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Everything posted by Eames

  1. As many will know, in economics I lean to the right, and broadly speaking I believe this government is less bad than the last lot. However, this Christian stuff they are starting to come out with really makes me want to vomit. One expects this crap from US Presidents, in part because they are generally less bright than our PMs, but also because they must appeal to their moronic bible belt. Most of the current front bench went to good schools, so I can't help wondering if Cameron and his ilk really believe any of this crap. My guess is that in conversation they would espouse the values of Christianity, rather than subscribe to any of the rubbishy acts of God as recorded in the Book of Big Lies. I thought I'd grown up in a post religious society where these fools were hanging on by their finger tips. Yet nowadays I'm genuinely concerned religion is making a comeback... aided I might add by immigration. You LEAN to the Right? :shock:
  2. it's garbage. they get on fine. Gabby does not like being out wide which is why he is keen on a move Well if he put the **** ball in the net when he DID have the chance through the middle maybe he wouldn't be stuck out wide.
  3. Eithern that or your broadband provider is.
  4. Ronaldo Fabregas Vieira Giggs THAT midfield.........
  5. My opinions below West Midlands Aston Villa - The Greatest Football Team ever to grace the planet. Wolverhampton Wanderers - Dingles. Probably inbred. Possible dog molesters Birmingham City - knuckle-dragging subhuman scum. Certainly inbred. Confirmed abusers of small furry animals. Jasper Carrott enthusiasts. Stoke City - meh. West Bromwich Albion - misguided Blouse fans. One day they will return to the fold. Coventry City - the little kid in the playground desperate to be noticed but no-one really cares about them. Port Vale - a virtual non-entity. Like Stoke but less relevent. Shrewsbury Town - Too small to be of significance. Walsall - Ditto Burton Albion - Ditto Hereford United - Ditto East Midlands Nottingham Forest - I don't have any negative feelings for them but don't really care either. Leicester City - See Wolves but without being Dingles Derby County - See Cov Notts County - See Notts Forest Chesterfield - where? Northampton Town - my place of birth and therefore a place of wonder and mystery. Shame their football team is shite. Have given me some nice old Wembley Playoff Final days out though.
  6. But no employer is going to publicly sya "yes one of our employees is shit and we are going to dump him at the earliest possible opportunity" are they? Hopefully this will be the dreaded vote of confidence.
  7. hallowed be thy name.... Thy Championship come EDIT This has Binne Dunne In Hull, as it is in Donny Give us this day our 3 points And forgive our negatitivy As we forgive those who score 5 against us
  8. I know nothing about Bas Dost but hey, he maybe worth a go. But for every van Persie or van Nistelrooy there is a Kezman or an Alves.
  9. Done it but agreed its not a great list of choices. No Keown for best defender? Beckham's hit and hope from the half-way line as best goal? Two games from this season as the best ever? (The Arsenal 8-2 was just farcical defending not a great game, just a goal every 7 minutes)
  10. Eames

    General Chat

    :shock: Punching above his weight a bit isn't he? Me likey...
  11. Surely everyone can just bring one along.99% of people have computers with printers.... a good test of who gives a shit enough to bother.
  12. auto-erotic asphixiation is great isn't it? :nod:
  13. I'm having a mare here aren't I. Right...... Wherever Catholics go in London - that big **** off church. The one who hates the gays. They can **** off. As can all 8 typing fingers and 2 thumbs for failing me.
  14. Finsbury Park? or Finsbury Park Mosque? And can you point me to the “hateful views” from Westminster Abbey? I meant the Mosque but couldn't be asked to type it. As for the hateful views from Westminster Abbey, shall we start with....... "Grotesque"Gay marriage will shame the UK in the eyes of the world or before I go onto Priests abusing children?
  15. Can I just ask, what is it exactly that makes you like him? I can understand people not disliking him, but why is he specifically liked? You say he's got balls, but how? He's being paid millions. It's not just that though. It's the way he's dragged our name through the mud and, lied and refused to accept any blame. I like his hair and the fact that he hasnt raped my sister.
  16. :shock: So... tens of millions of Europeans agree that the best way to debate multiculturalism is to shoot up an island full of white kids? Riiiiiight. Violence in support of or against a collection of fairy stories is abhorrant, be it the Bible, Qu'ran, Torah, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Aesops Fables or the Mr. Men. He knew what he was doing.... the activity was too well planned, too organised and co-ordinated to be the actions of some nutter with a grudge. He should have no more of platform to speak his hateful views than those who were doing so in Finsbury Park, or Westminster Abbey.
  17. I have watched Villa this season and i agree its shite. But i can't say that i feel personally offended by the whole situation. Im not happy about it but it certainly doesnt drive me to hate the bloke, like i say he has done nothing wrong in my eyes, he's trying to manage the team to the best of his ability which simply isnt good enough. I personally blaim Lerner for the situation we currently find ourselves in. You actually feel hatred towards Alex McLeish? No offence but i find that a little pathetic. He was offered the chance to manage our club, therefore as i said above, i blaim Lerner for it. Each to their own, i mean who am i to tell you how to feel towards someone? I just cant see how you can hate someone for trying to do their best. Maybe i just dont eat, sleep and live Aston Villa like some of you do. Maybe im not as much of a fan/supporter as some of you. I dont know. it is nothing to do with being a 'better fan'. it is like putting a drunk behind a wheel, you know it will end badly and many peoples lives could be effected from it. but what do you say? oh well drunk dave tried his best to drive home despite crashing the car and destroying peoples lives. the ginger gibbon should never have been anywhere near our club , so for that the blame lies soley at the original ginger gibbon, faulkner for giving fat ginger giobbon faulkner all the power the blame lies soley at randys feat. i dont support the bank account, i dont support the sale of season tickets, i support the TEAM, the one person responsible for the team, how it plays, how it is set up, who is picked, what tactics are used throughout the game, the substitutions, the training the preporation all of that lies soley at the feat of the scottish ginger gibbon learner is proving to be stupid faulkner is proving he knows less than **** all about football matters the ginger pale faced gibbon is proving what most of us thought all along, that he is the worst, inept, lying, most snivelling shit stain of a manager this club has had the misfortune to have been appointed apparently though, despite jumping ship from a club he destroyed and then ruining the entire foundations of our club including hinding behind youth players by sending them out to speak up on his behalf, he is a nice man all the evidence points towards him being a **** tw@ of a man but hey ho. I'm sorry.... but what the hell has his hair colour got to do with anything? I see this time and time again on this forum and its just the most pathetic, pointless abuse for the sake of it comment imanginable. If he was black would you be dropping N-bombs all over the place? (I don't actually know the answer so I wont make assumptions either way) He's a crap manager and he should either resign or get sacked, but referring to him and/or PF as a "Fat ginger giobbon (sic)" says more about you than AMc/PF and/or their ability to run a football club. If you actually want to affect change at this football club stop throwing cheap insults because if I was RL, I wouldn't be listening to you either.
  18. Herd, but to be honest, its not an honour any of them should accept this year....... EDIT - Can we not call it the "Making the Best of a Bad Job" Award
  19. Says a great deal when the manager who dumped us in the shit will get a better reception that our current manager .
  20. I know I'm being an arse about this so humble apologies Kev. Good luck to Jack in all his future endeavours. If he would like to ram my criticisim down my throat with a hattrick against Sunderland, and then celebrate by mooning MON I would consider myself suitable chastised.
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