hungry manager in and start again. Having seen the Spurs/Chelsea Semi yesterday I'm pretty much done with PL football. Lets have a season where we might win something...... even its just a playoff final. UTV
  9. What a ridiculous statement that is. If rumours are correct we are paying £67k a week on Emile. A high weekly wage doesn't bring you anything if you are paying it to an absolute tosser. Im 100% confident I could build a team from the PL on players earning >30k a week that would be challenging for a European place.
  10. That ball is nowhere near over the line in those pictures. Its above the line. The angle of the shot creates an illusion but if there was any doubt the ref should not have awarded the goal.
  11. Eames

    General Chat

    This deserves its own thread. Reply and lets see what crazy shit we can get him to do.... **sharp intake of breath** We need to get him to get a Scuba Steve tattoo or something.......
  12. To make calls on its silly, but I generally use my work BB for that anyway. In the car it'll be bluetoothed. But as a media device its great full HD, portable but pocketable. Was really impressed. Oh and I **** hate my BB. I'm going to have my one.
  13. Just been playing on my cousins Galaxy Note.... want want want want want
  14. Too easy? I think only 15 of the 44 starters finished. Plus 2 fatalities. How is that too easy? Only 40 started, (which IMO is too many 30 would be so much safer) The real problem is that National Hunt horses are getting smaller and lighter, much like their flat racing cousins. There simply not bred to jump and land over hurdles like they used to be, its more about speed. Put Desert Orchid next to Neptune Collonges and the difference would be remarkable.
  15. Disagree with that Bicks. A tribunal for x is much the smart in principle for y. And the lawyers would have been all over it given the level of cash involved. Tribunals cost money, arbitration doesn't. The truth of the Mon situation is that there was probably fault on both sides.
  16. I ask some of the women that ring what colour knickers they're wearing.... seems to get rid of them.
  17. Has shed texted you yet Ingram?
  18. Making the large assumption you aren't related to or have/are smashing anyone pictured..... **** me you know so ugly women!
  19. I'm sure at some point in my posting history i've gone over those points. I just think its strange that a man with no history of doing anything like it before walks out on a club 5 days before a season out of spite and to **** them over. I honestly have no idea how tribunals work but again I would find it strange that we would agree to pay him a large amount of money if he walked out for no reason. I also think the way the club has been run since and the poor decisions made at the browns add support to idea that things changed behind the scenes at villa park before MON left. Like I said I don't get the hatred. The way the club has been run since the day he left shows me where my anger and hatred should be placed. Speaking as somewho who DOES have experience of Tribunals for various matters..... they cost virtual nothing for the appellant to initiate, create massive amounts of **** work for the organisation accused in trying to defend themselves. The possibility that you MAY lose and collect the appellants legal costs as well as any compensation, along with your own costs means that a non-prejudicial settlement out of court is a damn sight cheaper than fighting a case you may have a chance of losing. The decision of AVFC to settle out of court does NOT mean that AVFC acknowledge any wrong doing on their part whatsoever. It could mean that they realised they would lose, but it also could mean that AVFC paid up to settle the issue early given that it would have cost a shit load more to lose. The confidentiality agreement means we will never know the truth. Simply saying AVFC gave up because they knew they were in the wrong is a little too crude an arguement when it comes to all matters legal. The out of court settlement obviously suited both sides.... ie. St. Martin keeps his reputation, and doesn't have to endure a hammering at the hands of AVFC's legal team, the club keeps any blame they are due out of the papers, and everyone moves on quickly and simply. Except the fans of course.
  20. Although.... thinking about it more..... was it an arse worth seeing?
  21. All class in Scouse-land then. :shock:
  22. Rx8s are expensive to run and repair. Its got a Wankel engine so only about a 1.3 IIRC but stupidly power output expensive servicing costs and not very fuel efficient. Oh and ugly as sin.
  23. How many Toon fans would level similar criticisms at Ashley prior to this season? I'm still clinging onto some feint hope that this is all part of Randy's masterplan. I also lick buses.
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